AustriaLadyKurai7 years ago

Alright from what I understand now the only thing sillypears program does is making it possible to hold R on eden. And what Zam did was use ANOTHER program to stop the resets when isaacs heart+bloodrights appreared right?

I'm not sure about the public opinion on holding R for eden resetting, but that script to stop when you have your desired item combo is too close to cheat engine imo and the WR should be taken down.

-edit- Isn't it possible to make an ffa modded section on speedrun.com and a vanilla section with missinghud and eden resetting (and whatever else mod program there is) banned? Pibonacci offered mutliple times to take his missinghud runs down so zams run gets taken down too. I don't believe that the whole community will ever agree on an outcome so making a modded section could be a good compromise don't you think? (I don't exactly know how speedruns.com works so if this is not a possibility ignore this suggestion)

AustriaLadyKurai7 years ago

I wasn't gonna post in this topic since I am not a speedrunner, but I feel like if everyone keeps their mouth shut, people will think most are for this and that is definitely not what I've seen. I've been following the isaac community since the release of Wrath of the Lamb and the direction is it taking is worrying me.

This is clearly a tool assisted run. Like many said before, this is basically the same as just using cheat engine. If you want a world record so bad that you're gonna use an external program for it you might want to reconsider. And just because it is now open for everyone doesn't make it more fair. It completely ignored the spirit of an rng based game like isaac and unlike the coop baby "feature" is not included in the game. There is a reason why you can't just hold R on eden. And even IF you could, chances are you are still gonna invest a ton of time into finding the perfect combo.

Furthermore, the new rule draft "Time starts on the first frame that the floor name banner starts to become visible at the beginning of the run, and ends on the first frame of the entering-the-chest animation at the end. You're not allowed to use any kind of automated input during this time." is not adressing the problem. It leaves a loophole open for exactly this kind of program. I think a decision has to be made. And in my opinion the program should definitely NOT be allowed, else you might aswell just legitimize cheat engine.

O LadyKurai
7 years ago
7 years ago