Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

That can be considered Xelnas, should we have it as its own Category Tab or filter in with Any% and other categories but maybe make Standard and Proud Misc so they don't show unless you 'Show All'

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

Toy Box Final Boss Strat (Beginner Any%)

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

Back to the drawing board on my route, thanks for the great info snap :D

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

Here's some sick movement @Washeyy found for Arendelle mountain climb

Granolant i abra238 podobało się to
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

I tried suggesting ideas for the BBS merge but there very certain they don't want any changes applied to BBS boards so the 4 pages will be left untouched during the merge.

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

I think traditionally the way it is visually looks better but I do wonder if your method Timmi will help for the BBS merge being possible?

Beginner | Standard | Proud | Critical | Lvl 1 [ENG] [JPN] (Any%) (All Stories) (100%)

I think when I made my response for BBS this was the idea roughly, i'm glad were thinking on a similar wave length

wątek: The Site
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

Just to clarify say I have a speedgame with no variables and a few runs already submitted. If I add new variables with let's say 2 different consoles it will assign them all to the defaulted variable is that correct? Thanks for the help really appreciate it

blueYOSHI to się podoba
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

I won't be too arrogant on my point regarding this whole merge if certain communities within KH want there games to stay separated that is fine as long as majority feels that way which seems to be the case for BBS however I just have some things I want to clarify about the merge.

I understand what your saying about the difficulty factor, I do have a solution to the problem but that solution would make BBS look quit different to the rest of the games so I am happy to leave it the way it is. It just sucks knowing we have a page with 18 empty categories, its not like merging would fill them but by combining a variable that has a run for example BBS-E Ven Standard if the J version does not have a run in that category it wont say (empty) next to it I believe.

Just to quickly touch on your second/third point I do not see there being any issue merging BBSFM/HD. Your main point of debate is that the PSP port has NG+ where the HD remasters do not. I am unaware how knowledge you are with moderation on this site but there's this really cool thing you can use on leaderboards known as Extra Variables/Subcategories. With that you can make each category different from the previous if you refer to my example on http://speedrun.com/khfmhd you can see with Platinum Trophy RTA I added its own variable for the category so only PS3/PS4 would show since PS2 has no Platinum Trophy (duh), this exact method can be correlated the same way with NG+ when people click the tab it will only show the PSP console as an option and that qualifies the user that the category is only doable on the PSP. You pointed out some great points about the differences between OG/HD versions regarding crit speedruns which is an excellent point but that's the whole purpose of the extra variables existing is to separate each version and not confuse people. I personally would default the PS4 console since there is only 9 runs on the PSP version anyway so I doubt people would be majorly confused navigating BBSFM boards, I believe I can make the board look really condensed and simplified given the chance to do it.

In the end if none of BBS want this merge im happy to leave it be but it will standout when every other game in the series has some form of a merge and BBS doesn't due to small differences (mind you I understand the BBSJ/E debate)

Regarding Timmi/Blitz/Ikswozol response about KHFM merge. You make mention that the website is not built to handle this style of merge but I believe with what I have done with the KHFM boards that should in some degree invalidate that point, yes the website isn't at its peak for complex moderation on the layout of leaderboards but with what I have done with the extra variables I have figured a solution which should make most people happy. To clarify your problem of empty categories, KHFM will have no design flaw regarding empty categories, I have created a separate category known as Level 1 which has its own variables of categories and the console its played on. By doing this the dilemma of having empty categories no longer exists as I made a separate variable for Level 1 being PS3/PS4 only same with Plat Trophy etc.

If you were only allowed 1 Variable/Subcategory you would be 100% right but with being allowed to make several variables a design flaw like the PS2 Lvl 1 will not come about, same with BBSFM having NG+ and HD not.

Take a look at what i've done with KHFM I went ahead and basically completed the merge for it, don't worry if people vote against this it takes me minimal time to restore back to the way it was, this was definitely going to be one of the toughest merges (3 hours/165 Tabs), I have word Volvagia is currently fixing a 'Right Click/Open Run in a New Tab' for the site which will allow me to finish this merge at a rapid speed.


Also a final note if we go ahead I will change the url to KHFM and change the release date to the respected original date (same with every other game)

Loving the feedback though really appreciate it guys! :D

BranToast75 i Timmiluvs podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

I don't know whether this should be asked here or in site requests but if I am to add a extra variables/subcategories to a leaderboard that has not had one prior all runs are instantly hidden and have no way of being recovered unless I delete the extra variable. The only way to get around this is mainly opening every single run in a new tab then adding the variable and re-editing every single submission. Is there any possible way a feature can be implemented where it can show the runs that hide after the variable being added or a moderation setting that can reassign all runs lost to their respected categories?

Also if a right click can be implemented for opening a run on the leaderboards that would be great, much faster than copy pasting the leaderboard link clicking each variable and reticking obselouted runs and then clicking the run, rinse repeat etc.

