Alberta, CanadaDBLTHNK4 years ago

I also want to point out that other places on the net refer to it as The Spy Glitch... to me that screams a glitch....

Alberta, CanadaDBLTHNK4 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. Would you also be able to elaborate on this rule:

-Save and load is allowed, so long as it's in the same attempt.

Alberta, CanadaDBLTHNK4 years ago

So I have recently started do runs for this game and I have some concerns about the validity of some of these runs.  So hopefully some of these questions can be addressed.

  1. This is a full game, no major glitches run correct?  If the answer is yes, then why do the top 3 runs currently use the spy into their own battle lab glitch to get chrono legionnaires on the second last level?  To me this is a major glitch and if I'm being honest makes all these runs invalid.  They need to be removed or moved into separate category.

  2. Why are there not separate runs for different difficulties?

  3. Why are there runs validated by the submitter?  This is a conflict of interest and these runs need to be validated by another person.

  4. There is a run here that is under an hour and does not have a video submission.  There is this: "mod note: No video for this run but the run was timed with the auto splitter and is believable."  What?! I'm sorry but how can this be valid.  Are we just taking people for their words on run times?

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4 years ago
4 years ago