WM codes for Pikachu/Chespin route
WM codes for Pikachu/Chespin route
Zaktualizowany 1 year ago przez Kobral

QR Codes of these passwords can be found in Resources, so typing them is not necessary!

You can still type them in instead.

More optimized version of the WM code list to allow you to skip lot of inputs to save a bit of time.

"-" means you can press R to skip that input


w/ Energy Ball:

MJN3 QP64 - Life Seed x 2 -M-- 147C - Energy Ball C-JT 1T3X - Accuracy Drink 95-P K75- - Apples x 20 HCPJ Y-29 - Thunder SP-7 -N0K - Life Seed x 2 8-QS N0CH - Swordsdance 5H-T Y3W8 - Guiding Wands x 20 6Y2H 9478 - Thunderbolt HH-1 T296 - Sitrus Berry x2 1TTW 7-99 - Reviver Seeds x 5 QQXR 6T-- - Power Drink N13- -NWJ - Power Drink XM-4 8Y3P - Apples x20 2JR6 41-- - Reviver Seeds x 5 -7-X PFY2 - Accuracy Drink 1TY1 4-8Q - Guiding Wands x 20 QSR6 -SF- - PP-Up Drink FTXS -R6- - Sitrus Berry x2 7997 --WJ - PP-Up Drink K0PF Y8XX - Reviver Seed x 20 -8TX T13M - Blast Wands x20 0QTS CN2- - Blast Wands x20 62F- JMHF - Petrify Wand x 20 8Y94 8QXN - Reviver Seed x 20 43SJ NSH- - Petrify Wand x 20 R2CJ T13Q - Gyro Ball

without Energy Ball:

7997 FTWJ - PP-Up Drink 1TTW -H-- - Reviver Seeds x 5 HH6- -296 - Sitrus Berry x2 -CPJ Y929 - Thunder SP-7 -N0K - Life Seed x 2 8-QS N0CH - Swordsdance 5H-T Y3W8 - Guiding Wands x 20 9-CP K75M - Apples x 20 6Y2H -478 - Thunderbolt FTXS QR-S - Sitrus Berry x2 QSR6 1S-- - PP-Up Drink 0-T- CN2K - Blast Wands x20 K-PF Y8XX - Reviver Seed x 20 -8TX T13M - Blast Wands x20 CMJT 1T3X - Accuracy Drink R2-J T13Q - Gyro Ball 2J-6 41XM - Reviver Seeds x 5 -7-X PFY2 - Accuracy Drink 1TY1 4-8Q - Guiding Wands x 20 QQXR 6T-- - Power Drink N13- -NWJ - Power Drink XM-4 8Y3P - Apples x20 8Y94 8Q-N - Reviver Seed x 20 43SJ NSH- - Petrify Wand x 20 MJN3 QP6- - Life Seed x 2 62F0 J-HF - Petrify Wand x 20


w/ Energy Ball:

3R2H JY42 - Gyro Ball --6- CR63 - Sitrus Berry x2 NW6- XQXP - Thunder WJ-T Y478 - Life Seed x2 -C-T 275J - Sitrus Berry x2 3T-J MK2- - Blast Wands x20 26-- 477H - Apple x20 H6W7 K--2 - Accuracy Drink 78S- -463 - Swordsdance SK5P -7-R - Guiding Wands x20 -FSJ W-0H - PP-Up Drink 45Q- PH-4 - Energy Ball R99- -PCN - Apple x20 8QX- -3P5 - Petrify Wand x20 SH-X MF1T - Life Seed x2 91-R 2-5J - Reviver Seeds x5 Y-9- 1412 - Power Drink H5F- -48M - Reviver Seeds x5 MCC- 6XY6 - PP-Up Drink 5JSK 2C-- - Max Elixier x20 2-QQ TSCR - Thunderbolt -7JS R0PF - Accuracy Drink CNTS N-F1 - Power Drink -FSH 962H - Blast Wands x20 0QY6 413N - Reviver Seeds x5 -R79 10P7 - Guiding Wands x20 JR41 13QS - Reviver Seeds x5 TY26 446X - Petrify Wand x20

without Energy Ball:

