Madrid, SpainElbody5 years ago

I run on windows 7, but I do understand the reasoninig behind banning it, and I agree.

Most hardware is made incompatible to windows 7 nowdays, already a very small fraction of people still use it, in a couple of years probably will be a dead system, altogether with the posibility of getting top times, so let's just ban it.

Sunpawz to się podoba
Madrid, SpainElbody5 years ago

During the chase of the 3 skull dragon heartless, doing the last bit in the snowboarding minigame, something weird happend.

The scene transitioned on the ground instead of mid-air like usual, and from there, the next boss didn't allow me to finish the battle, their A.I was desactivated and the game couldn't proceed.

Video evidence here, anyone has any clues why could have happend? might be good to figure out so runners avoid it.

Apologies for the bad audio, something was up with the Mic

Madrid, SpainElbody7 years ago

You just have to unistall the game and download it again from Steam. Savefiles are stored on your documents folder, so you will not lose them

DiscoCokkroach to się podoba
Madrid, SpainElbody7 years ago

So, after some testing, it seems the first set of bosses doesn't scalate with your levels at all. The rest of the normal enemies does though, and some of them are really dangerous.

On Stream, I spent like 30 minutes diying over and over on the laguna dream 2, it requires some big preparations xD

DiscoCokkroach to się podoba
Madrid, SpainElbody7 years ago

Hey guys, I just created a tiny mod that makes your characters start at Lv100, thus making the experience way different and harder.

It increases the level of your characters to 100. Since enemy monsters scale with YOUR average level, the monsters all will be max level. **To make it work, you must start a NEW GAME. ** (it will NOT change any of your previous savefiles)

This makes enemies having better drops and magics to draw, but they also become more dangerous. Making the posibility of a VERY DIFFERENT speedrun.

Lv 100 Mod: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7qms2vq2nn5x2us/Lv100_Mod.rar Deling tool (required) http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=13050.0Deling

  1. Download the tool Deling: http://forums.qhimm.com/index.php?topic=13050.0

  2. Select Open, and find your FF8 directory.

  3. Locate and open the file at FINAL FANTASY VII/Data/lang-en/main.fs (It can be used for lang-fr, or any other language)

  4. Select "eng" (or any other language you are using)

  5. A tiny bit up, select "Replace", and introduce the file I included on the .rar


DiscoCokkroach, calcifer050, i kaivel podobało się to
Madrid, SpainElbody7 years ago

Adding JP times has been always a topic of discussion for this leaderboard, we always wanted to add a category for JP runs under JP timmings (from turning on console to The End), but since we couldn't navigate or understand how Nico leaderboards really work, we ended up scrapping the ideas.

I belive we should re-open this discussion on how to implement the category again, since Pingval is showing interest on it. It might be a great chance for both communities to work together if any more people decides to follow your steps too :)

The way this leaderboard works, the runners have to submit their run on a permament source of video (youtube, twich highlight... anything) So I understand that is a problem considering how Nico works. But if the JP runners manage to upload the video and attach it to the submissions, I don't see why we should not create a JP category under the misc tab.

Kronychu i W1ndows podobało się to
Madrid, SpainElbody8 years ago

If you use PC version, if helps, I usually practice on normal-low level battles and spam his limit (with the Assist Booster enabled), you should get the timming down after some attemps, from there, practice makes perfection.

Although, you may notice sometimes this version drops some imputs from time to time, just be prepared for it.

That's why I always recomend to not go for the one cycle on PC, go for Zell (no junctions) and Squall (With Ifrit) combo, its more RNG based because you need 2 characters in low HP, but if Diablos opens up with gravija, is the fastest strat you can get (Even faster than 1 cycle with Zell)

Baloonatic i W1ndows podobało się to
Madrid, SpainElbody8 years ago

first, thank you Ony for organizing this in our a absence, I belive is worth discussion for the future of the leaderboards as you mention.

On the topic B, I belive it should be allowed. My point: Why is such a bad thing to begin with? Only real benefict is looking for a better Step count, wich could potentially benefict the route and the times. By cutting possible progress, we also cut the posibility of new WRs, new ideas,

Let's say, tomorrow someone discover, for example, a way to teleport to the disc 4 in the first 5 minutes in the game by exploiding something in-game on a previous save, as long as he starts the timer on new game, I don't see why would be a bad thing. Most likely all the runs would migrate to a hypothetical new category called "no teleport" and leave the any% to that new trick. Why ban an activity that could potentially save so much time and revitalize the leaderboard? (If you think that would kill the game, take a second look at how dead this game has been in the past 9 months.)

If it's the disc change the main issue, it can be easly fixed by adding on the rules "You may start on disc 1", or "You can only swap discs when the game tells you so" or even "No FMV manipulation/corruption allowed"

Even if there is a big glitch involving this, such as the Emerald Weapon thing on FF7, is not even bad to my eyes. Serious speedrunning is all about getting the fastest times anyways. Categories exist to please the competition purposes anyways, am I right? If someone doesn't like any% on FF7, No slots is the solution, why can't be the same way on FF8 in case something game breaking arises? It's not like No slots is a secondary thing (in fact, it's by far the most competitive!)

tl;dr: Don't BanHardware/Pre-run manipulation on FF8 is my vote.

calcifer050 to się podoba
Madrid, SpainElbody8 years ago

Awesome job Ony, it can definetly be a great adition!

Madrid, SpainElbody8 years ago

I updated the information a bit, it starts in a few days, let the word spread!

Madrid, SpainElbody8 years ago

Laguna can die in pepperoni, but you better revive him before he switches to Squall... :)

Madrid, SpainElbody8 years ago

Considering the game gets released on time Kappa

KRob16 to się podoba
Madrid, SpainElbody8 years ago


[big][big][big]DATE: Sunday, March 20th. 14:00PM (Gmt+0)[/big][/big][/big] **(You are still on time to join!) **

Timezone conversor: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter/ Inscriptions: https://goo.gl/tIfw8f FAQ and in-deph info: https://goo.gl/QSYgyc

Welcome to the 2016 edition of Squall is not Dead, a multiplatform FF8 race where everyone is more than welcome, even if you are learning the game, or you don't have a clue about the speedrun.

The main goal is to have more people interested in the game, know each other better, and mostly, have fun during the event. If you want to join, it's pretty easy! Just type your name on the google document above, and fill the information with the dates you are avalible.

The new adition this year.... is we will host PRIZES! for the winner, don't miss your oportunity and join!


  • PC, Console, and Emulator are allowed. (PC preferable)

  • Any language on PC is also allowed.

  • You can save and load the same file.

  • You can't use any of the Cheat aditions of the PC version (F1, F2....)

  • You can't load a different savefile than the ones you create during the race.

[big][big]Prize[/big][/big] The winner will get a free Steam copy of FF9, neat! And also.... there is a hidden prize if you manage to finish the game with Squall NOT diying at ANY point of the game, don't dare to skip those healing menus, will you take the RISK!? ;) (Shouts to Logeek for achieving thing last year)

[big][big]Other Information[/big][/big]

Madrid, SpainElbody8 years ago

Great idea, we can make this work, a consistant theme through the games will make this feel a bit more like a whole community.

O Elbody
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