CanadaZadex91 year ago

If there's one thing that's clear, it's that Fatty Bear is nice and polite. A pretty considerate fellow. So he's a kind alien! Maybe he's just trying to HELP these people become happier, more productive members of society? If you ask me, he deserves some respect! And even though he's a little bit strange sometimes...I'd say we should give him a chance to prove himself! Let's hope he stays here and becomes our friend.

The truth will be revealed soon, guys! You'll find out what else I've dug up in my next post, and maybe someday enjoy my Fatty Bear music videos: "Dance Party" & "Belly Flop." They're guaranteed to put a smile on your face! I might make music with the piano in the living room.

CanadaZadex91 year ago

So what if the Fat Bear is actually an AI sent by aliens as part of an experiment to observe human behavior? It was created to look cute and cuddly but it turns out not everything goes according to plan. The AI gets into the house after being accidentally left behind during a mission and starts spying on its creators while they sleep. At first, it tries to learn how humans live, but then it begins to realize something isn't right. Its creators don't seem happy or satisfied with their lives; instead, they're always stressed and unhappy. After observing them I believe Fatty Bear made a concsious decision to help this dysfunctional family?

Why do I think they're dysfunctional? Well, they're heavy enough sleepers to not hear the rucus of a dog running around the house with CHOCOLATE chips! Also, they let that poor thing alone in the kitchen without airholes! What were they thinking? The house is not safe for their spawn kid either, because the laundry chute is at the same height of a small child. A kid could get stuck in there! Fire hazard anyone? Also there's a snake under the couch, and I also think there might be a lion in one of the kitchen cupboards.

CanadaZadex91 year ago

My theory is that Fatty Bear is alien, and that is because the UFO references in this game are too numerous to be coincidental. Other reasons why the fat bear could be a robot/alien thingy is because he can move without walking, has no temptation to eat the cake (he doesn't need to eat), his eyes are all white with black irises like a camera lens instead of having brown ones which would make sense for a typical doll. He also seems very knowledgable about the inner workings of suburban homes compared to other characters and there have been many times when he appears to talk using symbols that only someone who knows binary code would understand so maybe he really does come from outer space? Also you never see him eating anything throughout the entire game though there's food around him constantly.

CanadaZadex91 year ago

So I have a theory that Fatty Bear is an alien

CanadaZadex91 year ago
Ten komentarz został usunięty
CanadaZadex91 year ago

You go for the ribbon first and then follow this by heading to the kitchen.

Once the dog is released from the box, this triggers the first phase of RNG of missing letters scattered across rooms. You want them to be ideal for your intended route.

The second phase of RNG will be a random object (of three) missing from the kitchen cabinet. The object you want to be missing is the mixing cup, as it can be found in the bathroom along your standard route.

The missing objects are always found in the same place, and the least desirable is the mixing bowl which appears in the garden and adds an extra step of cleaning the dog afterwards.

Don't grab the chocolate chips before the dog is handled as he will take them!

The slowest part of the run is the mixing of the cake.

You want to blow the balloons and add the letters last.

Once the last letter is placed, the timer ends.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

I am providing an update that this server has been superseded by the now official Humungous Sports server, started by Meerkat a short time after.

I appreciate Yoda's contributions from his humble Dagobah abode, both with his excellent speedruns and personal precursor Discord server. I was personally always curious what he was up to in that derelict swamp of his and was surprised to find him here. For us swamp denizens of green countenance, Backyard Baseball seems to hold an inviting fondness in our puppet hearts.

Yoda, it seems for us that Backyard Baseball was a mutual passion (besides from composing music with branches and cooking miasmic beetle based stews) In fact, I believe it is evident that you always had a fondness for baseball based antics.

I eagerly await an update on your bog related activities.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

It is indubitable that the addition of this new category was a success! A bountiful array of categories allows the game to fountain into a spring of inviting choice and merriment.

While the nine-inning category differs little from length of play and some considerations on the part of roster and batting lineup: the agreement of its addition was good. For those who struggle in the big leagues of the 6-inning, they may create their own arena of combat less observed from the common eye!

I myself am considering to propose the implementation of an eccentric category which I have temporally dubbed 'Reese%'. It would be a challenge to see how long it takes for the physically destitute Reese to achieve a homerun.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

I have chronicled a history of this eclectic board and will endeavor to share it here in a brief format: the story of the board started when Meerkat opened it in around 2017, and has since been semi-active.

Thank you.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

Greetings, I am another player and I too search to solve this enduring mystery of blimptastic heights.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

I couldn't find the official manual of the game anywhere on the internet, but I managed to stumble upon it today:


CanadaZadex92 years ago

I'm ignoring you until you upload a run.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

I'm ignoring you until you upload a run.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

Wow. Okay, nowhere in that quote do I say this is mario. Seriously.

You know what, I don't need to give criteria but I could write a damned treatise on this game. And maybe I will make a post about that. This game far exceeds the depth and complexity of most other games given you have the right point of view. It is so complex but it has layers and there's always more to uncover. There are no joke, different angles that can be incorporated when jumping towards ladders. That is just the tip of the iceberg of what we've uncovered on the discord. But you wouldn't know that, becuase you're not there.

You know what, if we work together this game CAN surpass Mario 64. We can make this the most runned game on this whole site! And it's because of people like YOU that make such things difficult. You come here and attack me on my thread and all I was doing was celebrating our victory and you paint it out to be a loss.

The fact of the matter is that you have not yet uploaded a run.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

Where did I say this game was mario?

CanadaZadex92 years ago

The thing is, the depth of this game really super comes out when you speedrun it. It's like a folded tshirt, which is small but once you unfold the tshirt it becomes bigger. That's the best analogy I can think of. So I'm wearing the tshirt. I like this game and I understand its depth and creativity, maybe you don't. If you played the game we would have another player and that would be awesome. If you don't want to, that's ok. But don't come here and rain on my parade, we should be celebrating this population boom. A year ago this game had zero players. This game is a masterpiece and deserves more recognition, everyone on this site should be playing it. I don't think I've seen your username on the discord

CanadaZadex92 years ago

Upload a run and then we'll talk

CanadaZadex92 years ago

Okay, Mr. Gerbil, I can see that you're cranky today. Maybe if you actually played the game, you would get excited too. Not only that, but our population would quadruple.

CanadaZadex92 years ago

What's wrong with being enthusiastic I don't care about the straight numbers

CanadaZadex92 years ago

Okay clearly not exploding enough for anyone to reply to my thread

O Zadex9
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