wątek: Bleed
United StatesJakuts8 months ago

Currently we do not have any official ruleset for runs. There has been a bit of debate among the few people (that I know, at least) who still run the game regarding the end of the run at either end the run on the Rival kill (when his HP bar hits 0), or to end the run at "Level Clear"/when the game stops taking inputs. This information is extremely relevant if someone in the community is attempting to work on making an auto-splitter, and basically to everyone attempting to speedrun the game now or in the future. We need an organized set of rules to go off of, which currently just don't exist (going off of Bleed 2's board for reference).

On top of that, currently, all leaderboards here are set to RTA, even though the game has a working In-Game Timer for Arcade Mode. Should we end up changing runs to just use IGT, or keep everything RTA?

For any of these ruleset changes, I personally don't think we'd need to edit or remove any existing runs from the current boards. Especially considering how many runners are still currently active, and how old some of the existing runs are. Plus that workload would be a lot, even for a team of people to do, with lives outside of moderating this page.

This is also just to see how many folks are still interested in continuing or planning to submit runs of this game in the future (myself included). I feel like if we have people who are interested, then we should be aware of what should or shouldn't be allowed in any run of the game, how runs should be timed, whether quitting to menu after a level clear screen comes up, what launch codes are allowed (for example, "novsync", or another one that allows the game to run at speeds that are ridiculous and unplayable, the latter of which was recently brought up to me, and is the main reason why I'm even putting such a major effort into this), just to name a few things.

Obviously, there is much to discuss, so if you haven't already, please be sure to join the Bleed Community Discord Server. There will be a thread for this under the #speedrunning text channel.

aktualności: Bleed
United StatesJakuts2 years ago

Many thanks!

wątek: Bleed
United StatesJakuts3 years ago

Yes, runs of Bleed 1 can be submitted here from any console/PC version of the game. Runs of Bleed 2 can be submitted from any version on this separate page: https://www.speedrun.com/bleed_2

wątek: Bleed 2
United StatesJakuts3 years ago

As stated in a previous post, we are holding discussions regarding when a speedrun timer should start/stop, and how a speedrun (specifically on consoles) should be timed both on the official Bleed Discord, so if you haven’t already joined, there should be a link on the left!

The main arguments are starting from the difficulty select in story mode (rather than restarting level 1 or the run entirely), and finding what certain frames in the downloaded run footage should be used to start and stop the run timer.

s0tsU to się podoba
wątek: Bleed 2
United StatesJakuts3 years ago

This is a great suggestion! Honestly, since mutators disable achievements and replays, we’ve never thought to make a rule for them. As far as not providing video proof, I do believe SRC actually requires a video link in each submission, so we figured that goes without saying (also it is mention in all category rules). There’s no reason not to add all of these, so thanks for the suggestion! The game rules have been updated!

We’ll also be looking to revamp the Story Mode rules (specifically the current need for a timer to be shown on screen), to better include console runners... especially since so many players are getting Bleed 2 for free with Xbox Games with Gold. This will most likely be discussed and decided on the Discord server.

Fe26 to się podoba
wątek: Bleed 2
United StatesJakuts4 years ago

EDIT! We have a new Discord, and the button at the left (in the side-panel) should link to it! Otherwise, here's the new 2020 link! https://discord.gg/EzxrRew

wątek: Bleed 2
United StatesJakuts4 years ago

While I'm personally all for Co-Op speedruns (they're honestly super fun to watch, and even more fun to play), most of our leaderboards are already bloated with categories. The other mods and I would rather not make that issue twice as bad. The same goes for different character sub-categories.

I also haven't really looked into how to set up co-op leaderboards (not to mention Game Extension leaderboards), so I'm not sure how 1 player can have 2 different runs on the same leaderboard with 2 different players, or if that's even possible. There's also the frames of input lag to consider, which is different for each group, depending on the distance between the players, giving some online duos an advantage over others. Those frames of lag, even in small amounts, would give online players an automatic disadvantage compared to the few people who would be able to run the game locally. With online co-op, there is also the risk of the game freezing, or "buffering," for both clients to catch up to each other, or desync entirely. These freezes might make it easier to splice footage together.

The cards just don't line up... If anything, at least there IS an In-Game Leaderboard on Steam for Co-Op runs (including both online and local runs).

wątek: The Site
United StatesJakuts4 years ago

I'd like to apply for Moderator for Bleed https://www.speedrun.com/Bleed I'm one of the most well known members of the Bleed/Bleed 2 community (I made and still expand the Discord server, myself), and I already moderate for Bleed 2, so I feel like I should be moderating Bleed 1's page as well.

wątek: Bleed 2
United StatesJakuts7 years ago

Have you ever wanted a place where you could share your thoughts on the Bleed games, or get some more people into your Bleed (2) livestreams? Voice chat with other speedrunners, share tips and exploits, talk about anything and everything Bleed! Join the new Discord server! https://discord.gg/CS2hZkM

O Jakuts
7 years ago
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