wątek: Portal
ABeastBunny7 years ago

Well... the problem seems to have gone away. I know this sounds weird but this really was happening and now it's not.

I'm guessing after deleting the windowed mode options in the .bat file it fixed itself. Case closed for now I suppose :P

wątek: Portal
ABeastBunny7 years ago

I'll make a video now.

wątek: Portal
ABeastBunny7 years ago

Hey yall, so I wanted to try speedrunning for the first time and I wanted to try Portal as my first game.

I watched the first 2 videos on how to setup Portal to be able to speedrun it, I downloaded SourcePack just as described, Livesplit and the latest speedrun_addonv0.0.5.1.

Everything was done like in the video and as I get into the game with the Portal.bat file everything is fine until I move my mouse even slightly and the game pretty badly stutters, I tried starting the run anyway and see if it was just a bug in the main menu but nope. After doing speedrun_start or whatever the console command was, it still was stuttering upon mouse movement.

I tried turning off Livesplit just in case that was the problem, I tried deleting the windowed and borderless commands in the .bat file, even all the lines apart from the ones that launch the game.

Done some googling for the problem, only a couple of people seemed to have the same problem but no fixes since this doesn't seem to be a thing that most people get.

If anyone has a fix pls let me know I really would want to try speedrunning :(

Thanks in advance.

PS: The video I watched:

O ABeastBunny
7 years ago
7 years ago