Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago


I think that, like in any% category, minimum you have to get the 0s death%, so would be more competence with in-game-time and in-real-time; and basically, if this is not posible, is a free category, practically a minimum of 1/3 of the times you play it, you can death in 3 seconds without do nothing, and is the perfect time, so is useless lol.

Minimum, like subcategory, no? In one is not allowed the reset with coins, and in the other yes.

AntBlueR i Otterstone_Gamer podobało się to
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

If you beat earlier the 20 levels, in some levels, there are some "warp" doors, that give you the posibility to skip some levels. For example: in level 2, you can use a warp door to go to the level 6, skipping the levels 3,4,5 (I think this is the longes skip lol lmao).

So I think would be so nice a category to be to finish the game as fast as posible with warp, finishing the time when you definitly finish the level 20 (this level obviusly cant be skipped lol lmao jaja xd), because basically is not allowed to use warps in the "All Levels" category.

Ps: by the way, as well as I say in my last thread (lol lmao), is so abuse and destructive that of the wiimote-controlls of the WR of Vallu, so I think would be also so nice to have a sub-categories of "WITH WIIMOTE-CONTROLLS" and "WITHOUT WIIMOTE-CONTROLLS".

Nice? Also I am think to run it some of this days lol lmao, I would like to speedrun this game

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I realize about of that the WR of "All Levels" category (Vallu lol) is basically and practically ALL THE TIME USING MULTIPLE CONTROLLERS. Is not to be dispectfull, but pls, be realistic, with the basically objective of this game… that of the wiimote-controlls abuse basically DESTROY the game.

Soooo… what about of a wiimote-controlless? The rules are exactly the same as in the "All Levels" category, with the idea of beat the 20 levels without warps, in except of that IS NOT ALLOWED TO USE WII-MOTE CONTROLLS.

Edit: is more, now that I look more: This is basically WITH ALL THE CATEGORIES. So would be so nice to be added a sub-categories for each one of the categories, "WITH WIIMOTE-CONTROLLERS" and "WITHOU WIIMOTE-CONTROLLERS"

Nice? I am thinikng on to run it some of this days lol

Starduckie to się podoba
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

For AISSON/STAGGEO , is needed "The AISSON/STAGGEO genie code" to play it. The problem is that I never try to do it, and I dont understand how to use it. I am nuby :V

What I have to do to use a Genie code?

HUMANRAC3 to się podoba
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

In "All Minigames" SpeedRun, is allowed to use more than 1 controller? I think that no, but I would like to be verificate lol lmao

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I would like to know the seed of the world that now is used for the WR pls (top 2 and 3 also use it lol lmao)

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

The game is LITERALY COMPLETLY DEATH, is not posible to play the original, is closed. WTH WHY THERE IS A NEW MODERATOR! IS POINTLESS! For what LMAO jaja :V XD

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I realized that in all the "All Achievmnets" categories, the glitches are alowed. I think would be so nice a posibility of "glitchless" category in All Achievments. Thank.

jag2791 to się podoba
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

My 4 SpeedRuns of obtain item set sed with structures been rejected because I put the 4 categories in the same video, and they say me in the rejected message to "Upload diferent video for each of the categories".

I would be like to know who is the problem with upload with the same video the 4 categories. It is completly verified, you can loo perfectly that the 4 runs are true and no cheated. WHO IS YOUR PROBLEM!? I look pointless to throw down my 4 SpeedRuns only because of that when there is no problem.

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Let me explain out: I submit like 8 Piano Tiles 2 category runs 3 days ago, and didnt be verified yet. Yes, I know, 3 days is no much, and you are thinking that I am so impatient, that is true lol lmao :V XD. But is no only because of that…

We all know that only the mods can verificate the runs no?

Okey, the thing is that, today, I look in the threads the last replieds, and I figure out that the last message of a mod was iof @ChocolateTheGaming, of 1 YEAR AGO.

So, is in that momento when I think: "There are all the mods inactives?" So, I decide to verificate that by my count. So simple, I enter to the count of all the mods of Piano Tiles 2 to look the last time they was online.

In fine... @SaturnRunsGames , 1 DAY AGO (clap clap :V). He is the only mod that be online less tan 3 WEEKS ago. The rest look:

  • @ChocolateTheGaming , 23 DAYS INACTIVE
  • @Roddy , 1 MONTH INACTIVE
  • @Lifly , 2 MONTH INACTIVE
  • @phillip1872r , 4 MONTH INACTIVE
  • @cliff393394 , 1 YEAR INACTIVE

So, I mean: We have active mods verificating runs? Because the only mod that be conectet in this last peridos of 3 weeks is @SaturnRunsGames , that is true that been conected 1 day ago, but dude.

