EnglandPunchy4 years ago

here are comparison videos from the Crash community about emulators. you can like. pretty visibly see PSXJin goes out of wack with hardware like, instantly.

i'm not saying you have to stop using PSXJin, but if you're going to keep doing it, bunching it in with the console runs is totally insane. It's a well documented problem.

just split it and save hassle

EnglandPunchy4 years ago

not particularly impressed with having my initial thread locked because you inexplicably don't trust my research lol

i'm not incentivized to lie about it man

EnglandPunchy4 years ago

Yo, I had a friend go looking into the IGT to actually figure out how it worked and the results are as follows

  • pauses on menus
  • doesn't pause on loads (but this isn't as significant as you might think since the door scenes are fixed length and account for almost all of the loading anyway)
  • does pause on the final cutscene
  • doesn't always pause on unskippable cutscenes, sometimes does, depends on the cutscene, very fun.
  • randomly tacks a couple of seconds on after the final cutscene???
  • actually starts about 4 seconds before you gain control but way after most people start their timers, convenience thing I guess.

the kicker is the following:

  • always runs at 30fps regardless of the game speed, so when your game lags, you lose time.

this gives emulator a distinct wildly unfair advantage from the jump because PSXJin is literally a lagless TAS'ing emulator and this game runs kinda like shit on an actual console. this comes as basically zero surprise to me but hey it might be news to some of y'all. This causes a discrepancy even outside of normal gameplay, because cutscenes lag and some of them count time lol. this is why emulator times consistently seem to have IGTs greater than RTA and console times the reverse, it's a lag thing.

i don't think IGT should even be used or PSXJin but since that's probably asking too much at this point, an emu/console split should suffice.

Aight cool thanks.

TheScruffington i DECosmic podobało się to
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

He is sadly, not a runner and probably doesn't even have an account? Just quite literally a technically inclined friend of mine. I mean hell, I did the same testing, you just find the memory address in the relevant emulator, it's not rocket science to test, man. Just apparently nobody else bothered to do it before I showed up. When I ask how the timer works and all I get is a shrug, that's not really a good sign, is it?

even without that, PSXJin is a ridiculous point of comparison compared to actual hardware. That emulator hasn't been supported for fucking years, what on /earth/ is it doing mingling with console runs? We're only having this conversation because I'm like the only new console runner in literally a year and I happen to give a shit.

And it's not really a matter of debate, I am telling you the state of things and you can either hold the board ransom because you found my tweets annoying and I can keep nagging you about it or do the sensible compromise that I have presented and we can both move on with our lives. I'm snippy and tweet about this a lot because I've had to have this same conversation with like twelve different communities over my time in this hobby, it gets insanely tiring constantly re-explaining the same shit to people who aren't receptive to it.

Like, the actual correct thing to do would be to erase the board and start from scratch, but since that's obviously not reasonable and would be more effort than its worth, the sensible thing to do would be to just split the two. Pretty much every Resident Evil game besides this one and a handful of the other spinoffs do this, I don't really know why Survivor feels the need to be wrong about this.

Let's be honest as well, pal, if this premise were reversed, if I showed up and console was immediately, obviously faster than emulator, you'd split the two without thinking. It's only because I have a casual disregard of emulator that you're being defensive, which is fair, you can feel that way, it just shouldn't factor into the decision.

and no I don't see why the idea would be silly from that picture showing a few runners. the number of runners has nothing to do with technical accuracy, it's a completely irrelevant consideration. Honestly, five is more than I thought this game had anyway lol

it takes like two seconds to split it and then you never have to think about it ever again.

EnglandPunchy4 years ago

Yo, I had a friend go looking into the IGT to actually figure out how it worked and the results are as follows

  • pauses on menus
  • doesn't pause on loads (but this isn't as significant as you might think since the door scenes are fixed length and account for almost all of the loading anyway)
  • does pause on the final cutscene
  • doesn't always pause on unskippable cutscenes, sometimes does, depends on the cutscene, very fun.
  • randomly tacks a couple of seconds on after the final cutscene???
  • actually starts about 4 seconds before you gain control but way after most people start their timers, convenience thing I guess.

the kicker is the following:

  • always runs at 30fps regardless of the game speed, so when your game lags, you lose time.

this gives emulator a distinct wildly unfair advantage from the jump because PSXJin is literally a lagless TAS'ing emulator and this game runs kinda like shit on an actual console. this comes as basically zero surprise to me but hey it might be news to some of y'all. This causes a discrepancy even outside of normal gameplay, because cutscenes lag and some of them count time lol. this is why emulator times consistently seem to have IGTs greater than RTA and console times the reverse, it's a lag thing.

i don't think IGT should even be used or PSXJin but since that's probably asking too much at this point, an emu/console split should suffice.

