New Game+ Walkthrough
New Game+ Walkthrough
Zaktualizowany 3 years ago przez SageGrimm
  • Same levels and requirements but with extra enemies.
  • Machine gunners sweep their spray of fire nearer to your position.
  • Enemies that appear through the sliding doors have a 50/50 chance to be a machine gunner instead of a pistol enemy.
  • All skills available for use.
  • Failing an alert is an automatic failure, other optional objectives can be ignored.

TERMS "sword recalling" - click on a previously thrown sword in an attempt to return it to your hand. Granted by an ability further down the sword throw skill line. "smash n slice" or "SnS" - Collide with an enemy, pause, and then kill them in a single motion. This is used for setups or gaining action points quickly. "hover slice" - Attacking an enemy with a normal attack while in the air nearby. This has the fastest animation for a minor time save.
"zipline SnS" - Like a normal smash n slice but using the zipline retract for the smash part. This will send their dead body flying to collide with other enemies. "SStrike" - Short for Shadow Strike, one of the skills available for movement. "SStrike Samba" - Shadow Strike dancing, in which you SStrike to the furthest enemy of a group, kill them and repeat during turn-based combat. "AP" - Short for action points, what you collect as you stun or kill enemies and civilians and what you spend to use skills. "walljump" - The act of jumping a little away from a wall and ziplining higher. Fastest method of gaining vertical height. "zipline" - Clicking on a solid structure to attach a line to it then immediately retract so you are pulled to that spot. Basic movement. "zipline flow" - Using the zipline to alternate jumps from the ground and the ceiling. Fastest way of moving through a normal room. "bunny hop" - When there's no ceiling within easy zipline reach, the next fastest form of movement horizontally is a series of quick jumps in succession.

"door" - Red or green doors that block entry between rooms. Red is locked and can be unlocked if there's a small keypad on that side or through use of a security console. Green will open when it senses a body on the ground in front of it and stays open for a couple seconds. An alerted level will lock all doors when the countdown reaches 0. "sliding door" - enemy closets inset in the background that open due to triggers and release an enemy a couple seconds afterward. "stairs" - open door frames inset in the background that allow you to move up or down between rooms of buildings. "elevator" - larger inset doors that can be entered and then be moved up or down between floors, slower than taking stairs. They can also be called to a floor the unit is not on if you're overlapping one of its doors. Makes a sound when it reaches a new floor.


1-1 (1:02) Jump to your sword, walljump up and across the small building, and then through the window to take the stairs down. Move through this room so that you get the door to open automatically without slowing down. Go through the door and zipline to the right wall, about halfway up for best results in the next step.

Jump away from wall and zipline to the top corner of window, so you'll end up smashing through and clinging on the other side of the wall. Drop down to the computer and use it.

Bunny hop back through the room and zipline to the wall just above the door of the next building. Drop down in front of it, then make a jump through so that you end up inside the center space of this building on one of the walls. Drop down to the platform, then again to the floor below missing the enemy to your left. Head out the door and walljump between the two buildings until you can get to the right side door a level above where you started. Head through and take the stairs down to start a forced encounter with a machine gunner on your left and a pistol enemy on your right.

Using a visual indicator, aim your jump so that your mouse cursor is near and above the right corner of a gray railing. It is part of the scenery at the lip of the door you went through earlier. You will end up knocking the machine gunner down and clinging to the wall next to them, just above where the pistol enemy shoots. Kill the machine gunner. Because of your previous position, the pistol enemy will miss their shot once again. Finish the fight by SStriking to them and kill.

Make a little hop right to unlock the door, then continue moving right into the next building. Avoid the angled light by ziplining to the ceiling and a second zipline to the right wall. Drop down in front of the door and avoiding the enemy at the same time. (NOTE: It is possible with alternative movement to SStrike them but it does not end up saving time.)

Short hop out the door, immediately turn around and walljump up the building to its roof.

Collide with the enemy in front of you hard enough for both of you to fall through the window. When you smash the glass, zipline to the left corner of the window so you end up hanging on the ceiling near the frame. Stealth Kill the enemy below you. Drop to collide with the remaining enemy who will see you immediately before being knocked down. Kill them to clear the room so you can use the computer.

Jump out the right window followed by a zipline to the next building. Walljump to its roof and make your way across to where you can smash the large ceiling window. When you do hop through, immediately zipline to the left corner so you're hanging just above the machine gunner on that platform. Either Stealth Kill or knock them down so they aren't able to see you for the next steps. WARNING: On rare occasions the enemy on the other side is the one to scan for you instead of them when the window is smashed. This strategy has no way of avoiding this so they will see you before you can get away, requiring a run restart.

From the platform, jump back up to the ceiling so that you're clinging to the left side of the window frame then make a big jump across to zipline to the right side. This should put you above the enemy on the right platform. Fall down to that platform, knocking them down, and again to knock the next closest enemy down. If all went according to plan, all but one are temporarily incapacitated and the last enemy is looking away from the computer calling in the alert. Quickly use the computer then zipline flow out of the room through the right door and outside to your bike, finishing the level.

1-2 (1:16) Make your way inside the building and zipline to the left corner of the ceiling window when you're close enough. Jump onto the roof and then off high enough to zipline to the top corner of the next building's window.

