Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for?

You may not wish for anything that involves getting more wishes.

My wishes would be;

  1. To be able to transform into any animal
  2. To be smart.
  3. To be immortal
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

tbh half of the threads in this section should be in the speedrunning section.

just sayin.

we should be talking about like our feeling in this section.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

I'm sure we all have a game that we run or ran that we absolute hate. Tell me what game you absolutely hate running. Now be sure that you give a game that you actually ran and not one that you just /think/ is a bad speedrun without having any experience running it. Also tell me why you didn't like running it.

Of any game I've ever done a run of, my least favorite would have to be Spyro Enter The Dragonfly. Now it had nothing to do with the game itself but more its controls. I just couldn't get a hang of them. Well also the any% is way too short. I'm not a fan of short runs.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

I'm sure we've all lost a run to a dumb thing like a glitch. Post a run (highlight) that you or someone else lost because of a glitch or something. It's would be ever better if the runner had no idea that something like that could happen.


Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Hey guys, I've had a blast with these forums lately.

So I have a few question for you guys to answer about videos games.

Favorite Game Least Favorite Game (You need to have experience with this game...) Favorite piece of music from a game Favorite Video Game Level Favorite video game mascot (basically favorite main character) A game that you like but no one else does A game that you don't like but everyone else does. What game do you think is underrated What game do you think is overrated What Game did you most recently play for the first time

Note: You may not repeat a game. For example you're favorite level or music may not be from your 'favorite game'.

My answers Favorite Game: Crash Tag Team Racing Least Favorite Game: Mario Kart 8 Favorite piece of music From a Game: Allies and Gullies -Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue Favorite Video Game Level: Urban Ed - Ed Edd n Eddy The Mis Ed-ventures Favorite Video Game Mascot: Spyro The Dragon A game that I like but no one else does: Sonic 06 A game that I don't like but everyone else does: Super Mario 64 A game I think is underrated: Shadow The Hedgehog A game I think is overrated: Crash Bandicoot A Game I recently played: Injustice (And I absolutely loved it!!!!!)

grnts, ninjahenrik, i psychonauter podobało się to
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Anyone at all, I don't have a favorite speedrunner imo.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

When it comes to game quality which console do you think has better games to run or just play casually? I want to extend my reach to other systems.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Just a simple question... is this an RTA or in game timer you go by?

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Ok so first of all I know that EasyCap isn't the best Capture Card out there but I got it as a gift so I want to be able to use it. So using the program by itself works fine I can record and it comes out fine, but if I try to capture the window with OBS it doesn't show up on the stream... the weird thing is that OBS can see it but if you look at the stream it has just a dark purple screen. I've tried to mess with all the different setting for it as well as tried different programs, but nothing works.

If anyone could help me that'd be great if not I'll probably just get one of the "better" CCs

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

So I was thinking... what if there was some little organized event where speed runners could meet up with other speed runner JUST in their state or region. It wouldn't be like A/SGDQ where speed runners from all over would gather in one spot. You would meet other just in your state or region. I think this would be awesome if I could interact with others that had the same interests. You could discuss the games you run, new routes (if you meet someone with the same speed game), talk about unknown tricks, glitches, mechanics in games and just over all get to know each other.

I'm just curious to see who else speed runs in my state.

This would also keep it from be over whelming like A/SGDQ with thousands of people there.

So just a thought, tell me what you think.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

I personally think that movies creat some of the most entertaing games. Especially when it comes to Speedrunning. I would highly recommend checking out some of them to speed run.

Flushed Away: I run this an I'm looking for more people to run this game (please...)?

Madagascar: This game has one of my favorite OoB mechanics. Out of bounds there is very little ground, so you fall.... but there's a catch... no mater where you are in the level it places you at the very beginning of the level only some weird stuff can happen sometimes.

Robots: Despite the bad jumping I think this would be a very fun game to run if your'e patient.

Rio for the DS: Kappa, it's an on rail rhythm based game.

What are your opinion of games based on movies of TV shows?

grnts to się podoba
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

So I play a lot different games, most are movie games that I run. I route a lot of games, and I also glitch hunt in lots of games.

I've done a run of Flushed Away - It's a really fun game to run (except the bosses are kind of dumb) But besides the bosses there's a healthy about of tricks. And only two glitches are used in the entire run if I remember correctly. It's all about movement.

