przebieg: Metroid Dread
CanadaJimmyJoe2 years ago

That Screw Attack route was fantastic! It looks like the execution there is very right on a 0% run

CanadaJimmyJoe2 years ago

Rather than a glitchless category, maybe an All Bosses category? It comes out to more or less the same thing, but allows for the use of other glitches in future

Though if we've gotten into Samus shifting through the floor like she's the Flash, then yeah I could see going Glitchless instead...

Glitchless subcategory, maybe? Glitchless any%, glitchless 100%, glitchless 0%?

bugthebug, wordsayer19 i 2 inne podobało się to
CanadaJimmyJoe2 years ago

Thanks a lot! That seems to rate storm missiles at 300, rather than 450, but otherwise that's exactly the information I wanted

CanadaJimmyJoe2 years ago

Is there a document listing the damage values for different weapons and beams? I'd be very curious to know how much damage a Power Bomb does over however many ticks, or how quickly you'd need to mash the Plasma Beam to keep up with Ice Missile damage output

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O JimmyJoe
2 years ago
2 years ago
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Metroid Dread
Metroid Dread
Ostatnia wizyta 2 years ago