New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

While it has not said specifically until now, it seemed assumed that 100% individual levels didn't allow taxis. I have updated it so taxis are not allowed. If you do 100% individual levels and believe a run used taxis and is unbeatable without them, please inform a mod. It is unlikely many missions could use taxis, or use them well, but I thought I would put this message here anyway.

WookiesLA420, StrangeSeat i 9 inne podobało się to
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Probably same guy who has been making fake accounts for years in my and Toriks' chats, the copy pasta he uses goes along a similar vein to this. I always assumed it was Kane or Ryedawg. Considering Ryedawg recently threw a hissy fit, the timing of this post is suggestive but its perhaps coincidental as I hear Kane is still harassing Pdub so its not like he isn't still around as well.

As this post was made by a new account, clearly I have grounds to remove this post. I won't however for three reasons:

  1. I have no way to ban people from the forums.
  2. We don't use the forums.
  3. He can just remake the post. I will not engage in pointless pursuits. I will however lock it while I am here, I suspect it will just be recreated anyway.

If you wish to engage with this person, have fun. I need to go back to editing. One of my mods just informed me of this post.

ItsGalaxyGD, MICRONRG i 13 inne podobało się to
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@Just1ce Interesting. Not sure how it would be useful right now but always good to see this kinda stuff. Thanks :)

StrangeSeat i MICRONRG podobało się to
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

At a vote of 9 to 1, the new category "Close Shave" will be added.

StrangeSeat, MICRONRG i 5 inne podobało się to
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

I feel a miscellaneous category for anything that is distinct and that people would actually do is fine. We will hold a vote in the discord. I messaged you on twitch @Askorbiini

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Which mission? Sounds like the assassination missions but different missions despawn cabs or have your cab driver simply drive away. The assassination missions (except the first one) require you to wait until he drives off a little bit, whistle, then start the mission.

StrangeSeat to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@Just1ce I managed to get it to work once out of 10 tries. Unfortunately that means that I can't really use it but it is a great find.

StrangeSeat to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

-Kasai- I had a similar thing going into Monkey Business once. It doesn't appear consistent.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

That is quite interesting. I wonder where else this can be replicated and if it would have any significance in 100%

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

This is interesting. While can't currently see how this would be useful I would appreciate anything else you are willing to record and show here. Thanks :)

StrangeSeat i pherm10 podobało się to
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

As a rule of thumb, we want as many people submitting runs as possible and speedrunning is about enjoyment after all. If you think you will enjoy making and submitting a run then go for it.

Keep in mind there is a difference between 'Any%' and 'Any% NMS'. Check out the rules on the leaderboard as English_Ben suggests. The only real difference between the two is whether you can use the in-game mission skip function.

Whatever the quality of your run, if it is clear enough that we can see it is an actual run of GTA V you should be good. The timer is not required, it is preferred simply because its existence likely makes it harder to cheat (even if that isn't fullproof) and it allows the creation of a 'loadless' time (which is also not required). If including it will cause you problems then not using it will still be fine.

StrangeSeat to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

"your want to remove leaderboard PBs" But I don't want to do this, I just suggested it as a solution because it is logically a solution and one already brought up previously.

"I'm not the only one, by the way, that thinks this" I agree you are not the only dumb person on the planet. You do understand removing PBs would...remove...my world records...right? There are only 4 categories I care about and I already have three of them. I am only 30 seconds off in the 4th. Removing PBs wouldn't give me any world records..it would actually "invalidate" 3 years of my runs including my world records, which I clearly don't want to do unless its voted for. Can. You. Think. About. What. You. Say.

a_jar_of_hair_mayo : Multi-time Classic% WR holder DarkViperAU has engaged in an 11 month conspiracy to retake the classic% WR for the 9th time by, rather than just improving his run by 30 seconds which he has done 20 times, calling for votes on rules with the hope that an unpopular position becomes voted on the most! This will not get him a world record, it won't even get him the legacy classic% world record and it would invalidate his own records. What a diabolic genius!" LISTEN TO YOURSELF!