I'm a lead glitch finder in Crash Tag Team Racing - Now this run can get pretty technical, especially the mid game. This game was the very first game I ever started speed running. So this game is the reason I speedrun.

I'm also the lead/only glitch hunter in Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to The Rescue - Now this game is worthy to be an incredible speed game. This game is technical, there's tons of tricks and quite a few glitches in each level. The routes are optimized. This game it awesome. I would highly recommend this game to anyone who wants a fun speed game.

I'm currently routing a few games too.

Nicktoons Unite - This is an interesting game. The physics are kind of weird in my opinion.

Robots - If you look past the awful jumping mechanics you'll find that this is a game with speedrunning potential. The routing is kind of hard though because of these power chips things.

Ratitoulle (that Disney movie with the Rat that wants to be a chef) - This game is pretty straight forward... for now. I haven't finished this game yet.

Ice Age 2 - I've put this game on pause just cause but I know it'll be a fun speed game as well.

And Last is one game that I'm doing as a Joke.

Rio - Just cuz

So what games you you speed run? I'm curious. You could also request a game for me too but do me a favor and make it a Nintendo game please. I'll even do handheld Nintendo games too. I just want to be known by more speed runners.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

So movie games are known for being bad... But there are actually a lot of them that are really good speed games. These include games like Flushed Away, Toy Story 2, and Madagascar. If you want a fun speed game I would highly suggest these games..all of them are filled with awesome short cuts and are of goods length. The longest one currently is Flushed Away which is about 1h:30m. So again I would highly recommend these games.

What movie games do you think are good one because I absolutely adore movie games and I would love to know other good ones.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

I personally don't speedrun much I'm more of a glitch/trick hunter.

When I do speedrun it's because I think a game with limits is boring...

If a games limits what you can do then you break those limit and create a whole new style of gameplay for that game almost. But only you can do this, the games isn't gonna hand out unintentional mechanics, you need to find them.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

So I have a question... if someone gets 1st, 2nd, or 3rd on a game... Should it be required for them to have a video. No matter how bad it is I think this should be required. Regardless if they have a picture of their splits or not. As my teacher always said "No work no credit"

I'm just saying that I'd love to watch some of these world records... but they don't have videos, so I can't.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Yo, so I have this great game with lot of fun plateforming and cool tricks. We're currently looking for more people to run this game. This game is a fun collect-a-thon plateformer. Despite whether you plan to run the game competitively or just for fun it's still worth trying.

..Trick are still being found... by one person... He works very hard.

Now before I tell you the game... Do I have your attention?. . . Good. The Game is Called Toy Story 2 Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue. It's for the N64(The main version everyone use), PC (Which we finally got to work on newer computers), and PS1. Now don't let the fact that it's a movie game, let alone Toy Story.

It has 4 categories; any%(N64) - 30 Tokens, any%(PC and PS1) - 40 Token, 100%, and 100% all Coins.

If you're interested let me know and I'll let our community know.

Currently 1-2 people run this game and we need more people that are willing to run this game.

Ohio, USALance_9 years ago

You see lots of speed runs, but which one keep you entertained the most?

Shadow Warriors could easily keep me occupied for hours. There are tons of cool tricks and glitches that they use in the run. I have never played this game but this is definitely one of my favorite runs at the moment.

Ohio, USALance_9 years ago

There are tons of games that are ideal for speed running. Like I run a game (Toy Story 2 Buzz Lightyear To the Rescue) And that game has so many tricks that make the game really fun to watch. I would highly suggest that you check out some of those runs.

Post some games that you think are really great speed running games but no one runs them and why you think they're good for speed running (Maybe post some gameplay footage)

O Lance_
9 years ago
Uruchomione gry
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
Ostatnia próba 7 years ago
Felix The Toy
Felix The Toy
Ostatnia próba 2 years ago
Crash Tag Team Racing
Crash Tag Team Racing
Ostatnia próba 23 days ago
Raccoo Venture
Raccoo Venture
Ostatnia próba 3 years ago
Flushed Away
Flushed Away
Ostatnia próba 8 years ago
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
Ostatnia próba 8 years ago
A Bug's Life
A Bug's Life
Ostatnia próba 11 days ago
Moderowane gry
Flushed Away
Flushed Away
Ostatnia akcja 23 days ago