AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 month ago

You can also click story mode, goto day 1 ingame, turn off both animations, quit game, and when on menu screen turn both animations back on. Idk how to stop it from crashing though. I tried messing around with the high/medium/low quality settings, but nothing changed. The game crashes when I try to use the insta-win.

przebieg: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

Thank you!

Soon I should be getting a new computer :) maybe it will reduce the in-game lag.

What are your thoughts on the best time to build a boar camp? It seems bad to build it too early or too late.

Cid_Malones to się podoba
przebieg: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

Aaa NICE!!! you did it, 5:00!

To not upgrade the siege workshop attack is brilliant.

Wow just wow, this is amazing. I am wondering about getting the large siege more quickly by using less attack upgrades on the boars, but maybe it won't do enough damage to the enemy turret on first push. At any rate this was breathtaking.

Cid_Malones to się podoba
wątek: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

A new SS tier strategy? https://www.speedrun.com/army_of_ages/runs/ydj76g0y

I never thought I could win more quickly in medieval age than in stone age. This has been an exciting breakthrough! However, I have a gut feeling that there is either a better strategy out there or an improvement of this strategy.

Before today, I did not know that health upgrades on units can increase the amount of exp gained on death. In the run I utilize this concept as best as I know how.

przebieg: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

Congrats on first sub 3 :D

Cid_Malones to się podoba
wątek: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago


Since the guides are not attached with a comment section, I thought to make one. In other words, I was thinking this thread could be used to discuss a guide I made here -> https://www.speedrun.com/army_of_ages/guides/qxa0l

I did not want all opinions to be mine and I thought it would be interesting to discuss the development of a new and improved strategy (aka an "SS tier strategy").

wątek: Age of War 2
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

Thank you so much!

I don't know what I was using either, but probably I got the swf file from archive.org

przebieg: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

But on the other hand, health is the cheapest upgrade (especially for boars) and so maxxing out the upgrades does not really hurt you financially, plus it seems that you need some resistance against the spiders. Indeed after conducting a several new test runs I found it was best to max out my health for boars and probably even dactyls.

przebieg: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

Haha thank you but once I got 5:14 (but only like 2:52 ingame time). Hopefully I can reproduce my relative successes in the future.

I hope you run soon! I am sure that you can beat my record.

wątek: Age of War 2
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago


I have been wanting to do my run on either Adobe Flash 32 or a similar flash player, but MaxGames only allows you to play age of war 2 insane difficulty on the MaxGames site or phone app.

Is there a way around this?


przebieg: Age of War 2
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

Well done! This run is insane.

SegwayBALLER to się podoba
przebieg: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

"no success" as he gets WR

Lol I said that because my goal is to make under 5 minutes ingame time without using the starter's tutorial. I have gotten 5:16 but that's about it.

the bulk of the damage that the boars and dactyls are gonna sustain is gonna be from turrets and the damage of the 1st turret is 50, 2nd ones is 100. the max hp from Dactyls and Boars is 140 (70+70) so in the early game I doubt immediately upgrading both to lv 5 makes a difference since they're gonna die in 2-3 hits. this does not apply to the big factory since its gonna be tanking all sources of damage. so prioritize upgrading the big factory then the damage dealers to hp lv 3 then 5.

Interesting stuff.

Using this information then, I wonder about using only large factories or maybe using large factories and boars but with a lower respawn rate, so that I can spawn more dactyls. The source of my inspiration for this new idea is the fact that we might not have to upgrade health to its fullest.

wątek: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

I was like totally stoked to discover this myself, and I think it is cool that you find it cool too. Unfortunately though, it seems that the kid discovered it 6-7 years ago in secret XDDDDD...Well if he did then I must congratulate him.

I did a new run and got something like 2:54 (I don't remember exactly). My strategy was the same except I stuck with the cave age instead of going to the future age. I guess it helps a lot that the boars and small factories are cheaper than the future units and that the water gatherers are there in the beginning :).

I do not think any of this is viable for speedrunning, because you need the blue spiders to attack your boars before the boars reach the first turret. Only that way can you gather your boars in a large group. You can destroy the turrets in the tutorial but that takes too long.