"massive issues with acknowledging your opinion is your opinion" I literally have chronic self-doubt. I literally have a psych degree which causes me to question everything I believe because I literally studied human bias. Its just in this case what you are saying is so stupid that doubt is hard to express. You seem to have missed that I can see inside my own mind with 5000 hours of speedrunning experience in GTA V and you are both claiming things about me that I KNOW are factually wrong and things about the game that I know are factually wrong only to a slightly lesser extent. You are then saying "Well I don't agree" and I am responding, "So fucking what" as none of this concerns you and giving you a crash course to educate you is beyond what anyone should do. Fuck me I had to lead you to videos that everyone else has seen, but you didn't watch, just to teach you that the thing you asserted didn't exist....actually existed. What a god dam waste of time that was. I have explained simple concepts that demonstrate how your claims are false and you just brush them aside as if they are nothing because truth doesn't interest you. Look at what your conspiracy looks like mate, this is the world you have put yourself in due to a personal dislike.

"I acknowledge the fact it has some impact" It learns! It learns!

"I don't want to see other people's PBs invalidated because of your inability to divide opinion from fact." I have never read something so dumb in all of my life. You are literally on a post asking for opinions so we can have a god dam vote and you are arguing I don't know what facts and opinions are. I suspect you lack the mental capability to understand this, but I will try anyway, you are an idiot.

StrangeSeat i communistcustard podobało się to
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@a_jar_of_hair_mayo "I do think you're trying to create a situation that enables yourself to do better in the category" Lay that out. Explain the logic. I have already detailed how every action I have taken hurts my ability to get a world record, but let us not let facts get in the way of what you feel has to be true.

":you're trying to bully and push down any opinion " This forum post is literally calling for additional god dam opinions! The post you read from illumanti has me complimenting him for something I hadn't considered! You feel 'bullied' because you opened this conversation with an evidence-less conspiracy theory, like your bandwidth throttling diatribe (it does exist just not in the sense you spoke on). You immediately backpeddled on whether or not the FPS phenomenon actually exists (well thought out position that one was) but admitting you are wrong seem a little too much to ask. You started by effectively saying "Hey man, fuck you DarkViperAu" and then you expected me to converse with you kindly? Are you crazy?

"My opinion stands" Yes, I agree you know nothing about running this game and have built an opinion on that basis. Regardless of what those more knowledgeable than you might say, fuck them, you are right because you feeeeel you are right.

StrangeSeat to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

"I don't think it's significant enough to be a serious impact on a run" Your incredulity is duly noted. I am not hand walking you through things you simply do not want to accept. Your lack of runs submitted into any speedgame suggests you are an alt account and are trolling me.

"could you behave yourself" You literally begun this be calling into question my integrity and claiming I was attempting to rig a system for personal gain. That my friend, considering how much you had to be unaware of or actively ignore, is pathetic. I am happy you have backtracked away from this after about 10 minutes, good for you. Asking for a person to respect you after you call into question such things is the grandest hypocrisy. May as well speak of murdering my family and ask for biscuits.

communistcustard to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@a_jar_of_hair_mayo "I'd recommend finding a way to prove it." We already know this phenomenon exists. We runners know it exists. The driving experts know it exists which is why the cap the fps to 60. You didn't watch the dam video. I brought this up 11 months ago. You are suggesting I invented a phenomenon 11 MONTHS AGO to invalidate people's runs TODAY. Are you insane? https://www.speedrun.com/gtav/thread/qqka4

Illuminati was asking to determine the specifics that FPS differences have compared to each other, not whether or not the phenomenon exists.

You are either trolling or so hell bent or believing me to be a con artist that I could literally teleport us into the game using VR and show you the tires bump up and down and you would tell me I was simply a wizard pulling a trick. Attempting to convince the incredulous is a waste of time, especially in this case where you have no involvement with GTA V.

communistcustard to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@a_jar_of_hair_mayo You understand there were two videos right? One very detailed by a guy who analyzes GTA V cars and physics for a living? There are also long posts on this forum for racing experts and testimonies from speedrunners. This is something we have known about for 11 months, the videos and testimonials focused on showing the EXTENT of the phenomenon, not proving it. No one else rejects its existence you can god dam see it watching Vods.