Zipline flow through the room and through the space above the door. Either SnS or zipline SnS to kill this enemy; both take the same amount of time but one's more satisfying to pull off. Swing into the room below before SnSing the nearest enemy. You need the 3 AP to SStrike to the leftmost enemy, killing them afterward. Jump to the enemy in the light and hover slice when in range.

Zipline flow left through the space above the door and down to the computer. Use it and immediately zipline back out before the civilian turns around and continue flowing through to the outside. Walljump up the right building to the roof and across to the other side.

Swing into the room below and zipline above the light, avoiding the enemy for now. Drop down in front of the door and make your way to the computer. Use it, then return to the last room and zipline SnS the enemy so they sail out the window to fall in front of a door, forcing it to stay open. Follow them out to that door, pausing midway to throw your sword at the machine gunner below.

Zipline flow through the second floor room to the other window. Jump and zipline down to collide with the enemy below, but pause for a second. Scroll left so you can see your sword and recall; the camera should then quickly shift back to center on your character. This makes it much easier to kill the downed enemy near you, saving time waiting for your sword to move. Pause after your sword has slain the first enemy to recall it once again and SStrike the other enemy for a small time save.

Use the console to unlock the doors to the last two computers and keep moving left to the first door. As it opens, pause and SStrike the nearest enemy for an easy zipline smash setup. They should knock the other two enemies down. While this plays out, zipline to the ceiling before the light remaining unseen. Drop down to the computer to use then immediately head right to avoid being seen by the second-floor enemy and through the door again. You're now on an alert timer but with plenty of time to finish.

Outside, walljump up the buildings to zipline the top corner of the window in the right building and move through to the computer inside to use it. Zipline flow back through outside, immediately ziplining to the second story lip and back across to the right so you can reach your bike well within the timer countdown.

Kill the Old Man (1:04/1:10) Zipline to the top corner of the window, then maneuver so that you're on the ceiling above the nearest machine gunner. Stealth Kill them and immediately drop down roughly in front of the enemy sliding door. Use a ceiling zipline SnS so you can kill them without being seen (fall from this height is not enough), sending them flying between two other enemies. Hold pause while the animation plays out so you can immediately throw your sword afterward at the next nearest enemy and zipline to the ceiling just above the light fixture.

Zipline flow across the ceiling until you're at the rightmost platform. It's fastest to Stealth Kill the two enemies there before dropping down to the platform and then to the floor. Sword Recall to kill the last enemy and pick it up while you take the stairs.

In the above room hop to the door if the patrolling enemy is not in the way, otherwise walk. Take the next two stairs up, the second of which can be reached in a single jump. You are now in a forced encounter that is somewhat dependent on RNG due to the samurai and occasionally where the pistol enemies are aiming. It should roughly play out as follows:

The samurai is aiming at you, making the floor unsafe. Jump so that you end your turn hanging above and to the right of the machine gunner. The samurai should be nearby after his sword dash, usually on the right so they'll be aiming at you again. For your next turn kill the machine gunner. The samurai should end their second sword dash hanging in the air right against the left wall. The two pistol enemies are now aiming at you directly.

Jump to the middle of the left wall. The samurai has now landed on the floor below you while the two pistol enemies are aiming near but not where attacking the samurai would get you killed on the next turn. Attack the samurai. They are now dazed while the two pistol enemies are now more directly aiming at you, making attacking the samurai again unsafe.

Jump back up to the wall so that you're about a body height above the samurai, so the pistol enemies will aim high. For your second turn, kill the samurai safely and have 3 AP at the start of your next turn. Finish the encounter by alternating between a SStrike and killing the enemy you teleported to, leaving the top enemy for last. It's important to have at least 2 AP for the next part.

NOTE: Sometimes the samurai finishes their first sword dash to the left of you on your first jump. If that happens, you can immediately attack the samurai after killing the machine gunner safely saving an extra step and a 2-3 seconds.

Quickly move in front of the locked door and unlock it. When it opens hop right and throw your sword at the Old Man. Entering the room would trigger a bunch of enemies appearing on the first floor which we want to avoid. Repeatedly take the stairs down until you're back on the first floor. Knocking down the patrolling enemy now is a small slowdown but acceptable. Zipline flow your way out to the right and onto your bike.

2-1 (1:27) Walljump all the way to the roof and swing through the first ceiling window into the below room. Use the computer and immediately swing into the next room below you. You should be slightly left of the sliding doors when the enemies appear.

Hover slice the enemy nearest you, then do a small hop closer to the window frame so throwing your sword at the enemy on the center platform doesn't bonk on the ground. Pause when it hits and recall your sword. Walljump back up into the top room because the enemy there has started an alert countdown, being careful to climb around the corner so you won't be seen. Throw your sword at them and return it to your hands. Scroll down to the last enemy below on the right side and SStrike to them. Kill and use the computer in these rooms to start another wave of enemies. You should be slightly to the right of the sliding door when they appear.

Hover slice this enemy before sword throwing to the enemy on the center platform, recalling it immediately after it hits. SStrike to the last enemy in the C computer room and kill them. Use the computer afterward to start the next wave of enemies, again standing slightly left of the sliding door.

