Iowa, USARetrogaming20842 years ago

And when you die (or do Up+A with the second controller), does a part of the password include how much time you have played? Which part of it is the timer? Does it save only the seconds, or is more precise than this?

This site can generate passwords. Time is factored in the last 12 digits of the PW and is measured down to teh second. https://www.truepeacein.space/

As for the other questions, I'm not totally sure anymore.

Iowa, USARetrogaming20843 years ago

Just one, and this bridge skip.

or it could be an all bosses category. I'm flexible.

Iowa, USARetrogaming20843 years ago

no e-tanks definitely ups the ante from NMG.

i think the only real glitch we use for speedruns is clipping through the walls and floors.

there's also the trick when you're falling, unmorph and press "A" before you hit left or right to mid-air jump. not many consider this a glitch.

I'm thinking: 1 Mini Boss, 1 Missile Pack, Bombs, Ice, and Morph Ball?

Iowa, USARetrogaming20843 years ago

I think a low% glitchless category would basically boil down to Any% glitchless aka NMG aka Classic on the main Metroid board.

No zombie Glitch = Ice beam required No clips = bomb jump bridge skip or Ridley

If I misunderstood, please let me know.

Iowa, USARetrogaming20843 years ago

yeah, it's just for funzies. i'll double check /w koopa about the rules

Iowa, USARetrogaming20843 years ago

It's been a minute since i played OHKO, but I think the real record is no longer on the board.

We were talking about bringing over the no damage no death OHKO runs but I don't think anyone's in a rush. Im pretty sure truefalse's run and my run didn't have any deaths or damage.


ViggoTheeCarpathian to się podoba
Iowa, USARetrogaming20843 years ago

I forgot to reply here, but I added a few categories under "Misc." too.

Damageless Whip Only Damageless Low% Koops rules -- (no boosts and no crits).

Welcome aboard!

ViggoTheeCarpathian i twin0mega podobało się to
wątek: The Site
Iowa, USARetrogaming20843 years ago


I am requesting a promotion to Super Moderator for NES Metroid Category Extensions The previous Super Moderator deactivated his account and there is no current super mod. https://www.speedrun.com/metroid_category_extensions

Thank you!

Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

I'll send Joe a message and see what we can do. YSIII hype!

NeoKad i FlannelKat podobało się to
Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

I did some Mesen frame counts vs the NES and it seems fine as far as I can tell. Will add it.

twin0mega to się podoba
Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

I've used BizHawk extensively and it uses the correct frame rate. unlike FCEU. NEStopia is solid too.

I've accepted some Mesen runs on this board, but none of them were "competitive". I'm not opposed to adding Mesen to the list of EMU in the rules if everything checks out, I just haven't gotten a chance to explore it.

twin0mega to się podoba
Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

I'm not saying the FC version should be in a different category because nobody plays it. I'm saying the FC version should be a different category because it tallies the hearts at the end of the level faster and creates an uneven playing field--especially for whip only and low%. If runners prefer the FC version and it overtakes NES U, that's perfectly ok!

Another alternative: we could work on an accurate conversion rate to account for any hearts for levels 1-5 if someone really really wants to run FC whip only or low% and have their times on the NES U leaderboard. Shouldn't be too difficult to find the frame differences in a few bizhawk tests.

Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

I don't think the leaderboard would be too bloated if we just add misc. categories for different versions of the game. I'd like to get input from truefalse before making any changes, of course.

An overwhelming majority of the runs and all of the competitive runs for any% and whip only have been on the same US NES version for awhile now, and I don't see the need for a meta shift to the Japanese 93 reissue, FDS, AC, etc.

I'd definitely like to keep the category bloat at bay, but I don't want to have an uneven playing field either. In my opinion the current rules are doing a pretty good job at this, but if there are 50FPS PAL runs on the main board, it might be wise to split those out so they are on their own level playing field.

2snek to się podoba
Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

My two cents:

The FC reissue is banned because the tallies at the end of the level are faster. The FC version would give an unfair advantage to all the runs on the current leaderboard.

I'd be happy to add a separate category for the FC reissue, but FC and NES (U) on the same category isn't really a fair comparison, especially for whip only which has mandatory heart counts.

I'd be curious to hear more opinions from the community.

Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

I just tried password Ktj-tO Pf0m03 l-yqHG 00y016 which is supposed to be 20 hours, 59 minutes and 48 seconds and got the 5-10 front facing "wave" ending instead of > 10. It also had strange drops from the monsters in tourian. :)

Silver label, 3 screws REV-A.

I wonder if the reissue with different artwork has the other ending?

edit: here's a link to the password generator if it is useful to you https://www.truepeacein.space/

Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

By "overclocked", I mean the anniversary collection doesn't lag. I'm not sure about the frame rate it runs at, though.

Maybe I'm out of the loop, but I don't understand the interest in the Famicom reissue. The leaderboard is built around the North America NES release. Since the Famicom version grants an advantage, the default rom will change to the '93 reissue which is a massive shift. Allowing the Famicom release on the any% board gives all future runners a slight advantage over the existing times with heart countdowns, not to mention most people who play on hardware are going to have to switch from authentic cartridges to powerpaks with the Famicom rom.

All these factors together strike me as problematic.

These are just my opinions. I haven't heard from truefalse or the Castlevania supermods. There is no final decision, etc.

2snek, KungFusedMike, i Implosion podobało się to
Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

Here are a few of my thoughts on the matter.

I haven't seen any PC submissions yet. Doesn't look like there's much interest in running the anniversary collection.

In general, I'd argue that emulator is still the most accessible version.

With the anniversary collection running an overclocked PRG0 version, I'm more in favor of removing it from the platforms instead of allowing Famicom reissue submissions for any%. In the off chance a new player purchases the anniversary collection and wants to run the game, there's always PRG0 (unfortunately) or "Easy" mode. If it catches their attention, he or she could consider moving to another platform.

SBDWolf to się podoba
Iowa, USARetrogaming20844 years ago

The 93 Famicom reissue counts down the extra hearts faster than the other versions.

Hope this answers your question.

2snek, NeoKad i 2 inne podobało się to
Iowa, USARetrogaming20845 years ago

Nevermind, the changes to platform/console didn't take because I neglected the save button. Fixed.

Iowa, USARetrogaming20845 years ago

Deleted JP "normal" (empty) and brought out "Easy" from Misc. I can't update the platforms/consoles though. Probably need a true mod for that piece.

O Retrogaming2084
5 years ago
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