BulgariaR0S3 years ago

Hello. I am back from my 1 year slumber of not checking this website and oh boy have thing changed. The community of this game seems to be more active which is really nice, keep it up! But yeah, i have a question still. The link sends me to discord browser but it just sends me to DMs that don't work. I assume the link is just very old since this is from 4 months ago. Yes, i did check your autosplitters forum but i don't know how am i supposed to use this to make an autosplitter. I know that i just need to watch one of your latest runs and manually make an autosplitter to where exactly the frames should stop the timer but i just wanted to know if an-already-made autosplitter is available (which i assume was though that discord link) and just is not posted on Speedrun.com for some reason.

BulgariaR0S4 years ago

If somebody has experienced with making autosplitters on games and sees this, can you make an autosplitter for this game so we can download it since i tried watching videos on how to make one but it's too confusing for me. Maybe i can try creating one but if somebody has more knowledge on that, can you please create one?

5 years ago
1 month ago