Glitches | Strats | Route Comparisons
Glitches | Strats | Route Comparisons
Atualizado 1 year ago por WagnerBrasil

This guide will present glitches and skips will be presented for beginners or veterans.


Question: What is a Glitch?

Answer: It is when you perform a movement to perform such an action for the player uses it as an advantage taking advantage of it, for example: Crossing walls, skipping scenarios, dialogues, having infinite items and etc.

Question: What is Strat (Strategy)?

Answer: The general strategies and techniques that allow the game to be completed in a dynamic way, which differentiates Speedrun from casual gameplay.

Question: What is Clip/Clipping

Answer: Associated with Glitch, it is a technique that allows you to go through inside collisions/hitboxes (walls, objects, enemies, etc.).

Question: Why Route Comparisons?

Answer: To clarify certain routes, whether they are fast or just printing.


OoB/Clip with guns (Easy Method)

The secret to easier clipping is to move the diagonal downwards (pay close attention to how the character is leaning against the wall without it working this way). Note: the scheme is the same as for the white guns, the difference is that you have to jump direction to the wall you want to clip (pay attention to my inputs to get an idea).


OoB/Clip with a melee weapon (Easy Method)

The secret to easier clipping is to move the diagonal downwards (pay close attention to how the character is leaning against the wall without it working this way and watch my inputs to get a sense of it).


1 Warehouse (Jump Trick)


6 Subway (Pause Exploit)

I found out by accident, I paused twice in a row when I was going to reset the run and realized that the train door opened, and that normally it opens when you kill X number of enemies and wait in the room, so it saves a lot of time.


12 Hacienda (Strat: Enemy Door)

Be equipped with the SAW before the cutscene happens, the guy upstairs will try to escape through the door, aim between the fence that the bullets go through, when you hear an explosion noise is the door on the right side opening.

If it is late you will have to kill 2 or 3 enemies from the floor above to wait for the most important to kill.


Shot in the door (Trick/Strat)

It may sound silly, but maybe you don't know, given a shotgun blast the door opens without having to open it normally, which saves 1 or 2 seconds on your run.


Route Comparisons (Walking)

I decided to make this video clarifying some doubts I had in my gameplays/runs always, I realized the character running slowly or quickly just by my own impression, and if walking backwards would be faster because of the animation.

But I figured it all out and the results are in the video.

0:00 Using melee weapon
0:16 Using a medium weapon with one hand (pistol)
0:34 Using a heavy weapon (machine gun)
0:54 Using medium weapon with two hands (submachine gun)
1:12 Using the 3 main weapons at once


OoB/Clip with guns (Easy Method for Console)

Playing on the console, I discovered a very easy way to get through walls holding a gun

Which is quite complicated to do on the console because of the game's standard inputs, so I kind of reconfigured the commands to my liking, so those who play on an emulator feel at ease, but for those who play on the console it's a matter of habit;

This console video will show you the method and the other one will show you how to get past the "Club" stage without falling into the abyss.

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