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

I personally disagree I vouch for an all or nothing transformation for consistency purposes, this will only effect kh1fm and even then all it is, is an extra category tab or difficulty variable its very minor and don't believe there should be 2 speedrun game pages for the sake of the level 1 tab looking slightly wonky for 1 game out of 9

Lowkey out of all the games I'd love to see kh1fm merged the most since it's my main speedgame haha oh well guess we should hear what the community has to say

Timmiluvs to się podoba
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

Went ahead and created 2 Concept Leaderboard pages (don't worry nothing has been removed or altered I have just added onto pre-existing boards) showing off how cleaner and condensed the boards look

FM/HD Merge https://www.speedrun.com/khfm https://www.speedrun.com/kh2fmhd [I did 2FMHD just to not hide 100s of runs away, hard to explain unless you heavily moderate on this site, this website is being reworked by Pac currently]

Language Merge https://www.speedrun.com/kh358

Edit for 2FMHD I planned on making a variable option so Glitched/NMS Gold Crown can be merged together but has its own variable

BranToast75 i Timmiluvs podobało się to
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

Made a video to showcase more of what the merge would look like I am going to keep creating 'concept' example pages and linking them in this forum please have a look and consider how simple yet huge this change will be

Currently working on 2FM Concept & Days Concept to show off a FM/HD Merge aswell a language merge


BlitzPhoenix98 i Glint podobało się to
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago

If anyone wants to discuss any ideas/changes with the series before KH3 release now is the time (I will exclude KH3 board talk since that will be such a big discussion, a second post can be made for that)

I'll start 1: KHCOM J (Can we discuss if the differences are large enough they should need a separate game), there is still other options available instead of what we have running now, we can just have one COM page and allow JP and english runs in the same board, or we can make tabs like we do for say 2FMHD where we filter JP and English. I am also very happy to leave this, I just wonder if this is similar to Recoded where its only minor AI differences and its just the case of buying the most optimal version to play on

2: I really want to flush out [PS2 HDD/BC PS3] from the PS2 boards, it makes the boards looks cluttered and confusing and honestly no one besides DJ will run this I personally think if at least 3+ runners are actively doing it then we should bother with it. Just some stats for consideration there is over 20+ categories on the KH1/J/FM boards alone that are completely empty, all the others have only a run by DJ, also what do we do about the arbitrary page in terms of BC PS3 as well that would be even more empty boards. I say just cull it until more runners gain interest to consider tracking the history of runs on our page.

3: This leads into the third point and this is a big one merging KH1FM/HD 2FM/HD, This can very easily be done and would make the boards look way more compact and easy to navigate, I hate how we have what feels like 5-6 KH2 game pages (which has console variation tabs on top of that) on the boards seems way to intimidating for anyone new who may gain interest in running the series after a speedrun event or KH3 is out. An example of what it will semi look like is a page I moderate. Some pages may have to be slightly altered to make it less confusing but I believe this would be a possitive step forward, showcasing some of the best speedgames our series has to offer right there on the first page

Any% | All Worlds | JJ 100% [PS2] [PS3] [PS4] (Beginner) (Standard) (Proud)


4: I have half done the series with game covers so you guys can get an idea of how different the series looks with logos and with game covers please refer to this tweet and vote on what you prefer the look of to gain feedback on the decision process.


5: Lastly I have gone ahead and already done this but I manually changed the dates of the Extension/Arbitrary category pages so they are at the end of the list, so that way when people click on the series page they see the main games, thoughts?

BranToast75, BlitzPhoenix98, i Timmiluvs podobało się to
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz5 years ago


Wanted to start a new discussion around changing the rules for Any% & 100%. So currently the rules of submitting a run is starting at first input [sda timing] and ending when the victory cutscene begins when you win the arctic pursuit race w/ 125 tokens.

I wish to vouch for an alteration, I believe the reason why we do Arctic Pursuit in the first place is to be able to trigger the Bronze medal cutscene which will only trigger after completing the race, however I believe the 125 token rule isn't a necessity. You are able to lose the race or win without 125, after selecting return to Main Menu the cutscene will play anyways, wanted to discuss if its worth changing the timing rules (previous existing runs would only lose around 5-10 seconds). I vouch for Win/Lose race w/o 125 requirement

Tathlibash, ViperUK i 3 inne podobało się to
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

I believe the lack of console runs is due them being together, people are more open to download an Iso and get started straight away then paying money for a version which has FDS banned and also lags more than Psxe, by separating people will probably be more open to trying it on console

Bregermann to się podoba
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

Same here haha

MasterLeoBlue i Bregermann podobało się to
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

Both sides of the argument are very logical and no ones really wrong but in the end. I run Grinch and I remember when I started FDS was considered unusable by most since it crashes alot and the grinch is also made by Interactive Mind & Movement. We allow emulators for the grinch however we restrict it to a certain time cap since emulators like epsxe remove a major amount of lag, I just don't heavily encourage the idea of emulators being the main resource to speedrun this game also emulator is horrible due to input delay, and what blue said is very true when a leader boards are mainly emulators they can be looked upon in a negative light

MasterLeoBlue i Bregermann podobało się to
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

Do you know what model PS2 he uses?

Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

Hi guys

There is some things I wanted to cover in a post to get some feedback on since I have some minor suggestions to make, to make the leaderboards look more visually nice and simplistic. If you look at The Grinch leaderboards or DBZ Budokai 1 we use sub categories to simplify and prevent clutter on the boards so basically Any% 100% [PC / Console] [PC/Console]

I am happy to help make this possible I can copy & paste how the grinch boards work here then unmod myself if you are willing to consider this visual change

Secondly wanted to question why Fast Disc Speed is banned, I understand that in the rules it says it doesn't work but I have had several people come to my streams saying that its worked for them in the past, my PS1 copy should be coming soon so I can test this myself but if it does work, could we consider unbanning this rule since it seems kinda silly since no other PS1 games I know of ban FDS. If your worried about loss of runners due to EMU being slower you can always add a subcategory called Emulator so that way people are free to run on what they like!

Love to hear back and loving running this game so far :)

Lifion, Xindictive i 3 inne podobało się to
Western Australia, AustraliaSaiyanz6 years ago

Dm me your imgur.com album and I'll get considerations in order for your icons

O Saiyanz
Speedrunning since 2013, I mainly run the Kingdom Hearts series but also dabble in other games.
9 years ago
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