Pip's Guide To All Death % No Expansions
Pip's Guide To All Death % No Expansions
Zaktualizowany 1 year ago przez PipSpeedRunsStuff

Hey guys,

I was the mad lad who originally suggested the category. As of time of writing I'm also the WR holder. I wanted to share my notes on how to route the run, in hopes of one day being dethroned!

Base game deaths: Fire, Electrocution, Drowning, Hunger, and Age. Hunger and Age are the real tricky ones You ideally want to die from hunger before age as age takes a minimum of 48 igh (on the lowest life cycle settings). While hunger takes 72. This means, you need to roll the dice and make sure your sim doesn't die from age immediately. However, you also need to be lucky that they die soon after they've starved to death.

Side note: The way that Age-Death works in the sims 3 is that each day there's a 'maximum lifetime' precentage of a sim dying of old age once they've reached they've passed the normal max set. Unlike all other ages, you can't birthday cake your way to a age death. Life spans dictate the % chance. Setting is to short gives you a 30% chance each day.

A good way to speed up death by hunger is to drink coffee, as coffee only recovers as much hunger as you loose per tick, but it makes sure you can't faint for 2 hours. Fainting and falling asleep reduces the amount of hunger per tick you get. So ideally you want to drink enough coffee to avoid fainting but not so much that you actually slow down your hunger rate.

So ultimately the route goes : Burn alive, then go sabotage a speaker or something, once it's broken, wait until you piss yourself and try to repair in order to electrocute yourself. Then go for a swim and you can just move the speaker over the place you entered to save time on menuing. (These can be done out of order but this is my suggested as repairing the speakers can get cut off as an option if needs are too low)

Then once that's done drink coffee every 2-ish in game hours and wait for starvation. After 48 igh pray to the rng gods your run doesn't end early, then prey to them after you've starved.

I hope this helps. Happy running!