Big Rules Change
Big Rules Change
Opublikowano 2 years ago przez

It's been discovered that the method for obtaining the animation glitch is CPU cycle dependent regarding the number of turns it takes to activate the glitch. Sadly this means from this point forward, all submissions will have to use a fixed cycle count and display the entire DOSBox window as proof of the cycles count. Six runs are being removed (all runs that used the animation glitch without proof of a fixed cycles count.) Five of these are my own.

I apologize for the change, but this is the sort of thing that needs swift action so we can move forward together.

On the plus side, we've added an Any% No Major Exploits category for a more "as intended" experience since the game is broken as sin now. If interest for a 225 Points NME category comes up, it may be added as well.

Thank you for your understanding, and let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or objections.

Statystyki gry
Najnowsze wiadomości
New Category: Crash the Game

We now have a CTG category listed as a misc category! Feel free to let us know either on here or via the Discord server if you have any questions or concerns.

2 years ago