Texas, USA40wattrange8 months ago

You had no right or reason to delete these records. You won't last long as mods. RIPbobo

Estacaco i Skunky48 podobało się to
Texas, USA40wattrange1 year ago

Linked to real video where the segment is stolenz.

Ceriel i Skunky48 podobało się to
Texas, USA40wattrange2 years ago

Just wondering if the MISTer FPGA is an accepted platform for emulation?

bleg to się podoba
Texas, USA40wattrange2 years ago

Hello All - I've never ran this game, but I really like the story behind it. I've always wanted to run it in some way, but for me personally, the full Any% run wouldn't fit into my life schedule. I generally only stream for about 2 hours at a time.

Connor’s story was always the most interesting to me. In addition to the typical public and companion opinion, he also has the unique Software Instability trait.

So just for fun, I started goofing around with routing the game as a New Game+ type of route/category for Connor chapters only.

Must complete all missions successfully without death Route choices must include all software instabilities possible. Hank’s opinion can never drop, and he must be your friend in the end. Public opinion can never drop, and must go out of your way to positively influence it any chance you can. Must complete the game as deviant, fully free. All optional choices that impact opinions or instability must be included. (Like saving the fish or the wounded officer in The Hostage).

Basically I just tell it to save my progress so that I know what I have done has impacted the timeline. It is sorta lame always having to exit back to the main menu to do a chapter select. Though I think it may be a fun way to show off the game as it would shorten the length of it, and still leave mystery to the viewers since they aren't seeing the other 2 main stories.

I've used this list as a guide of things I need to make sure happen, or are avoided.


Anyways, just something I've been goofin with when I don't feel like doing my normal grind. Not sure if anyone would have any input on anything, but if you'd like to see what I've routed so far you can check out this doc


I know this isnt the most optimal in any way, again I dont actually run the game, but I've used the Any% route as the main skeleton, while referencing some of the other categories if possible.

The thing I like is that it seems this would show off a lot of Connor content that none of the runs (other than 100%) would show off.

Not asking/looking for this to be an actual category, but just thought I'd share this random thing.

shaza to się podoba
Texas, USA40wattrange2 years ago

where did it go.

i made tutorial.

not big.

Texas, USA40wattrange2 years ago

With 1.2 on the horizon I had an idea for these boards if anyone wanted to do the work to organize them.

You could have the main categories as simply Any%, All Ducks, Popless, etc - and then create a subcategory for the version - 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc.

Now you'd only have about 4-5 tabs in total - and then all the versions underneath.

Just a random thought.

Texas, USA40wattrange2 years ago

Any plans or chance on making a board for this? Extension or otherwise?

Texas, USA40wattrange2 years ago

I know that MiSTer is already accepted as an emulation platform, but similar to the SuperNT being FPGA (but unofficial), the MiSTer (also FPGA and unofficial) has now been listed as a selectable platform within sr.c.

Would it be possible to have it as an option? Or is it not used widely enough in the community to warrant that?

Texas, USA40wattrange3 years ago

Not sure if anyone cares, but just something I noticed while browsing if mods wanted to further organize the boards.

Noticed the boards were cleaned up with sub categories rather than filters (thanks :) ) - any reason not to just add the no cape/no starworld/small only as sub categories to their respected parent?

Not that it matters, just something I noticed could be done. For example 11exit No Cape could just be a sub category of 11 exit rather than its own tab.

keap3 to się podoba
Texas, USA40wattrange3 years ago

In the discord server we have discussed cleaning up the categories after playing the game.

We feel that there should be easy/hard Any% categories as the characters are different modes - JJ being easy physics, Jeff being harder. This is per the instruction manual. Jeff being faster means you have to route the levels slightly different to avoid hazards and the layouts seem more tailored to JJ.

We want to rename the categories as Any% (Easy) and Any% (Hard) and within them have sub categories for US/JP. This would then be mirrored for Warpless.

This would give more range in how to run the game rather than forcing everyone to play as Jeff, as he is the faster character and even optimal JJ play is still roughly 30 seconds off of Jeff.

Any comments on this? If there are no objections I can move forward and handle all the changes.

Texas, USA40wattrange3 years ago

With 1.1 coming out, and it being pretty different from 1.0 is it possible to get some 1.1 categories spun up?

I know people have already started doing Any%, All Ducks, All Ducks No OoB (which could possibly just be the same as All Ducks?).

Game has seen a lot more attention recently.

Moniker1717, AaronTruitt i 2 inne podobało się to
Texas, USA40wattrange3 years ago

Starting today (Oct 1st, 2020) we would prefer that proof of the difficulty settings be shown in the video. It should be a requirement, but I dont want to reject runs purely on this basis since we can look at other things to verify the difficulty.

Please note that if you do not show the difficulty in your video, that this could lead to a very long approval time as we will have to do testing of our own to figure out the number of enemies, the damage they do, and so on, to verify the difficulty. This testing will occur when we have time to dedicate to the testing and we still may put the burden of proof on yourself to demonstrate and explain how it was the different difficulty setting.

If you provide the proof at the beginning/end of your run - it will save everyone a lot of time and effort.

, MrClean_TV i 2 inne podobało się to
Texas, USA40wattrange3 years ago

I noticed on the rules for the JP version it states that it scrolls faster. I dont think this is correct. I believe this is possibly just a misunderstanding.

Per the game manual, "JJ/Kato" is easy - "Jeff/Ken" is hard mode.

Jeff/Ken runs faster, skids further, and jumps are not as high or far as JJ/Kato.

So I dont believe the games speeds are different, i just think it was a misunderstanding between characters on the submitted runs.

As far as I can tell the only gameplay difference is the fart/spray directions. Not sure if this would justify a merging of the boards, or a separation of characters for an Easy/Hard board - but figured I throw that out there to clear it up.

If needed I can record 60FPS videos of each showing that they are the same speeds.

Texas, USA40wattrange4 years ago

I used to follow SMB1 - i no longer do. No matter what I do I cannot shake the notifications on the site. I have followed removed all notifications, unfollowed, anything - i just keep getting them.

Texas, USA40wattrange4 years ago

Hello - I've recently been made mod to the the TMNT arcade game. I was wondering if we could get the addition of some regions that we are unable to select - a generic "world" region - as well as an "Oceania" region. These are also common regions for other games so figured it would be worth while to ask.

Another thing would be to have "1up" added as a system/console. With the new 1up arcades out there we see people using those from time to time and would like to track them differently than if using original arcade hardware from 89.

Babyhuehnchen, Timmiluvs, i manticor5 podobało się to
Texas, USA40wattrange4 years ago

I've noticed some lacking information on this game. For instance, the regions are all off. I've seen WORLD, USA, JAPAN, OCEANA, and i think only USA is listed.

I'm not sure if we are taking 360 submissions anymore since there is it's own leader board, or if the old ones are grand fathered in, but it seems like various categories still have runs with 360 on them, and in some cases are on both boards.

Not really a big deal unless there is a tie, but a lot of runs dont have milliseconds listed, even though it's an option when posting.

The other thing, again not really a big one, is that there is Solo Any% and then Co-op Any% with all the player options - why isnt there just Any% with 1-4 player as an option?

If someone wants to make me a mod, i'll gladly clean it all up. I'm currently a mod on Super Smash TV and that leaderboard is a night and day difference since I cleaned it up, otherwise this is just something I thought i'd bring to the attention of other mods.

rom_eat, thenesmaster i 2 inne podobało się to
O 40wattrange
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