101 Speedrunning Notes
4 years ago
Missouri, USA

Keep in mind this is less of a walkthrough, and more highlighting various parts that maybe harder to remember than others. The dialog order is numbered on the order of the text option from top to bottom on the message box. For example if it says to goto 2, you would go to the 2nd option in that order. I learned this from a speedrun of Waxworks, another click and go adventure game on PC where the runner used notes for the dialog for what to say next while in dialog, and he had it ordered the same way as me. They'll always end on the very bottom dialog option that will quit the conversation.

Example of dialog order (the numbers is'int there in the real game. example order: 1, 3, 2.

  1. Words
  2. More words
  3. also words
  4. extra words

After you give the cheeze to Jimmy: Max, 3, Sam, 4, Max, 4.

Visiting Bosco's for first time (you'll catch Weezer first): 1, 3, 4

Buying weapon from Bosco's (after shooting car on highway): 1, 1, 1

Sybil (after the soda poppers chase once you get the paper from the asylum); Ink blots: 1, 3, 2, 1, 4

Free Association: Click the Tiki, use the boxing glove on Sybil, click the tiki or intercom (don't think it matters).

Dream: turn the person into Max (3), then turn doughnut box to birthday cake (1). Use window to leave as it's right there.

Hypnotized at Bosco's: Click cheese, now you're in the other dream. Use light switch, go under Max's head, shoot one way sign, use head on Max's body. Click on antenna, open closet door, use pump on mouse when he's at the pump.

Goto sybil for blue print, get antenna from the office, give blue print to Bosco, and then antenna.

End Fight (Once the dialog box goes away, click soda poppers again, and continue where you left off on the order): 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1

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