Hover slice again, then throw your sword at the enemy on the center platform. Return your sword to your hands immediately after it hits. Jump to the center platform, pausing shortly afterward to throw your sword at the last enemy on the bottom right side of the building. Return your sword before walljumping up into the room with the D computer. (NOTE: SStrike is also a possibility for more consistent timings.)

Use the computer and wait out the next enemy wave appearing by being slightly right of the sliding door in this room. SnS this enemy, pausing during the animation so you can throw your sword to the leftmost enemy in the C computer room. If the center platform enemy has been stunned by the body you knocked their way, climb out to cling to the right wall as you recall your sword. Otherwise zipline to the large middle room ceiling instead so they won't see you. Drop a bit to throw your sword again at the enemy below before returning to your original position while they die. Recall your sword and meet it halfway in the air. Throw it down and to the right at the last remaining enemy. It does not matter if they see you while the sword is in flight, they will die before the turn starts.

Fall down to the last computer and be prepared to move quickly once you use it. Immediately hop right and zipline to the right wall. Walljump your way up and if done quickly enough no enemy has spotted you as you're just out of range of their vision when they appeared. Keep walljumping up onto the roof, across to the right side and fall down to your bike to complete the level.

2-2 (2:56) Break through the window and zipline to the ceiling above the nearest enemy. Stealth Kill them and ceiling-walk closer to the light. You want to drop down on the second enemy so they fall down immediately, start turn-based combat, and be able to jump at the machine gunner on the right in a single turn. We are going to be skipping the elevator ride up with this initial setup.

For your next set of turns, kill the machine gunner, pop your decoy, and attach your zipline at the top of the window frame to avoid getting shot by last enemy. You have two turns to burn while your decoy is active so attach to the ceiling inside and zipline up to it. The reason you used your decoy is to give you a way to get down to the ground after completing the objectives without needing to use the elevator. HOWEVER! If you die or reload in-between the decoy disappears so be careful!

Back to the action, the last enemy is aiming at you. Drop down on your next turn overlapping the background coffee table, followed by jumping forward to collide with them. You need that extra distance for later. Kill to return to real time with 3 AP but hold pause during the animation so they don't start draining away.

Still holding pause, jump left and let time pass in small doses until you can zipline to the left window frame at the top. STILL HOLDING PAUSE, fall away from the wall and zipline to land between the leftmost two background windows of the set of four nearest the room you were in. This is a visual indicator for a place where you can scroll up to the right block of rooms in the tower and see the machine gunner on the platform while you still have 3 AP. SStrike to them now and kill to start the forced encounter. WARNING: Dying or reloading during these rooms will cause you to spawn in front of the elevator doors and you will have to Restart the level. DON'T MESS UP HERE.

Fall down to knock the machine gunner flying. A good spot to aim your trajectory is the left side of the elevator doors. On your next turn, kill them for a Limit Break while their body knocks over another enemy into a better position. For your extra turn, make a two-turn jump right to hover above the stunned enemy at roughly the same height as the platform. This should give the samurai a good angle on their sword dash to go through the right window for their next turn.

Kill the nearby enemy. The last enemy is aiming at you but high enough that you should make a jump back to the elevator doors and be safe. On your next turn, collide with them so that they fall out of the room. Enemies in the other rooms are aiming at you, so get out of sight by jumping up to the left wall near the platform. If everything went according to plan, you should be back in real-time.

Immediately slide down, swing around the window frame and out to the other side of the wall. The enemies should not have seen this if you did it quickly. Make your way to the top left room with the machine gunner without tripping their scan and kill them. The alert countdown is getting low at this point.

Hop back outside to the right and sword throw the closest enemy, then recall and zipline to catch it quicker on the wall below the window frame. Jump high to be able sword throw at the machine gunner on the far left who is likely calling in the alert. Zipline to the ceiling just inside the room, revealing yourself and starting turn-based combat. Drop down to the platform below you, hugging the right; the indicator should hitch at that point. Everyone will be aiming at you at this point, the samurai very likely to sword dash outside. Jump far left to knock down the nearest pistol enemy, avoiding attacks. Sword recall to kill the other pistol enemy, then again to finish off the stunned one and return to real time. Be sure to get your sword afterward. NOTE: Dying or reloading any time after this means losing the decoy but you will remain inside the tower.

Use the computer, then return to the top room to take the stairs up for another forced encounter. In your first two turns, kill the machine gunner to your left and jump to collide with the other machine gunner on the platform in such a way that you will end up landing on top of the next nearest enemy afterward. This is doable but tricky to get the distances right. Sword throw to the red visor enemy on the right to kill them, which makes your sword fall down afterward. Recall your sword to kill the enemy threatening your position and earn a Limit Break. Unarmed attack the enemy you collided with. Jump up back to the machine gunner who's just about to get up. Recall your sword now and the turn will play out by having the machine gunner stunned again and die as the sword reaches them. The sword will fall back into your hands as you finish the encounter with 4 or 5 AP.

