Swedenrakv7 years ago

I tried it out and it works very well for campaign, good job! (didn't get autosplitter to work but that's another story)

However, the current loads removal in full-game seems to be different from instant action:

"To take out loading times, you must only take out the times where you have lost control over the game due to loading. There are 2 between every mission.

The first is from clicking "Attack" to when the screen turns black for the pre-mission cutscene. The second is after a mission, from clicking "Yes" to "Quit Game" (to skip the end cutscene and leaderboard) up to when the "Save Game?" dialogue appears."

My interpretation of this is that the time between the loading screens (the menuing where you see a spinning planet) counts toward the final time and can't be removed. With that said, I would gladly ditch that part of the rule if it means we could this tool. At the same time one could say that menuing is an important aspect of speedrunning.

Swedenrakv7 years ago

Regarding the aforementioned fix it seems that the game freeze/pause when you hit ALT in fullscreen mode (pressing ALT again cancel the pause, else it takes like 3 s).

In windowed(fullscreen)-mode you don't have this problem, and the game loads faster, BUT it occasionally crashes during loads.

Swedenrakv7 years ago

Rollbacking is always an option, but maybe not optimal if you want to play other games.

There have been other fixes around but the only one working for me at the moment is the one presented in: https://steamcommunity.com/app/6060/discussions/0/152392549361218280/

I've been trying it out this weekend and it seems to be legit. It does cause some lag though with max video settings, but it's totally fine if you lower it.

If you end up using it be sure to read the README as it tells you to extract different files depending on your graphics card.

Swedenrakv9 years ago

Greetings fellow runners.

My first question here is not directly about Diablo and its content, but rather about submitting a video. Some people are very strict about this and SDA for instance, if I'm not mistaken, wants a clean video with only in game video/audio recording.

I've watched some of your runs and, thankfully, it seems that at least a visible split program and audio commentary is allowed. However (and now to my question) I'm wondering if you guys would be okay with further overlay and also other background music than the one in game? Since I'm using OBS for streaming to twitch as well as recording it would be kind of nice, at least for myself. :)

Kind regards /rakv

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