Download link?
3 years ago
Texas, USA

Interested in running this game, but cannot find the download link for this game anywhere on the internet. Was wondering if one of the mods had a download link for this game.

Podkarpackie, Poland good luck with the installer if you dont understand polish

tlak to się podoba
Podkarpackie, Poland

Didn't really expect someone will try speedrunning this game

Texas, USA

I can't open up any .exe file in the zip file, the only thing that would open up is Setup.exe but it doesn't even show up on screen, it just sits there doing nothing

Texas, USA

I need a password to unzip it

tlak to się podoba
Podkarpackie, Poland is the password.

Podkarpackie, Poland

If you manage to run this game, you can experience some issues (levitating, clipping trough walls) To solve that, you might need to change the following words in configPlayer text file and replace them with broken ones (configPlayer is located directly in the installation folder)

Words: wysokość, położenie, prędkość

We have no idea why this happens. Sometimes even repairing that text file doesn't solve the problem.

Texas, USA

I was able to open the game successfully but like what you stated, I have encountered some issues like levitating. I did what you said to fix it and yet it didn't work. I'll try to see if I can somehow fix this game and make it work so that I can finally speedrun it lol

Texas, USA

Alright figured out how to fix this shit, basically change all the commas in the configPlayer text file to a period. It should work and if it doesn't then I have no idea, but it worked for me so it should work for others.

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