I don't know if the 0:00 run is possible, I can not seem to destroy the third turret. The water gatherers won't attack it, and I don't know if I can glitch the water gatherer destinations for the wells. There is a glitch to make turrets stop attacking if you have like 20+ units in its firing range but I don't know if it's possible in the tutorial. A slow running speed only hurts you I believe. Underspawning water guys and overspawning spear guys didn't seem to yield progress. In some runs I managed to cause 1000-1500 damage to the third turret as the spear guys were concentrated enough to attack it before they all died, but after that I couldn't seem to get anymore damage.

wątek: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

I beat his score without cheating!

I think I know what he did. Probably he used "Next" instead of skip tutorial, grinded money and xp, and then advanced to some age (maybe future age).

Using this technique I got 3:08 ingame time XDDDD...I do wonder about what age is the best to evolve to, because the muskets in the renaissance age do zero damage to turrets. The future age has those speedy angelions and dynamos but it takes a lot of money to support them. Maybe something in the modern age is best (rocket marine spam?) but I have no clue so far. I will do some more experimenting.

See the link below for my video running 3:08 ingame time.

wątek: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

Hahahaha :)

His "try to beat this score" is so corny too XD wheres the proof man

przebieg: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

You also can't start with the pterodactil since he is a late game unit and only helps in dealing damage to the base.

the only problem with pterodactils is that they only target air which isn't a problem for drachus and small factory so maybe were missing time save there.

Wow, I then wonder if I am buying my pterodactyls too early. Indeed the dactyls die pretty easily to all the tier 2 enemy units and above. I buy them rather early to avoid a money surplus at the end because a big money surplus to me implies an inefficiency in my strategy, but I will play around with delaying the pterodactyls until around when the third turret is close to destroyed or if that doesn't work then maybe I will try making the dactyl nest a bit earlier than that. With that being said I remember that my success was best building a dactyl nest right before selling the water gatherers.

the 2 70hp units can be only upgraded to level 3 to get to 70(+35) hp and can tank 2-3 hits from turrets and the money can be spent elsewhere. after you destroy the 1st turret immediately sell your bones turret and sell the water gatherers to buy the pterodactil. I believe this is the fastest way I'm finishing my current runs.

Hmm, what are the 2 70 hp units? The boars and dactyls? Assuming so, well, I feel like health is the most important upgrade no? Or does 6 health upgrades versus 3 make no much difference for surviving the turrets? My experience tells me that health is the most important upgrade to finish first (for the boars at least, that is. I'm not sure about other units liek small siege, large siege, or dactyls).

but the most important thing is to control the amount of spitters by auto using the meteor when they reach 4>=.

You mean when the spitters gather up in a big line and do lots of damage at once while being hard to control at the same time? Yeah sometimes it happens in my runs, but not all the time. I am not really sure of the cause yet. If it does happen then a meteor seems necessary, although I think by using a meteor on just three normal units that arent in contact with my army, that it lowers the chances of a spitter line up later.

also using meteor in between 2 spitters is actually a pretty good strat instead of hoarding spitters at the front line :/. maybe it would work if a hybrid is used and if you're sub 3k exp you can start using meteor on groups of spitter? dunno

Yeah, I agree with using meteors in between 2 spitters (and the 1 blue spider in addition). It seems crucial to give my army that one second resting period to group up and hit the turret before enemy reinforcements arrive.

Well, if you are using large siege factories then you can go more heavy on using meteors; you get an enormous amount of XP for each large factory unit's death. If you are not using large facs then you have to be more conservative.

wątek: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

lol. You're welcome! I hope you can improve your score.

wątek: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

Thank you for reassuring me, haha. Right, I don't even see how under 5 minutes can be possible, although I wondered if maybe he once had extremely lucky lag or bug that made all enemy units like not attack him or something?? If that happened then 3:12 would actually be a realistic time.

wątek: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

According to the below video, this person got a 3:12 score. Is it easy to make a fake score within the flash game itself? I don't know much about cheating methods. Could it be possible to legitimately make this score? I mean, I think you need at least 3 minutes to fully upgrade 3 camps (excluding the water gatherers).

I don't think I am able to get below 5 minutes time.

przebieg: Army of ages
AntarcticaGoideneaglet1 year ago

I tried to improve this strategy by using big siege factories.

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