Zipline to the window on the right and through, remaining unseen, pausing as you smash it to throw your sword at the furthest enemy. Still paused, zipline to the floor below you in the shadows. Repeatedly sword recall until everyone is dead and the sword is back in your hands. At this point a new enemy has appeared through the sliding doors. Jump to the computer but pause early on for a sword throw. If everything plays out right, the enemy will see you, die and the sword will fall into your hands right next to the computer you need to use.

Take the stairs in this room down to the right set of rooms you broke into earlier, swing into the lower room and take the elevator up to the next part.

There will be two pistol enemies in the room above the elevator. You have to deal with them because they can see the two ways to continue from here. Break the window above you and zipline to the ceiling for the left enemy, Stealth Killing them. Quickly fall right and zipline over to the remaining enemy to avoid their scan from seeing you. Stealth Kill them and the enemy that walked in through the sliding door.

Head through the top left door and walljump onto the roof of the left wall. Start a jump and stop it early with a zipline down just before the window so you don't shatter it. Walk across a little so your next full jump will make it onto solid ground. Coincidentally that's where a machine gunner is, knocking them down. Kill them on your way to the edge of the building.

Swing into the room below through the window. Pause as soon as you shatter the glass so you can kill the machine gunner on the platform which everyone there will see. This will start turn-based combat with nearly full action points. Drop down on top of the pistol enemy below, earning a Limit Break. Kill them during that free time; afterward the samurai has very likely sword dashed out the window. Jump to the sliding door, then again to hover above the pistol enemy on the floor for your next two turns. At this point an enemy has appeared through the sliding doors and is aiming at you. Regardless of the type, kill the known enemy near you for your next turn.

If the new enemy is a machine gunner, they are currently spraying the air above with deadly bullets. Take an extra turn with a short hop left to avoid the pistol enemy's shot from the platform, then jump to collide with the machine gunner. If the new enemy is a pistol enemy, then you can immediately jump to hover near their face without fear. The two paths intertwine here as you kill this enemy, leaving you with 3 AP. SStrike the pistol enemy on the platform, knocking them off. Drop down to the computer below and do nothing for the next turn so the enemy finally dies.

Use the computer. If you have died or reloaded, you will have to take the stairs down and then the elevator (the ride itself is a tremendous 28 seconds of shame). Otherwise, zipline to the right window frame and up onto the roof. Keep moving right until you're at the building's edge outside. Jump off and pause as you near the electrical wires. Scroll down to where you placed your decoy and teleport to it. Get to your bike to finish the level.

Kill the Wisegal (2:09/2:17) Alright, the slower route involves ziplining to the third floor and killing the first enemy on the platforms inside. That way you can throw your sword at the leftmost enemy on the ground and leave it there while you Stealth Kill the rest of the enemies on the platforms. After the last one is dispatched, drop down onto the floor and sword recall through the rest of the enemies. It's safe and consistent and makes breaking through the first floor afterward trivial. Since this is a speedrun, we're going to ignore all that and go through the front door that has 3 weapons pointed at it like a dummy.

Bunny hop to the front door until it opens and everyone inside notices you. Immediately jump to cling to the wall above the door so the three enemies fire and you return to real-time.

Wait a bit for the machine gunner to finish shooting and the closest enemy to start calling in the alert; going too early makes it less consistent. Slide down the wall, flip into the door frame and then forward to cling to the wall on the right side. If the red vision line is high, you will be noticed again at this point, starting turn-based combat.

Jump forward to collide with the nearest enemy, then pop your decoy for your first two turns. All the enemies will have no chance to hit you before they're distracted. Attach your zipline to the ceiling somewhat right of your current position but not to fall into the spray of fire below. Retract for your next turn and do nothing for the third. At this point the machine gunners are reloading and your decoy is no longer working. Fall down on top of the right side of the group of enemies, knocking at least one of them down, followed by killing one of them in reach. You now have 3 AP. ALTERNATIVE PATH: If the red vision line is low, you can jump forward to collide with the first pistol enemy before you're noticed. You're then safe to kill them and have 3 AP, skipping the first path's downtime.

SStrike to the top machine gunner on the right and kill them. This puts you out of sight of the rest, ending turn-based combat. Sword throw the leftmost enemy and make your way to the ceiling above the machine gunner below you. Stealth Kill them and drop down into the shadows. SStrike to the last remaining enemy and sword recall to clear the room. Take the elevator up to the next section.

When you leave the elevator you have a forced encounter. Kill the left enemy to start, then knock over the machine gunner putting you at 3 AP. SStrike to the right enemy to prevent them from firing. The sound is apparently a trigger for another enemy to enter through the sliding door, which we don't want. Kill the stunned enemy for your next turn to prep your next SStrike. This will be to the red visor enemy but unfortunately the machine gunner has regained their feet. Knock over the machine gunner again, then finish them off for your next two turns. Finish the encoutner by jumping and throwing your sword at the red visor enemy. Recall your sword as you make your way right to the elevator up onto the roof.

Once you leave the elevator, get yourself to the right edge of the building. Jump off and swing through the window. Your aim is to quickly hover slice the nearest enemy and sword throw to the next nearest. Zipline above the sliding door and wait until the enemy appears so you can Stealth Kill them immediately. Fall down to the bottom corner of the inner room, flip down to the ceiling and make your way left staying away from the lights. Once on the other side of the inner room, fall left to the floor, far enough so you aren't revealed by the light. As long as your head is still in shadows, you can't be seen without a scan.

