rainbowsprinkz1 year ago

A randomizer for gym leader castle, as well as all rental Pokemon. Combine with rental rando for best outcomes.

This is a randomizer for Pokemon Stadium 2. What this does is randomizes movesets of all rental Pokemon. In addition, all the Pokemon belonging to trainers in the Gym Leader Castle have been randomized along with their movesets. This creates a new ROM for you in a ROM folder in the directory where the original was. THE ORIGINAL IS NOT MODIFIED. Also, runners can share their experience without sharing ROMs by the seed entry option. 0 is random.

Rentals are now randomized everywhere.

There is also a neat feature where you can choose trainer names and the trainer names are randomized from that pool. 11 characters is the limit. Any longer names will be cut off at randomization time. Also removed are strings of length 1 or lower.


-Text gets changed to purple automatically when a Pokemon knows a move it shouldn't.

-Pokemon portraits (the icon in the HUD) are bugged. This is merely aesthetic. This was a result of randomizing the Pokemon.


Seed number does not take into account checkboxes/names

Github: https://github.com/mike19283/Pokemon-Stadium-2-Randomizer

Image: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/1ab817fb08d9b4208a7a868a0111f0ad0678c10bea1b131ccc687b9d8b517434/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f716274565664612e706e67

O rainbowsprinkz
1 year ago
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