Mark2% Guide for Wrs or Casuals runs
Mark2% Guide for Wrs or Casuals runs
Zaktualizowany 1 year ago przez KCDQAntonin

Hi, in this guide i will show :

How to obtain the Mk.II

Some tips

The WR path (in my opinion)

Very Quick introduction to the category :

The goal of the run is getting the "Shadowstalker Mk.II", you'll need to do a lots of steps, during the entire run quests will show you where you'll need to go, the entire map will be crossed, even the deadzone ! Bones, skull, zombies, boss, quests and mostly luck and skills will be involved.

Pirates artifacts :

There is plenty of artifacts to collects on the map, here's a list and a chart of what you need to collect :

-Pirate chest (underwater)

-Pirate skull (Liberator)

-Bones :

1 inside the well at Nordvik Farm.

1 in a canoe at Camp Kazan.

1 Along the central rock pile at the ancient stone ruins between St. Petersburg and Keryev.

1 At the collapsed metro tunnel in Moscow

1 At Zavod in the third tank body from when approachin northbound.

You can collect them whenever you want but if you don't have all of them you can't finish the run.

I put a dot precisely to show you where they are and I circled them in case you didn't saw them.

The liberator :

The first thing to do is swimming to The Liberator , at the ground floor take the skull and talk to the "Dr. Swamson", accept the quest named "Research Recovery" then go at the top of the building and introduce you to the "Captain Sydney", also talk to "Commander Laurence" and take the quest "On Air", after that go back to the ground floor and talk to the NPC "Natalie" nearby the tank and take the "broadcast repair kit".

Tips :

I suggest you to try spawning at the beach near the pirate chest, loot it and then suicide and hope for a spawn nearby the Liberator because you will lose a lot of time if you go for it mid game.

You can press [use] key to skip the dialogs with the NPCs.

Little bit of farming :

During this speedrun you'll need a lot of ammo if you want finish it quickly, and most importantly gasmask and filters, I suggest you to farm either at Moscow or St.Petesburg depending on where you spawned, Moscow is the best choice because there is 2 fire station like St.Petesburg (that's were the gasmask/filter spawn) but you have a chance to get the police helicopter at Moscow, I suggest you to loot Zavid and maybe Volk Military Base if you don't have enough ammo.

Tips :

If you have a police helicopter before going to the deadzone you only need the gasmak, no need to search for filters you will have enough time with only the gasmak (if it's 100% of course).

The police helicopter is the fastest helicopter on the map.

Deadzone :

Now you need to complete the quest given by the Dr. Swamson, to do that you'll need to collect 4 capsule in the deadzone, look at the 4 point I've made go for it, take them and that's it now go back to the Liberator and end the quest.

Anastasia :

Go to St.Petesburg by night, go to the underground by using the ladder at the center of city, go constently on the right until you reach the end of the tunnel, you'll see a wall with weird symbol paint on it, type in the Area chat "Anastasia" and the wall will move, you need to kill zombies around the red crystal, after a certain amount you'll be teleported into a abandoned research laboratory, open the door on the right when you go downstairs then go touch the red crystal again to get teleported back.

The boss :

Place the pirate skull and the chest, and feed the crystal with zombies again, warning this time you'll be teleported in a room with a special giant zombie (he has super powers), after killing it you'll be teleported back again, take the 3 little crystal and go to Keryev, at the bottom of the mine place the crystal and kill zombies around it until it disappear, repeat the process under the big arch in Moscow and in the cemetery at Yekativurg.

Tip :

The boss have OP loot, check what he drop but be quick you don't stand a long time in the room after he died.

Radio towers :

The final lap, head over the 3 island around Moscow, climb each radio tower and repair the radio signal, finally go the center where there is a huge white beacon, and collect the MK.II.

The WR route :

Now I will quickly explain what path you need to take if you want to beat the WR.

The 3 suicide strat :

Firstly you need to spawn on the beach near the pirate chest, take it then suicide and spawn near the Liberator, do what you need to do there and suicide to spawn at Nordvik farm and take the bone.

Looting part :

Rush to Moscow it's not far from the farm, take the bone, loot the 2 firestation, the military camp and if there is no heli my advice is to reset. If you have one, check the gas station and go to Zavod and take the bone then go to Volk military base.

Bones and boss :

Go to the deadzone take the capsule and leave, on your way back to the Liberator take the bone at Camp Kazan, finish the quest and before going to St.Petesburg take the last bone at the rock pile, do the crystal sacrifice but don't put the bones and the chest now or it will kill the run. Now put all the pirate stuff, do the crystal sacrifice again then kill the boss.

Final part :

Nothing special here, just take the 3 crystal and kill zombies around them, then repair the radio towers and collect the mk.II

For easier understanding you should watch the Mark2% run I made or even the one with cheat allowed.

As you can see this isn't very complicated but it take a lot of time to do it, there is only 3 runs so you can improve the strategy a lot.

Statystyki gry
Najnowsze wiadomości
elver parkour% time

hello gamers

new category

time to go fast

have fun <3


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