Repeatedly sword recall until everyone to the right of you is dead. As soon as you do your last recall, jump up (letting the sword pass by underneath to kill another enemy) and zipline to the ceiling above the enemy on the left platform. An enemy on the floor will start a scan and you do not want to be there for it. Stealth Kill the platform enemy, drop down to the platform and then again on top of the last of the enemies on the floor, being careful not to cross their scan line. Kill them and take the stairs down. The two remaining enemies in the DJ booth did not see anybody dying and remain oblivious.

Make your way to the elevator down. Be sure to zipline to the right corner of the ceiling in the first floor room to start your movement here to the right and onto your bike to complete the level.

3-1 (1:16) Walljump to the window and through. In the next room, Stealth Kill both civilians because you're waiting on an enemy to come through the sliding door. Stealth Kill or hover slice them once they appear and continue your movement right and through the window to the outside.

Swing down into the room below and quickly zipline to the ceiling. Stealth Kill the enemies in order of closeness to you and wait for the enemy's scan below to hit the wall. Two enemies will have come through the sliding doors in your room in the meantime.

Zipline left and Stealth Kill these two enemies before dropping down to the right platform. Fall again on top of the middle enemy on the ground floor and kill them. This will keep you in the shadows. Sword throw the enemy to the right, getting back to the ground quickly again. Sword recall and zipline to the ceiling just before the light which will kill the enemy overlapping the computer. Return the sword to your hands and SStrike to the last enemy on the left. Kill them. At this point one final enemy appears from the sliding doors just in time for you to jump and kill them. Make your way to the computer and use before taking the elevator up.

Quickly leave the elevator and zipline to the ceiling just before the ceiling window. Hover slice the machine gunner and sword throw the next enemy to your left. Return the sword to your hands before SStriking while paused to the samurai, shattering the glass between you. Doing this unpaused will kill you. Attack to stun and quickly use the computer nearby. At this point a red visor enemy has walked out of the sliding doors but has seen nothing suspicious. Ignore them as you take the elevator down, then zipline flow to your bike to finish the level.

3-2 (1:54) Zipline flow your way into the building, up the stairs and to the elevator taking it down. In this room, zipline to the ceiling and Stealth Kill the civilian that just saw you. Drop down in the shadows in front of the door. For the next room, zipline above these two civilians and drop to the next door, doing the same style of movement in the next room so they do not see you dropping to the stairs and taking them down.

Stealth Kill the first enemy and hover slice the second that are patrolling above the glass. Get the furthest left enemy in sight so you can sword throw at them, then make your way to the right to take the stairs down. Once you're on that floor, sword recall through everyone. On the second last enemy, jump forward immediately after the recall for a small time savings. Use the computer and zipline flow to the elevator on the left.

Leaving the elevator, make your way around the light and into the room below with the computer to use it. Leave the room unseen, then zipline across the ceiling to the stairs in the top right section; killing everyone would take too long. Take the elevator in the room below.

When the elevator dings, the machine gunner starts a scan. Wait it out before you leave. Hover slice the machine gunner on the platform from your first jump but pause afterward. Jump to the right while throwing your sword at the pistol enemy. Then drop down on top of the machine gunner, avoiding their scan and kill them. Unlock the door since you're here. Just above the top of the door is a good indicator.

Zipline to the ceiling and flow along the top through the window to the left, hanging each enemy on the platform as you reach them. Fall through the last window on the left, being careful to avoid the scan of the enemy in the computer room. Stealth Kill them before dropping down to the computer and using it. Return to the bigger room and drop down to the floor to the left of everyone else. Recall your sword until everyone else is dead.

Zipline flow back through the room to the furthest elevator. Take it up and out of the building to your bike, ending the level.

Kill the Doctor (2:21) Go through the front door and SnS the enemy. Wait a tick to land, then SStrike to the civilian and kill them before using the computer she was overlapping. Zipline left, up and right to the stairs leading up, killing the civilian there if you are too slow. Leaving the stairs, swing into the next building's window and bunny hop your way to the right into the computer room. Kill the civilan and use the computer before leaving the room.

Throw your sword before your action points are gone at the enemy on the platform, then recall it as you are walljumping up the right wall. Jump high enough to see inside the room above and throw your sword at the civilian to the right since they will always hear or see the violence. Cue the sword recall as you zipline into the left room through the window with the computer. Use it, collect your sword, and then move up to the next floor.

Zipline to the middle right room and hover slice the enemy. Use the computer and return out of the room, zipline to cling to the right side wall above its window. A jump from there will land exactly on top of the large computer above. Use this one too. From there, head left to take the stairs up to a room full of enemies.

The goal here is to eliminate everyone there including the reinforcements that appear after you use the computer in the fewest number of moves which means setting up sword throws and recalls for multi-kills. Overlap with the left enemy and jump up to pop them into the air. You want to be above the stairs doorway before you kill them, preventing the scan of the nearby enemy touching you before you're finished. Immediately throw your sword at the enemy on the center platform before walljumping higher to just above the nearby platform. Recalling the sword from here will kill that platform's enemy; recall it again to have your sword ready for the next step.