You understand prior to any FPS cap I have the best PC and thus could abuse it to get world records if I wanted? I get world record all the time, I have held all the world records multiple times for months on end. I have 5000 hours in this game. Do you REALLY think I need to rig the system to get a world record? Think hard. Holy hell i got two world records not a week ago. I could beat my own Any% and Any% NMS runs... my 100% run easily if I just wanted to say "Hey a new world record YAY!". I am only 30 seconds off the Classic% world record.

I will be frank, how fucking stupid do you need to be to think I am making rules to get world records easier when I pushed to ban the ifruit app which gave me an edge over literally everyone else? I am not in this for fucking world records, they merely signify my improvement. Every god dam time I say "This rule will benefit us", people will jump out of the wood work and claim that my 3.5 year dedication to this game is a farce so I can rig the system to gain stupid fucking '1st' images on a leaderboard. The incredible effort people will go to just to create a conspiracy rather than face reality is absolute staggering to me.

communistcustard to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

I think I am done with all of this @ToriksLV I have tried so hard to be fair to everyone and all I get is claims I am some world record hungry fiend. I am going to run this game for my own enjoyment, it will probably more enjoyable without the cap. If my runs conform to whatever you make the rules so be it. Fuck world records.

communistcustard to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@a_jar_of_hair_mayo "I don't think there's good proof for your claim as it stands" Did you not watch the Broughy video? You have a collection of racers and speedrunners telling you "this is a thing". This is a well documented phenomenon, take a gander at google if the evidence presented so far isn't sufficient.

"you're trying to create the optimal situation for you to get a WR." You are on one hand claiming you are not convinced FPS effecting speed exists, but also arguing I am trying to give myself an advantage by limiting FPS. So...you think I think it exists...but you are not sure that it does? I have the most powerful PC. No one disputes that. How on earth could I be trying to create the most optimal situation for me when I specifically advocated for a situation where getting a new world record was the most difficult, that being on a FPS cap of 75? I contend it is only people who have put their head in the sand who would think as you seem to. Hell, one of the biggest issues for setting an FPS cap was still having the current world records be beatable at all...and I currently don't have either the Trevor% or Classic% world record ffs. Your statement may as well read "You are trying to change the rules to give you the best chance at world record, by making the current world record holders runs much harder to beat". Listen to yourself man.

"having you in charge of the rules " The rule put in place was one I didn't initially advocate for. If I wanted to increase my chances of world record I should have simply said nothing, 11 months ago and now.

communistcustard to się podoba
New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

@ToriksLV I agree that I rushed to have a resolution largely so that runs could be attempted as normal and be valid. The longer rules are in limbo the longer runs can't reasonably be completed.

What will such testing tell us? The ifruit app only impacted, at best, 0.2% of the run. Even a 90 fps cap would seem to massively dwarf that leading to the current issues. When I suggested this idea, 11 months ago and a few days ago at least at first, I was under the impression the impact of FPS was essentially just curbs. How many curbs do we even hit after all? I assumed we would have a similar situation to the Ifruit app and it would be resolved the same way. Testing has shown I was horribly mistaken.

New South Wales, AustraliaDarkViperAU5 years ago

Its a fair point @illuminati7777 The considerations for 90 fps related to the ability to beat the old runs as you say, if there was a separate board, 90 fps doesn't have any significance over any other value. Just as an aside, the timesave you get with FPS isn't just from curbs. With the fps cap, even in prologue I was losing time before I even reached the car. Fractions of a second sure, but it was there.

The issue with the testing would be its complexity with very little practical benefit in the results. Without doing the exact same inputs on each test, having the the exact same RNG of traffic, and having the exact same fps fluctuations due to surrounding environments, determining the differences between FPS caps would be next to impossible. The differences would also not be constant in each setting.There would also need to be testing in all different forms of gamplay and on multiple forms of hardware.At the end of the day, we know the more FPS you have the more time you will save. The closer the FPS cap is to the FPS of previous runs the greater the ability people will have to beat the old records.

You are right no one gets consistent 90 fps and I would have the greatest ability to abuse a situation where no cap was in place but, I will be honest with you, the amount of shit I have receive for specifically trying to prevent that reality has shown me trying was not worth it. I am frankly sorry for trying. If the majority doesn't want an fps cap it will be removed and we will go on with our lives.

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