hungryhyena781 month ago

If you are wondering where the official speedrunning discord is for ADGAC, it is currently being remade after having horrible ownership in the past. Stay tuned!

Guys we did it. Main server is deleted and it's now time to reform this community and bring it back. Thank you to everyone who took part in revolting against such a selfish person.

The new server should hopefully be linked soon in speedrun.com!

dmrd, flashhh i 8 inne podobało się to
hungryhyena781 month ago

If you don't support Fleckzi as the current owner of the main speedrunning discord, then join this discord as protest:

We currently have 21 people and everyone is welcome. We do not support Fleckzi as the current owner of the main discord and he needs to transfer ownership to Adni or another trusted member of the community. Everyone in the discord agrees so far that Fleckzi has not done his part as a LEADER of a community. The community is in his hands and he is refusing to give ownership away out of cowardice of self reflection and accountability.

This community has so much potential and it's being dragged through the mud by an incompetent leader.

Fleckzi has:

  • Done nothing for the speedrun.com page for this game. Valmerix made it known to me that Fleckzi truly has no idea what he's doing or how to use the site.

  • Banned two caring community members for COMPLETELY absurd reasons.

  • Has created an unsupervised environment in the main discord that is poorly moderated due to his incompetency and unwillingness to take action.

  • Constantly shown a lack of true leadership skills. He has been afraid of responsibility and he has been ignorant of anyone who opposes his ideas.

Message to Fleckzi: Just because you have all of the power from owning the discord, doesn't mean you can't do the right thing and take some accountability for being so blind to what is around you. A leader should lead and all you've managed to do is bring some of the most dedicated people in your community down. It's insane how many people I've spoken to throughout the weeks who agree with what I'm saying. Making some channels and moderating a discord isn't enough when you have an entire community at your fingertips. Show them that you care by putting the right people in charge.

(Paragraph above is from a document I wrote on Fleckzi's ownership status half a month ago that I never released). (April 17th to be exact).


TheLouieCopeland, Hachimen i 12 inne podobało się to
hungryhyena782 months ago

It has been proven that you can beat ADGAC while only grabbing with your left hand. We should have a category for it so that the most daring folks in the community can have a crack at it. The skill ceiling for the game is already high, and it would be cool to see how consistent and fast people can become with only the left hand being used for grabbing.

kekprod, CAKEC0DER i 3 inne podobało się to
hungryhyena782 years ago

So I just got a world record out of the blue on Marble Blast Ultra. Unfortunately I'm not sure if the current moderator is active. I've sent a friend request on discord along with commenting on a 7 month old YT vid. The last world records were put in 3 years ago.

With this in mind, will my run even get verified? Here's the run: Category: Single Level Level: Frictional Concerns

hungryhyena782 years ago

To encourage more people to get WRs or anywhere on a leaderboard from 1st to 3rd place, “Speed Points” should be given to an account that achieves these placements. 1st place = 3 Speed Points, 2nd = 2, and 3rd = 1. For example, a person who has 3 world records (1st) and a 2nd place speedrun would get 11 Speed Points total. This person would be put on a GLOBAL leaderboard to compete for more speed points against others across the world. Thoughts?

O hungryhyena78
7 years ago
1 day ago
Uruchomione gry
Marble Blast Ultra
Marble Blast Ultra
Ostatnia próba 2 years ago