Aight cool thanks.

Symm to się podoba
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

been doing runs on PS2 FDS and lol there's a nearly 2 minute discrepancy between RTA and IGT, it's so fucked dude.

how did people even arrive at the conclusion to use IGT for this

wątek: The Site
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

why are these rulesets all so hilariously terrible

4, AprilSR i 5 inne podobało się to
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

I ask because near everyone runs on emulator and a lot of people's IGT is actually greater than their real time which doesn't make any sense.

the scant handful of console runs don't seem to exhibit this, so I have no idea what's going on there

EnglandPunchy4 years ago

RNG manip only saves like, 20 seconds or something on a run with good movement. Don't focus on the flashy things like RNG manip, 99.999% of the timesave in this game comes from moving smoothly, and that takes time to get good at because 2D controls are a bitch.

as far as is known, there aren't any timer differences across the couple of PC versions that exist.

dahippness to się podoba
wątek: The Site
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

credit where credit is due, nice job.

MASH to się podoba
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

book of memories isn't compatible with PSTV unless you modify the system's whitelist.

this is allowed because there's almost no other way to actually play the game and still get video capture of it.

I used this, personally, but I accept no responsibility if it messes up your hardware, please research this carefully against whatever firmware version you might have, there might be better methods nowadays: https://hackinformer.com/2018/04/15/how-to-install-the-whitelist-hack-on-the-pstv-for-any-firmware/

alqk0310 to się podoba
wątek: Silent Hill
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

PS Classic uses the PCSX-R emulator which is a banned emulator before you even get to the whole "not an official release" thing, so no.

EnglandPunchy4 years ago

talk shit get fit

Toonwoons to się podoba
wątek: The Site
EnglandPunchy4 years ago


Multi-game type, please.

btw, the thread linked to on the Edit Game page to request these changes is the older one that's now locked lol

EnglandPunchy4 years ago

a lot of my heavier feedback has already been received/is better discussed in private so I'll just keep this more small-scale

  • Jubeat is Very Good. the music game gremlins approve, expanding this ain't a bad idea if it's within your means. Good quality headphone amps and headphones already provided, top stuff.
  • Arcade was really humid and sweaty? I know I ball pretty hard on rhythm games and all but I really shouldn't be THAT gross after a few sessions of Jubeat, it's not that intense a workout. Some fans in there wouldn't hurt.

  • yeah there weren't many PCs which is wack for an event with mostly PC games

? Moving Stream 2 to the main hall was kinda good in the sense that it helps Stream 2 to feel less like the red headed stepchild of the event, but it also came at the cost of eating like a third of the space in the main room. I find this especially egregious given Stream 2 is not even being used all the time.

  • i'm partially responsible for the street boyz thing and even i got annoyed at the pop offs from it near stream1 lol. someone literally ran up to me while I was commentating a game to inform me of coolkid hitting 24. Cool and all but bro, time and place.

even if street boyz wasn't the thing there though I don't think having anything that close to either stream is a great idea, there's a reason stream usually goes in its own space.

  • still really hate the lack of a hospitality room, eating outside in the midst of wind sucks ass

  • i know ESA doesn't get enough donation volume to cover all the airtime but I felt like I heard more ViewSonic plugs than actual commentary sometimes.

  • been over this before but I'm still pretty confident you guys bury your own lede pretty hard when you schedule two hella donation-bait things on separate streams (i.e the double header of BigJon and Froob Yakuza $20), like I can't imagine that wouldn't work better as just a sequential block

  • setup takes longer than is ideal and idk why

  • at the risk of sounding like a callout, you guys gotta get more aggressive about cutting people off when they go over time. I was just after FFX-2 and those guys went 20 minutes over estimate and then played the entire ending sequence for like another 15. Someone needed to vaudeville hook yank that shit off well in advance given the marathon kept running insanely late.