Throw your sword at the top platform enemy and drop down to the floor as it falls. Once your sword touches the ground, recall to finish off the nearest enemy and again to have it back in your hands. SStrike to the remaining enemy on the floor and kill them. Sword throw to the last enemy and return it to your hands while you're in the air nearby. Zipline to the ceiling and drop back down to the computer to use it. New enemies will have appeared from the sliding doors.

Sword throw to the leftmost platform enemy and zipline to the ceiling. Once they are killed, let it drop all the way to the floor before recalling it again to kill another enemy. Wait for your sword to stop moving before recalling it, which should impact with the center platform enemy depending on your position on the ceiling. Recall a third time to have your sword in your hands again. Drop from the ceiling and sword throw at the last enemy on a platform. As it flies through the air, drop on top of the last enemy, being careful to not be seen. Sword recall before killing the enemy at your feet to save a bit of time. Then take the elevator up to the top floor.

Walk left to open the door to the Doctor's room. Set up a jump so that it ends at the sliding door but pause to hover in the air just before it. The Doctor will decoy and run away while a machine gunner shows up exactly where you're hovering. Kill them and quickly head after the Doctor. You want to cut them down before they jump and be near the window with 3 AP ready.

Pause and scroll to the right until you can see the enemies in the next building. SStrike to the enemy on the platform and pass the turn so that you collide with them and enter turn-based combat. Kill that enemy. For your next turn, jump so that your landing point is before the window frame on the right but will leave you hanging in the air for the start of your next turn. At this point use Shuriken Rain, knocking down everyone in view while you land safely. Jump out the window aiming for the wall just below the window of the next building. This will take two turns and you can add a zipline swing to adjust your distance a little higher. Once you're clinging to the wall, no one can see you and you return to real-time with an alert just starting to be called. Time is going to be tight to make it through the rest of the level so be very quick and pause liberally in-between.

Zipline up to the ceiling above the machine gunner then to the lip of the platform right. Zipline the top corner of the right window so that you're clinging to the outside afterward. Drop right far enough that you can go through the scan without being caught, but close enough to the left corner of the next window frame to zipline to it. Stealth Kill the machine gunner below then a big jump and zipline right above the light to avoid being seen. Continue your way right quickly through the window and out to your bike below. A good run of that section should leave you with two seconds left of the countdown to spare.

4-1 (2:00) Get on top of the nearby wall. Make a wide jump above the light so you can zipline to the corner of the guard room before you fall into the light or the mine. SnS the enemy in the room.

This is a tricky time save but pause immediately afterward and zipline to the left corner of the ceiling, pausing as much as you can in-between. Climb up to the roof and then a hop halfway across. If you're good, this will get you in view of the three machine gunners to the far right without draining your 3 AP. SStrike to the last enemy while holding pause so you can stop yourself from colliding with them. If you did not manage this, instead zipline to the big hanging block on the right and make your way across the streetlights to the building.

Walljump up to the roof, through the open space into the room below and take the stairs all the way down to the ground floor without being seen. You will have to hover slice the civilian in the first room if you managed the SStrike trick earlier because they will see you taking the stairs otherwise. Anyway, break the window and use the computer before opening the door to the right.

SnS the closest machine gunner so that their body hits the other machine gunner into the mine further along. SStrike to the last machine gunner and kill the remaining cluster one after another. Take the elevator down.

Leave the elevator quickly and get above the enemy in the corridor. SnS while they scan for you. SStrike to the machine gunner on the far left platform in the next room and kill them. Sword throw the machine gunner on the right platform and fall down on top of the pistol enemy, avoiding their scan. Kill them while you're waiting for the sliding door enemy to appear, then sword recall to clear the floor. Use the console if the pistol enemy is on the right side of the samurai, but otherwise get on top of the center section so that the pistol enemy is closest to you and you have 3 AP. SStrike to them, pausing liberally so they die from the samurai attack while you immediately follow up with a hover slice of your own on the samurai. Sword throw to secure the kill, use the console if you haven't yet, and move into the computer room to the left.

Use computer and immediately jump right out of the light before the enemy appears from the sliding door in response. Avoid them and drop down to the floor in the big room, zipline to the middle of the light with the security console and and around the enemy on the right platform and out. No enemy should be calling in an alert and will die from the nerve gas afterward.

Take the elevator and mash up as it nears the first stop to keep going all the way to the roof. Leave the elevator and get to your bike to finish the level.

4-2 (2:32) It's the usual drill, walljump up and across the roof. Swing along across the wide space with the electrical wire to the second floor door.

Shatter the ceiling glass, hugging the left side, and hover slice the enemy below. Zipline right and high to remain unseen, then Stealth Kill the enemy that is in the shadows. Drop down and then jump high through the window, ziplining to the ceiling. Stealth Kill the two enemies here, then the third that comes through the sliding doors. Hover slice the nearby enemy and SStrike to the machine gunner in the computer room to kill them.

