United States07ScapeSkiller8 years ago

Hello! My name is 07ScapeSkiller, but you can call me Joey. I plan to start running the "All F2P Quests (Exc. Imp Catcher)" category very soon, which I have just started to dub nobeads% since it is easier to type. I am going to do my first nobeads% run this weekend, and I have full intentions to continue running it for quite a while. I'm fairly certain in the end the run will be around 2-4 hours long, which is totally manageable for a speed-run imo.

Since I want to get pretty involved in this community, I'd like to introduce myself and hopefully have some good discussions! I've always been a huge fan of both speed-running and RuneScape, so I figured I would combine the two of them. This is something I have talked about and wanted to do for many months so I am very excited to officially begin!

I've played RuneScape for over 10 years, my current main accounts being Pcfl_Bone & Pcfl_Alt. I am a streamer, albeit still fairly small (8500 followers), but my interest in these runs has already begun to spark a lot of interest from many other people! My goal is to help turn this into a fun category with a lot of competition, while also strengthening the community as a whole. I'm fairly involved in the OSRS streaming scene and I expect quite a lot of support and buzz to be generated once I officially start.

Working with my buddy Daubs, my stream (and hopefully all of you soon!) I am going to to get a really optimized route written and planned out. Once I have that (unless one already exists?) I will of course share it with all of you! First off though, I do have a couple questions I'd like to ask regarding the rules of the "All F2P Quests (Exc. Imp Catcher)" run. These questions are based off just my own observations and the small handful of runs I have seen so far.

  1. Getting members is allowed, but is doing members quests allowed? For example, doing the Waterfall quest to get that 30 attack/strength to speed up future combat encounters. Or Witch's House for the mage exp. If not, why not?

  2. For Shield of Arrav, I noticed in the one run submitted by Phantasem that he/she created the helper account at the same time as his other character. Could I create an "official" helper account that I would set up beforehand with multiples of the gang-specific items you need? Then I would just park it in the proper spot, and use it on each run. That way it shaves off some time and requires far less preparation per run. If not, why not?

Those are the two main questions that come to mind right now. Eventually I would want to branch out to other categories, but for now I am going to focus on nobeads% runs. I'm very excited to start running this category and I hope to meet the handful of you that are currently involved. Together I truly believe we could turn this (and perhaps others) into something much, much bigger! :D

Can't wait to read your responses.


O 07ScapeSkiller
8 years ago
8 years ago