  • part and parcel to that, the marathon kept running insanely late due in part to not-aggressively cutting people off when they run over time but also allowing people to do weird pre-ambles and post-run glitch showoffs and stuff that aren't factored in. Keep these things to a minimum, they add up.

aight that's all I got for now prolly

wątek: The Site
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

it's hands off when they have to make actually difficult decisions regarding content enforcement but if your colours look like crap then lol all hands in

Imaproshaman to się podoba
wątek: The Site
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

if themes look bad on light mode why not give games the ability to define a theme for both light and dark mode respectively

like I said in the other thread, I think customization is an aspect you should be expanding on, not cutting back. The high traffic pages will put the effort in. The people with no sense of colour theory will not, but nothing you can ever do will help such people.

Also, while rolling back some of the changes is enough to please some. I'm still curious what compelled this change at all

cleverpidgeon, chaos42666 i 11 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

the changes to the submission UI are good at least.

like you can type numbers in now instead of it being a drop down. That's good, I like that.

Quivico, Imaproshaman i 4 inne podobało się to
wątek: The Site
EnglandPunchy4 years ago

If it was just the new layout, I doubt most people would care, the change seems fairly lateral to me.

But removing custom themes strikes me as a fundamental misunderstanding of what people even like about this website, and I have no idea what the hell was going through your head when you thought removing it would wash even vaguely well. It was unpopular when it demo'ed back on Twitter months back, so you knew that. You went and locked your Twitter before rolling this change out, so you knew people would hate it. (edit: ok this isn't the reason for that but the actual reason for that is so much worse and not a topic for this thread lol) You didn't even need to run an opinion poll or something although that would've probably made it super clear in advance that people were going to universally hate this change.

So then, the million dollar question is "Why"? Why roll out a change like that if you knew it wasn't going to be liked?

And it's a question I seriously want to posit because I don't think you're being honest with your userbase here, and that's not going to fly.

"I thought most of them looked bad" is an incredibly condescending and disrespectful take for deleting hundreds of users hard work in making pages look good. Customizability is one of this site's greatest assets, not a weakness. I categorically do not agree that most of them looked bad, because most of the higher traffic pages have communities who put the effort into making them look good, because most of the users have a vested interest in making it not look terrible. They're the ones who have to use the page, after all. There are some shitters who make things look bad. Who cares. Deal with it on a moderation level instead of making the entire website boring for everyone, you are pretty much the only one who cares about it looking "clean" and anyone else who does has always had the "Override Custom Themes" option, but apparently that's not important.

Either you consider your opinion more important than the thousands of users who were totally fine with it before, or you're being evasive about something. I honestly can't tell. Only adding back "some" of the customization options is a half-ass, you should be expanding on this featureset, not deleting it. In a shitty web 2.0 world where individuality is actively quashed in favour of The Brand, it baffles me that you're attempting to pull that same stunt here.

To what end? Is there some sort of endgame to this? Time was spent encouraging the communities that already had external leaderboards to sync up and use sr.c instead including those on Google Docs, only to roll out a change like this to make it uniform? What's the game here? Is this some sort of business thing you're angling at? Because between this change and slathering GSA garbage over the front page, you seem more interested in making changes that benefit whatever Brand you're trying to build here instead of improving core functionality or fixing the myriad stability issues.

Of course, who knows? That's just my mistrustful intuition talking, I don't know for certain because you don't actually inform us at all what you're planning on doing with this place long-term. I would absolutely love to hear in precise detail what your thought process is behind making changes like this with no warning, because then maybe I won't feel inclined to make paranoid posts like this.

Bring back custom themes. In Full. This change represents a completely backwards sense of priorities that I highly suggest you re-examine in the future. As it stands, you're doing a great imitation of every bad tech platform redesign in the past half decade or so.

Flamming, lollipopomg i 78 inne podobało się to
EnglandPunchy5 years ago

from the rules:

"Don't use modified game .exes"

That's a no.

Pear to się podoba
O Punchy
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