Use the computer and make your way up and right to the door outside, walljumping to the room with the left window. From the window frame, drop left and zipline SnS to send them flying all the way across the room, knocking everyone else there flat and starting turn-based combat. For your first turn make a jump to the nearest corpse, which should leave you hanging just above the sliding doors. Sword throw backwards at the platform enemy. Sliding door enemy should appear. Sword recall to kill them. SStrike to the first machine gunner afterward since they are now aiming at you. Sword recall, which will nearly make it across to the red visor enemy before the next turn. Jump at the pistol enemy because they are aiming at you. Kill them and finish the rest in any old order, returning your sword to your hands at some point. Take the stairs down.

Kill the machine gunner and jump at the next nearest enemy for your first two turns to get your 3 AP. SStrike Samba starting with the other machine gunner until there is one enemy remaining on the left, which you take out with a sword throw.

Use both computers as you move back through the rooms and outside to the level above where a civilian is looking out the window. Smash that window, kill them and the next two in the adjacent room to the right. Break through the remaining window and walljump to the vent on the left side. Keep moving left until you enter the large computer room and continue swinging through until you're above and to the right of the large computer, staying high enough to not trigger the sliding door enemies. You want to be in range of a zipline to the floor near the lone enemy there.

SnS this enemy quickly as five enemies appear through the sliding doors. SStrike to the one on the top left and kill, sword throw the one below (and return), SStrike to the far right one and kill and sword the other two while jumping left onto the computer platform again. If you're seen early on before all this, get underneath the computer platform to lose line of sight of everyone and improvise.

Use computer and zipline flow through the vents again to the outside. Fall all the way down to your bike to complete the level.

Kill the Officer (1:14) Walljump up the building to the right, across the roof and jump over the enemy to zipline to the next building. Walljump up this building and across another roof. Drop down, but pause as you approach the ground. You want to aim a zipline smash with the nearest enemy before killing them.

Jump and immediately sword throw to the pistol enemy to the right and recall when you're at the peak of your jump to catch the machine gunner too. Recall again before ziplining to the left wall.

From here, sword throw to the machine gunner on top of the vehicle and get high enough to land on top of the broken street light. You should be jumping for it as the sword hits; pause to recall and have it in your hands for the next step.

Jump high to land on the vehicle but at the peak of your jump sword throw to the farthest enemy on the ground; this is the machine gunner in the lit room. Throwing it here avoids hitting another enemy along the way while also avoiding a scan from seeing you. Once the sword hits, recall twice to clear out two more enemies and once again to return it to your hands.

If there is an enemy to the left of the Officer, pause SStrike them and pause liberally to have the Officer kill them for you. Immediately follow up with a hover slice to stun the Officer and then a sword throw to finish the job.

There is one last enemy nearby. Moving quickly, jump towards and then above them to avoid their scan. If they're calling in the alert, knock them down.

Make your way right, walljump up the building and cross to the roof's edge. Fall down to the middle of the double street lights and again to break the first floor's window on the right, avoiding the mine. Flow along until you reach your bike to finish the level.

5-1 (2:34) Walljump the building in front of you and jump to the rightmost corner of the ceiling window so you end up clinging to the frame as it shatters. Fall on the enemy below, pausing just after collision to kill them and miss being detected by the machine gunner in the room below. Sword throw to kill them and pull it back as you zipline to the ceiling on the right side of the higher window frame. Fall back to meet your sword halfway, sword throw again to kill the pistol enemy on the right and leave it there for now. Instead, get into the computer room on your left and use it before falling down in front of the elevator. Call it to your floor, pick up your sword and kill the last enemy so that you have 3 AP available.

Pause, scroll right and SStrike to one of the two enemies that you can see. Kill both and use the computer. Move right and down into the room below to Stealth Kill the leftmost enemy on the platform; they are the only one that can see you moving through the space you skipped with the SStrike. Return to the top room by the same route and zipline flow through outside back to the room with the elevator. Take it down to a forced fight.

Immediately kill the nearest enemy, jump to collide with the red visor enemy on your left, and kill them for your first three turns. You will Limit Break and have an extra turn. Jump straight up to knock down the machine gunner on the platform and then kill them in the following turn. SStrike to the pistol enemy on your right and kill them to return to real time. Kill the last enemy and use the computer, which will trigger three enemies to appear through the sliding doors.

Sword throw to the enemy on the left platform, carefully Stealth Kill the enemy below and sword recall to kill the last. Collect your sword and take the elevator back up.

Jump high and zipline to the left window frame. Walljump up the right block and across the top. Big jump across the mines to zipline to the wall below the window. Hop left and immediately but carefully zipline to the top of the window so that you end up clinging to the left side instead of the right. Your attach point is going to be higher than usual to pull this trick off. Slide down into the window frame and fall on the nearest enemy to start turn-based combat.

Kill them, SStrike to the machine gunner and kill for your first three turns. Sometimes the middle pistol enemy will shoot the window they are on and are out of sight so you return to real time. You'll have to improvise then! But if they don't..

Jump at them so they will fall on top of the left machine gunner in the below room eventually. For your next turn while you're in the air throw your sword at the right machine gunner. You will have landed by the time your turn comes up again. Jump to collect your sword and be high enough to dodge the samurai entirely. This will take two turns. The samurai should hopefully be ready to attack you at this point. Jump to the top corner of the window so you'll stay inside the room and the samurai won't. Another high jump from the wall so you're hanging in the air for the machine gunner to aim at you. Skip your turn twice while they're spraying the air above you. Collide with them and kill to finish the encounter.