I think would be so nice to have more active mods, to get all the verifications and all the answers to any question faster. I can understand to not to look like a good idea to upgrade to mod any men that like it, but would be so nice.

Maybe this sound all to spam and to try to be mod lmao, but… Yeah, I only say that I am so active in speedrun.com, and I realy like/love this game so much, so I would like so much to be moderator pls, would be so cool/well. To SpeedRun.com , I practically conect all the days, in except of maybe days like cristmash or 6 of january (the magic kings lmao).

In all case, if Im not me, any onther men that also would like to be moderator and that is active.

I only and simply comment this to explain that we need active mods. So, basically, because I would like to not to wait 2 months from the time that I submited a run to when is verificate with all the points I submit.

If any mod is Reading this, pls, get figure out about this.

Thanks because of your attention.

Zanum, IvanderLatidjan i 3 inne podobało się to
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Look in the down part: then of my run and of a run of 10-11 minutes, there are more runs thar are better. For example, there is a run of 3:13;75 of time, and is in the down part, when is better time tan 10-11 minutes or tan 5:58 (my time lol f :v).

Can anybody fix that pls? I think is bug, but realy I dont know if there is another main reason. Can anybody explain me, pls?

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

Let me to explain: Days ago, I submit a run of Diamond% randoom seed no structures. I submit the run more than 18 DAYS AGO. Yes, I been waiting (no literaly ating 100% lol, but yeah), to be verificate more than 18 days, and nobody verificate the run yet.

So, who is the maximum time the moderators can spend to verificate a run, if there is? I would like to know how would be go to be verificate.

In fine, in all case, dont worry. Thanks.

Dumber to się podoba
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

It is posible to verificate a run with only a screenshot? Or is only posible with a video? Thanks.

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

"Buy every costume (except for 1.2 DLC) Buy every hat (except for 1.2 DLC)" Okey, this is in the rules of 100%.

So, pls, nobody can say me exactly who are exactly all that 1.2 DLC costumes and hats? Thanks.

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

We all know that there is a category in this category extensions of Super Mario Bros that is "144 Fireworks", that is to beat the game as fast as posible with 144 Fireworks, that is to play a warpless but finishing all the levels with the digit "6" in the time, to get 6 Fireworks in each of the 24 levels with flag, so 24x6=144, no?

Okey, now, the Fireworks are not only posible to get with the digit "6" in the final time of the leve... What about the 1 and the 3? When you finish the level with the 6, you get 6 Fireworks, and, with the same logic, if you finish the level with the number 3, you get 3 Fireworks, and if you finish the level with the number 1, you get 1 firework.

So, I think that, with the same logic tan 144 Fireworks, would be also so logic and so cool/nice to be also a category of 72 Fireworks and of 24 Fireworks. The rules are the same tan in 144 fireworks, but get 72 fireworks, you need to finish all the levels with flag with the time ending in the digit 3, because 24x3=72. Also, to get 24 Fireworks, you need to finish all the flag levels with a 1 in the final digit of the time, because 24x1=24 (logicaly).

I am thinking to maybe run a 144, 72 and 24 fireworks.

What you think about it?

zsjetu9 to się podoba
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

I think would be nice to have a discord of Super Mario 3D World. Is not logic? I only prupose

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QNITa2Vq-1-_EidZkyC2LoXObxJlLNpVz-P-fvbOqos/edit?usp=sharing I cant enter and I dont know why. Nobody know how to fix this or if is posble to fix? Pls info

Drace194 to się podoba
Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago


In this page ( up ), you can put the game that you would be go to play, and you get an aleatory bingo card from that game, and the bingo card is always different, they doesn´t been repeated.

So, why not? Would be so nice be a category of to do a SpeedRun of bingo. I would be going to try to do some day.

The time start when you enter to a new file, and end when you do a line of the bingo card.

Also, if is not to much, can be sub-categories of, for example, double bingo, to complete 2 lines, or triple bingo, to complete 3 lines, etc. (I look nice of 1, 2 and 3 lines, in my opinions). Inclusive a 100%, to complete all the card with all the 25 options.

Also, a multiplayer bingo: complete the bingo card with more than one player, for example, 2 players. If you complete one of the challenges, the others doesn´t need to do it.

In fisrt time, I get the idea of "360Chrism", that do triple bingo´s with more runners. Look, a list:

kerbis54 vs Briguy77. SMO Bingo Tournament 2018:

Lockout 2v2 bingo by oliverwed, hamhub7 vs. GanonSlayer_, blue64_:

Basque CountryKilleDragon4 years ago


Is an idea of get as fast as posible coal lol. So, why not? lmao

And also more than coal, others obtain item like diamond% or esmerald%, for example coal%, iron%, gold%, etc.

O KilleDragon
5 years ago
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