Texas, USAWave_SA8 years ago

My apologies. I wanted to put some time into this project over the summer but I just have not had the time I thought I was going to have. So I'll have to put this on hold. Sorry all.

Texas, USAWave_SA8 years ago

After I finish up with my quick shot handgun analysis I can put some work into finding the speed differences between the difference fps modes. Hopefully this week. Family is in town so my time has been limited.

I can say this though. I originally started playing with v-sync on at 60 fps and when I swapped to v-sync off with variable fps my splits dropped immediately even when I routed poorly.

Texas, USAWave_SA8 years ago

Mentioning the difference of AI at different FPS does bother me though with making videos. Since I only have the PC version and I have no intention on buying a console the only videos I would be able to make would have to be for the PC version only. So it leaves a bit of a dark spot I will not be able to cover.

I'd definitely like to see your elder crimson strategy in action though.

Texas, USAWave_SA8 years ago

That sounds pretty similar to what he was doing. I found the spot in his past broadcast where he was testing it.

at around the 1:16:50 mark.

It looked like the first attack could either be slash or grab but if a slash happened you could go to the back side of elder crimsons right foot and it was a guaranteed grab. This sounds very similar to what you are describing and it seems you have known about it for awhile but at the same time Carcinogen had no idea about it. That is another thing I would like these videos to do is to consolidate all the tech all the runners currently have if possible.

I also do not mind if we get off topic a little bit. I am just happy I have been able to post and talk about my thoughts. I ask questions in some of the streams I watch but I know it is difficult for streamers to respond to me amidst their viewers and I also do not want to overwhelmingly ask questions and become a nuisance.

Texas, USAWave_SA8 years ago

Ah I see the rules clearly when I check out the categories now. Whenever I would look at those pages I was more concerned with looking at fastest runs and reviewing the submitted video for said run and learning from it. It might stand out more if there was something like a larger font in bold that contrasts well with the background that might say something along the lines of "CATEGORY RULES, PLEASE READ!!!" and then list off the rules. It probably would not hurt to just have a forum sticky of run rules for the game also. I know it sounds repetitive to post the same information in several areas but that also gives more chances for new people to notice the information. This is just a suggestion though and I in no way shape or form want it to come off as I am telling people what to do.

As far as you reviewing videos I would greatly appreciate that. As I said before this is going to be a learning experience for myself to help me run the game more efficiently and sharing my findings. For some people the depth might not matter such as quick shot handgun. It is simple to say that it is faster and this is how you do it. While that is very useful to know and people most likely do not need anymore information in that regard I would like to go a little further and find out the frames of it, the time save, and anything else I think could get explored in that regard. In the course of the investigation there is also the potential to find something new or some mechanic that was been missed. As an example I was watching some of Carcinogen's stream last night and it appears he found out a way of manipulating elder crimson head into always going into a grab. Perhaps others knew about this already but it seemed new to him and me as well.

I realize I am a bit bad at explaining myself but I think what I am trying to do is learn the game more in depth than I already know and I want to share what I learn with other people that may or may not find it beneficial for them. Sorry if I wrote kind of a book in these past few posts.

Texas, USAWave_SA8 years ago

Hi Lileya. I do not think you sound like an elitist ass at all and I understand your concern with my limited experience as I would probably voice the same concern if I were you. I also do not want to repeat the same information over again but at the same time perhaps a different approach / multiple approach to presenting the information could be beneficial. Another thing to add on to that is perhaps going a bit further into understanding a particular mechanic and showing how it is better. Also I think some information is only available via text format and I think a visual representation could help. As an example I was unaware when I first began learning the game that the best way to run the game via PC was to turn off v-sync and run at variable frame rate to get 120 fps which makes a very noticeable difference. Maybe I missed it somewhere on the site but it certainly did not jump out at me. Likewise with button remapping for door skip category. I know that deals more with the setup than actual game play though.

With that aside these are some things I wanted to touch on at least with some videos. Quick shot with handgun (frame window, fastest possible quick shot, what is the time save) would be one. Since quick shot handgun is for the dog collar I wanted to investigate the best possible moment to do so as it seems with perfect quick shooting as you hear the chain rustle can kill the dog collared dog a bit far away. I too wanted to go into menu mechanics as well as I have not incorporated that into my game play yet as well. Unfortunately I have an appointment to go to right now so I have to cut this a little short. One thing that comes to mind though is I can make the video and submit it to you and other mods for review and then it can be posted if it should be found beneficial to others.

Texas, USAWave_SA8 years ago

Hello everyone. I'm new to speed running and I decided to start with REHD. I decided to learn Chris Any% Doorskip and I was thinking of making some videos to go over basics for newer people who want to learn the game as well as analyze my own footage. This would include stuff like button remapping, using livesplit, finding the perfect lines, best ways to navigate the menu, etc... I know a lot of this material is on the forums and can be found by watching the submitted runs but I thought it might be good to make a video series of it. With that being said though I know a bit of the information is going to be repeated from others and I do not want to take any credit away from people that have already done a lot of work. Would this be alright? If not it is no problem as this is primarily to help me get better at the run. I was just thinking this would be a good way to help new runners and maybe people might even learn something they did not know about.

What are everyone's thoughts on this?

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