United StatesmynameisAndy3 years ago

Hey I don't really feel like retiming every single run anymore. We're just gonna use the honor system. If you notice a run is way off just let me know.

Use this page to time your runs https://slashinfty.github.io/yt-frame-timer/

United StatesmynameisAndy3 years ago

What is everyone's opinion of this category?

I didn't create it, and the moderator who did create it gave up this leaderboard.

To me, it looks exactly the same as an Oil Company run. Also, I don't even know if the category is to have $1 Billion on-hand, or to have earned $1 Billion total.

Everyone is allowed to give their opinion in this category here.

Also, anyone is allowed to submit ideas for other categories.

United StatesmynameisAndy3 years ago

Try another one

United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

Hi I'm Andy and I recently acquired this leaderboard. Looking forward to cleaning up this game to make it better than ever!

I verified all pending runs the previous moderator never got to.

Quick reminder for everyone when submitting times: Don't forget to add a "0" after your milliseconds. If your lap time was 57"50, for example, please input that as 57s and 500ms. If you inputted the milliseconds as 50ms, your time would show up as 57s and 050ms. If you forget, though, don't worry! I will be checking it anyway :]

I urge you to check out Daniel Yamnitz on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAZpKDAvDVo6SKrFHwsa4Dg

He is one of the top players of this game, and perhaps the best recorded player ever.

Let me know if you have any questions about the game, or if you have more information about game differences, because I am still learning myself.


NightEagle13000 to się podoba
United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

I changed "Gold" to "PC/PS4" and "No Gold" to "Mobile" because these were essentially the same thing. There are too many differences between PC and mobile AdCap to keep them on the same leaderboard.

Most people I asked said this would be a better change.

Most people's placement on the leaderboard will be unchanged, notably the top placements.

If more people try to submit runs without Gold, Time Warps, or boosts, I will separate those again.

If more people submit runs on PS4, I will separate those.

United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

I would like to propose a rule change to prohibit the use of Time Warps in No Gold categories.

On mobile versions of the game, a free Time Warp is currently available upon starting a game, without requiring Gold. This free Time Warp is not available on the Steam version of the game.

The purpose of the No Gold subcategory is to differentiate runs that use Gold to useTime Warps and finish the run faster. Using Time Warps in a No Gold run causes the run to essentially play just like a With Gold run.

The free Time Warp for mobile players is unfair to players who play on Steam.

If we make this change, the "Gold" subcategory will be renamed to "With Time Warps" and the "No Gold" subcategory will be renamed to "Without Time Warps."

Please vote in this thread if you are FOR or AGAINST this change.

FOR - Ban the use of Time Warps in No Gold runs. AGAINST - Continue to allow the use of Time Warps in No Gold runs.

Voting ends at the end of July 2020, or when a 51% majority toward either side is reached. You must have a run on the leaderboard for your vote to count. You may submit a run during this period in order to vote.

Overherb3 i sawyer_speedrunz podobało się to
United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

The fast strumming section of Green Grass & High Tides has more notes than the engine allows.

Source: The top player of this game and song says so in the description of his video here.

Here is the leaderboard for this song. In 13 years, no player has hit 100% on Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii, in the original game.

Only one person has ever hit 100% of the notes on a PS2 emulator. No one will ever be able to submit a run to this category.

teh_supar_hackr i RaggedDan podobało się to
United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

In this game, in Career Mode, if you win your Division you get promoted to the next Division. If you win Division 4, 3, 2, and 1 you become the World Champs.

I just did a run of this, it takes about 50 minutes. I will upload it to YouTube if it seems like a good idea to add. If nobody like this I won't bother uploading it.

TheAlmond to się podoba
United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

The rules state you must have 8 members in your party. Which of these is correct, then?

  1. You must play with eight different humans.
  2. You must simply have eight "players" in the game, but they can be controlled by anyone.

If option 1 is the rule, how will this be enforced? Does every player need a SRC account?

United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

The rules say the timing starts when you select 1 Family Game. Does that mean selecting 2 Family Game is not allowed?

United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

Since there are no rules defined, these are what I suggest.

  • Timing starts when your cursor disappears after clicking Paprika on Disc 1
  • Timing stops when your cursor appears after reaching the Land of Great Discovery
  • Changing any of the difficulty settings by pressing "S" on the Pathway selection screen is not allowed
  • Pressing ESC to skip cutscenes is allowed
  • You can only have one Disc running at a time. You must close Disc 1 before opening Disc 2.
teh_supar_hackr to się podoba
United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

Pretty sure this is speedrun.com. Delete this game from the the website. Post your scores somewhere else.

United StatesmynameisAndy4 years ago

This category has absolutely no competitive value. Because of the manip, you just have to hit a one-second window.

A 90-year old grandmother can hit a one-second window. This category is meaningless.

An idea to change it is to make it mandatory to show the current date somewhere in the recording. This date must be at least the same month as the current month.

At least don't make this category the first category people see when viewing the leaderboard.

natgoesfast, Otterstone_Gamer i 3 inne podobało się to
United StatesmynameisAndy5 years ago

They're all empty, and nobody will ever complete them because they are unrealistic.

The only way to realistically complete any of those categories is to buy gold with real money which would be dumb.

Also, add to the rules for Oil Company banning Mega Tickets. These would allow the category to completed in less than two seconds.

United StatesmynameisAndy6 years ago

Is using a timer required when submitting a run? Does this rule differ by game?

If you accidentally reset the timer during a run, is the run invalid?

O mynameisAndy
6 years ago
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