Return to the computer and use it before heading down. Swing outside and down into the room below and zipline SnS the nearest enemy so that their body flies through the rest of the enemies. Jump out of the window to return to real time. Walljump back up to the window level and sword throw to the nearest enemy. Around this point enemies have come through the sliding doors. Sword recall until it's back in your hands.

SStrike to the next nearest enemy and kill. Sword throw while jumping towards the last enemy to clear the room. Use the computer and zipline flow back through the room to the outside and onto your bike.

5-2 (2:07) Walljump to the vent and fall down just short of the light, clinging to the left wall. Collide with the nearest enemy to start turn-based combat.

Kill them and SStrike to the rightmost enemy for your first two turns. Repeat with the leftmost enemy as your SStrike victim. A machine gunner will have appeared at this point and are aiming at you. Knock them down too and you're relatively free to clean up the room safely without the red visor enemy finishing the countdown.

Take the stairs down and use the computer underneath. Leave that room through the ceiling and make your way right, avoiding the light if the machine gunner is facing your direction. Avoid touching that enemy too, while you're at it. Get into the vents and down to the next big room.

Get far enough left so you can drop down to the center platform and then to the computer below. Use the computer and quickly zipline left and to the stairs before any of the enemies that appear can see you. Take the stairs down to the last big room.

Zipline to the ceiling so you can Stealth Kill the two enemies along the top. This draws the machine gunner to the right out of the light. Fall down on top of them as soon as they are on the little platform and kill. Fall down from the platform, pausing midway to sword throw at the enemy on the other side of the laser. There is a further left enemy but the angle for a throw does not work out. Recall your sword to kill the enemy next to you. Return your sword to your hands. Sword throw to that last enemy while you jump back up to the platform, then jump over top the light and zipline to the right wall above the window. Fall down, then go through the window to the computer.

When you use the computer, nerve gas is released and more enemies appear from the sliding doors. Quickly zipline to the top of the window frame, then move across the ceiling and down to the small platform jutting out from the middle-left room. Fall down to the ground and wait for the enemies to finally appear. Knock the nearby enemy into the laser and take the elevator up. The other enemies in that room will die from the nerve gas. Once the elevator finally reaches the surface (it takes 32 seconds!), bunny hop right to your bike.

Get Revenge (1:55) Break through the window and use the console inside. Jump outside, zipline to the ground in front of the door and move to take the elevator up. This is faster than going left and down. Leaving the elevator, jump out the window to the bottom left corner of the roof. Here's where it's going to get wild.

Smash the glass of the left building but stay on the outside wall. Drop down a little bit before starting a zipline SnS on the nearest enemy. Everyone sees you but after the second turn they are well out of the other window and falling to their deaths. Wait a second and then SnS the machine gunner that came through the sliding doors. You should have 5 AP. Quickly make your way to the left and outside to the window below. You should be able to SStrike to the furthest enemy in that room but if you ran out of AP there's a machine gunner outside nearby that can be SnSed. Regardless, the SStrike will start turn-based combat while you're hovering in mid-air. Skip your turn to land outside on the wall.

Fall down to the right side of the mine's radius on the roof below and skip your turn to land. A machine gunner appears to your right that will immediately aim to fire at where you were but cannot see you when you landed, keeping you safe. For your next two turns, jump left across the mine and then again to collide with the pistol enemy in the left building underneath the light fixture. Now there's a lot red lines criss-crossing from every direction. Jump straight up and avoid three sprays of machine gun fire while being close enough to kill the pistol enemy on that platform in your next turn. Do so.

Jump on the machine gunner on the center platform if safe to do so, then on top of the red visor enemy for your next two turns. You may have to make some small adjustments if the first jump is unsafe. Make your next jump so that you end up hanging in the air just a little below the floor of the room you left. This is important for your next turn.

Swing into the room to your right and try to collide with the red visor enemy. It's more important to have landed on the floor for the next step but it is more satisfying to also be a bully. SStrike to the machine gunner on the right, knocking them through the window and to their doom.

This part may be tricky to gauge but there's a slower, safer setup. You want to make two jumps left so that you can go over top the pistol enemy in front of you and collide with the machine gunner that appeared through the sliding doors. The slower, safer setup is to jump high and to the left so that you're near the ceiling when the machine gunner aims, so you will be safer to maneuver on the ground while they're shooting. Then you improvise, knocking everyone down that is aiming at you until you're safe to kill someone. You want to finish the fight and return to real time with 3-4 AP for the next part.

Jump out the right window and pause midway, when there's an icon for a sword throw on everyone in the room below. If you aim at the furthest pistol enemy will make it hit your objective; aiming directly at the objective will have the sword hit the first pistol enemy instead. While the sword is in flight, zipline back up to the room you left and flow through to the left. Once you're near the window, aim your jump to collide with the machine gunner below because they will see you every single time. Don't stop to kill, just keep jumping to your bike and finish the game.

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Opublikowano 5 years ago