3R2H JY42 - Gyro Ball --6- CR63 - Sitrus Berry x2 NW6- XQXP - Thunder WJ-T Y478 - Life Seed x2 -C-T 275J - Sitrus Berry x2 3T-J MK2- - Blast Wands x20 26-- 477H - Apple x20 H6W7 K--2 - Accuracy Drink 78S- -463 - Swordsdance SK5P -7-R - Guiding Wands x20 -FSJ W-0H - PP-Up Drink -H8X M-1T - Life Seed x2 91-R 2-5J - Reviver Seeds x5 Y-9- 1412 - Power Drink H5F- -48M - Reviver Seeds x5 MCC- 6XY6 - PP-Up Drink 5JSK 2C-- - Max Elixier x20 2-QQ TSCR - Thunderbolt -7JS R0PF - Accuracy Drink CNTS N-F1 - Power Drink R994 5P-- - Apple x20 8QX- -3P5 - Petrify Wand x20 0QY6 413N - Reviver Seeds x5 -R79 10P7 - Guiding Wands x20 JR41 13QS - Reviver Seeds x5 TY26 446X - Petrify Wand x20 CFSH 962H - Blast Wands x20

Original Codes:

EU Codes:

HCPJ Y929 - Thunder 6Y2H 9478 - Thunderbolt

8SQS N0CH - Swordsdance MMJN 147C - Energy Ball R2CJ T13Q - Gyro Ball

HH61 T296 - Sitrus Berry x2 FTXS QR6S - Sitrus Berry x2

SPH7 CN0K - Life Seed x 2 MJN3 QP64 - Life Seed x 2

95CP K75M - Apples x20 FY8S K6Y3 - Apples x20

1TTW 7H99 - Reviver Seeds x 5 2JR6 41XM - Reviver Seeds x 5 0MR3 WK8W - Reviver Seeds x 5 1TWH 7647 - Reviver Seeds x 5

27JX PFY2 - Accuracy Drink CMJT 1T3X - Accuracy Drink

N13Q QNWJ - Power Drink QQXR 6T1T - Power Drink

7997 FTWJ - PP-Up Drink QSR6 1SFT - PP-Up Drink

62F0 JMHF - Petrify Wand x 20 43SJ NSH8 - Petrify Wand x 20

5H8T Y3W8 - Guiding Wands x 20 1TY1 428Q - Guiding Wands x 20

0QTS CN2K - Blast Wands x20 K8TX T13M - Blast Wands x20

43NX Y28S - Max Elixier x20

NA Codes:

NW63 XQXP - Thunder 25QQ TSCR - Thunderbolt

78SH 6463 - Swordsdance 45QS PHF4 - Energy Ball 3R2H JY42 - Gyro Ball

3R62 CR63 - Sitrus Berry x2 WCJT 275J - Sitrus Berry x2

SH8X MF1T - Life Seed x2 WJNT Y478 - Life Seed x2

R994 5PCN - Apple x20 263T 477H - Apple x20

0QY6 413N - Reviver Seeds x5 91SR 2H5J - Reviver Seeds x5 H5FY 948M - Reviver Seeds x5 JR41 13QS - Reviver Seeds x5

27JS R0PF - Accuracy Drink H6W7 K262 - Accuracy Drink

CNTS N2F1 - Power Drink Y991 1412 - Power Drink

MCCH 6XY6 - PP-Up Drink SFSJ WK0H - PP-Up Drink

8QXR 93P5 - Petrify Wand x20 TY26 446X - Petrify Wand x20

0R79 10P7 - Guiding Wands x20 SK5P 778R - Guiding Wands x20

3TWJ MK2C - Blast Wands x20 CFSH 962H - Blast Wands x20

5JSK 2CMC - Max Elixier x20

Statystyki gry
Najnowsze wątki
Opublikowano 8 years ago
Opublikowano 8 years ago