Kentucky, USASvethlane7 years ago

Awesome! Thanks so much!

Kentucky, USASvethlane7 years ago

Hi! I've been running this for a bit, I was wondering the best way to track my IGT. I'm not very versed in how to do so most games and was curious! Thanks!

Kentucky, USASvethlane7 years ago

Hey man! From one newbie to another, welcome!

wątek: Speedrunning
Kentucky, USASvethlane7 years ago

-How do you learn a new game? Most of the time, when I pick up a game, I start by doing what I call a Fast-run through it, meaning I don't use any skips or tricks I don't already know. This gives me a base time on clearing the game. Because this time is usually a LOT longer than any speedrun PB I would have, it also motivates me because I tend to see improvement a lot. I watch other runs and records to pick up the tricks I need to get better.

-How do you practice? I try to break down my practicing by stage/major skips. I focus on larger, more difficult skips first because that will cut my time down the most. Once I learn enough to be comfortable, I'll do another full-game run using what I've practiced. From there, I'll work my way down to smaller tricks and movement pathing that I haven't incorporated yet. It gives me consistent improvement.

-Do you set goals? If so, then how? Once I practice a section, I'll set what I refer to as bronze, silver, and gold times for my next PB run. bronze is normally an easy-to-get, very conservative time, e.g. sub-30 when I know in reality I'll get sub-28 if I do everything well. the silver and gold times are personal incentives for me to push myself. If I get them, I usually will take a break/call it a day on practicing. I normally just keep those times in my head as a self-motivator.

-Do you have a personal philosophy or method? Not really, I just try to be consistently better. I don't want to set the game down until I make improvement in some way.

-Do you take it seriously or casually? Depends on the game. A lot of games, I can tell whether I have the immediate capability to get high in the speed leaderboards. On games I feel confident in, I'll pursue it a lot more diligently.

-At what point to you post your first time? I'll post my times on games when I'm only a bit behind another record I've set as a preliminary goal. That way I don't feel completely useless when I see my record and it gives me something to work towards. From there I can update and improve.

-Do you wanna be the very best? Duh. I know that I'm not going to be a phenom at most things and I know my limits, but when I know I can do something well, I want to push myself to be the best I can be, if not the best of the lot.

-Do you ever stop purely practicing, only playing for PBs? Once I get my major tricks down on a game, I tend to only do PB runs but if I feel like I'm getting sloppy on a particular part, I will go back and practice it to tighten up.

-If so, then at what point do you feel that you don't need to practice? See above

-Do you play multiple games? Yes! There are a LOT of games I like and anything I like, I consider speedrun material whether it's popular or not, or difficult or not. I'll do fast runs on a lot of games and decide they're not for me to speedrun but if I have a good feeling about a game, I'll go ahead and start tracking my PB.

-When do you decide to stop playing a game? Depending on how motivated I am with the game, I'll stop sooner or later. Some games I want to work towards WR and stay on top but some games I'll get a good time and call it quits.

-What motivates you to keep going? I want to improve myself always and be the best I can be. Also, streaming and speedrunning are both huge communities and I like being an active force in them. The community keeps me afloat as well.

-Do you go back to games that you already stopped playing? Yes! Sometimes I'll get burned out and need to take a hiatus. Then I'll get a notion and come back and start playing again.

-What motivates you to get back into a game? Usually nostalgia of the last time I played.

Kentucky, USASvethlane7 years ago

Thanks guys! It's been a long while since I've found a fresh community that I actually want to get active in. Normally pretty "to myself."

wątek: Speedrunning
Kentucky, USASvethlane7 years ago

I'm starting to beat my PB's on the two games I run regularly; as the mod of one of my games informed me I need to make the in-game timer visible on my video to keep updating my run. I stream all my runs live and was wondering the easiest way to get an in-game timer on screen and tracking me.

For reference, the game in question at the moment is Ziggurat. I'm still fairly new to the scene so forgive my ignorance. I don't know of any programs that do this, and although Livesplit has a function for it, I don't know how to create/set it up for a game that doesn't have one built in.


Kentucky, USASvethlane7 years ago

Hey everyone, I just started getting into speedrunning about a month ago. I love RPG and FPS games (I run them the most). I'll be posting runs here and there; right now I'm working on Serious Sam 3 and Ziggurat, waiting on one of my runs to be approved. I'd love to get active in this community and have people to talk and game with!

O Svethlane
7 years ago
2 years ago
Uruchomione gry
Ostatnia próba 6 years ago
Obserwowane gry
Ostatnia wizyta 2 years ago
Ostatnia wizyta 7 years ago
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Serious Sam 3: BFE
Ostatnia wizyta 6 years ago