United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Hey all! I want to get into speedrunning games like this. I am wondering what a good Emulator is and how you download games on them

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Well thanks for info and help guys! i have only ever played the Xbox version when speedrunning in the past and I'm accustomed to it so i will continue to run on xbox but i just got a nice computer so expect lots of runs to be up soon for PC! they will probably not be great but it will take me a while to figure out keyboard and characters like naija

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Alright I’ll try it when I can. Is there a list of the codes? And who can be unlocked and what are the advantages of having them for example brownie?

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

How is that done? Don’t know if that would even be possible on Xbox

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Just finished watching the run. Really clean play by the runner. Naija is used in Dark Rapture a lot and Josef is used a decent amount throughout the whole run but besides that the rest were Xbox characters. What makes this run crazy is that there were only 36 deaths. They didn’t play too aggressively but didn’t die much so it paid off. Glitch girl was also really lucky for the runner. The run was 1:25:08 which I think is near a 1:31:00 if converted to Xbox because of loading and use of Naija and Josef. I can’t imagine an Xbox run going anywhere below 1:25:00 but hopefully I can prove myself wrong at some point haha

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United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

I only watched a little bit of it but i have to say that seemed like a very impressive run. 1:25:08 before timer glitch and jump glitch. Although my best Chapter 1 is a little bit faster than on this run yet still 17 seconds slower than what this runner got... shows how crazy load times impact the run. You lose about 1 min 40 seconds on the end credits in the xbox run. I'm going to guess 5 minutes are lost in the Xbox 106% at least just from loading because i already lose 20 seconds just in chapter 1 light world compared to PC. I think what is bringing my time down is not practicing and optimizing routes on later chapters. If you don't count naija i think i keep up pretty well Chapters 1-6. Chapter 7 and dark worlds are where i need to improve time and character selection for the dark worlds. I haven't run a full speedrun since i got back into the game just 3 days ago. I think I will try to fit spelunky into the run some although he is only good in levels that are very horizontal based. Also, i wouldnt be able to skip 3-1 to 3-5 because then i wouldnt be able to do the boss at the end of the chapter. maybe i could skip back to 3-4 after picking up ogmo in the warp zone?

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Also any tips you guys have for improving the SMB speedrun or general speedrunning tips would be appreciated thanks!

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Timer glitch is also harder to pull off I believe on Xbox but not sure. Thanks for the input guys!

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Would love to see PC WR-holder run on Xbox One. It would be interesting bc he is accustomed to keyboard and the use of naija so I wonder how fast of a run could be pulled off and the routes that would be taken throughout all of the chapters.

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Maybe I need to learn new level-to-level strategies/like maybe skipping certain levels, heading back to dark world after doing 3 light worlds, stuff like that. With the lack of naija just going from 1-7 then 7 dark world and 1-6 dark world is my current strat. I do skip 3-4, 3-5 and 3-5 warp zone because you need the kid for 3-4 but that’s my only extra strategy. Doing Chapter 1 then Chapter 1x just loses time on the Xbox version I think

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

My record which I did like 2 years ago(haven’t been playing the game) on Xbox One was 1:51:37 and my best possible run I could achieve with all my best segments is 1:37:15.78. I’ve already improved that a few minutes over this last week since I started playing again. You cannot skip credits and don’t have naija. Although Xbox One load times are much faster than 360 and you can now do timer glitch jump glitch which helps a lot. I’m not sure sub 1:20:00 is possible but sub 1:30:00 is definitely possible but still insanely difficult.

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

I think it would also encourage more people that don’t have PC to run the game. I haven’t played it much the last 2 years but I want to get back into it and run a 1:30:00-1:40:00 run and not feel like it’s actually not great compared to WR

United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

I unfortunately am only able to run the game on my Xbox One. I don’t have a good enough computer especially to use LiveSplit and record while running it on PC. Is there evidence of an Xbox WR for 106% or does absolutely no one play it? I only see 1:30:00 to be potentially as fast of a run possible for Xbox One (while current PC WR is near 1:12:00) and I would like to see if I could achieve a WR for beating the game non-PC. Also wondering if all categories can have a leaderboard excluding PC because it is obviously has a huge advantage over other systems.

wątek: Speedrunning
United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Actually I just found the forum haha. Thanks for your help!

wątek: Speedrunning
United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

Unfortunately they do not run the same. A much faster time is achievable on the PC version with some reasons mentioned above. Could you send a link to the SMB forum? I wasn’t sure how to access one for specific games

wątek: Speedrunning
United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

I meant to type Super Meat Boy haha and those are all PC Speedrun times

wątek: Speedrunning
United StatesJJPratt6 years ago

I’m wondering if there is a known 106% speedrun record for Xbox... The xbox version can’t be run as fast because of not having some characters like Naija and slower load times and not being able to skip end credits etc...I am only able to run the Xbox version because my computer is not very good especially if I try to record and use LiveSplit. Can anyone lead me to a video record of the best Xbox 106% run? I can’t find one anywhere. I want to go for the WR!

O JJPratt
8 years ago
28 days ago
Uruchomione gry
Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy
Ostatnia próba 8 months ago
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Super Meat Boy
Super Meat Boy
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