Lufia II RNG Manipulation to Tarantula (by Pandolum)
Lufia II RNG Manipulation to Tarantula (by Pandolum)
Zaktualizowany 9 years ago przez eLmaGus

Lufia II - Drop Manipulation.

I suggest you watch a video of the run for the general movement of world map, towns and dungeons.( For the most part, when in towns or castles, you need to start the conversations on an exact frame. Following conversations rarely matter except for when you return the crown and when Iris teleports you to Tanbel, those need to be skipped frame perfect. Just holding down A or L will skip the current box perfectly, or the next box (if none are on the screen)

ELCID: Sell 10 potions. Buy escape and 3x Boomerang

IMPORTANT: Until the end of the manipulation, when you are loading the world map do not hold down the Dpad. Wait until the map as loaded before moving. Holding down the Dpad will advance the RNG counter by 1. Except when leaving the Sundletan Cave, I always hold up.

SKILL CAVE: RNG will only move on the screen with enemies, cutting grass, picking up/putting down pots. So take care not to run into walls/take extra steps when enemies are around. Only cut a total of 3 grass tiles. dont forget to dodge the jelly on the way out :)

ELCID: ¤If you mess up movement here, keep going to see if you can save it¤ You want to take the shortest route to Tia, and then again when leaving.

IMPORTANT: Opening the menu on the world map will allow you to move 4 steps without moving the RNG counter. If you messed up in Elcid, but your encounter is still 2 jelly, open the menu every 4 steps until you reach the next cave.

SUNDLETAN CAVE: First thing here, take your time with the sword swing. Its easy to go too fast and swing too early. Fight mushrooms(boomerang) then lizard(attack). 2x Boomerang on the boss.

IMPORTANT: From this point on, unless noted otherwise, always let go of your Dpad when picking up/putting down pots or bridge pieces.

After you killed the boss and get control of Maxim, use escape. Remember to hold up when leaving the cave via the locked door.

SUNDLETAN: Buy 2 potions and 7 boomers. Exit the town on the yellow road. 1 step to the right is fine also, won’t change rng.

LAKE CAVE: In this route, creating this bridge is simpler. once you picked up the bridge piece, you must tap your Dpad up, NOT hold it down. After falling down go to the left room then back out and fight the eagle for the eagle rock. Use Reset after getting the key (If you mess up the puzzle and have to reset its fine, just don’t reset again after the key) When back up the stairs, use a potion and equip the Eagle rock. Kill the eagle using the eagle rock IP. after the fight use a potion. Reset when you enter the next room. Movement in this room doesn’t matter, only the bridge pieces will move rng so make sure you drop them at the right spot.

Catfish: Boomerang Boomerang Potion Boomerang Boomerang

After the fight : Menu > Spells > Reset. Make your way back to Tia. After Tia join the party equip Catfish Jwl on Maxim. Cast Reset. Move to the right to dodge the blue jelly.

Run from fight. IMPORTANT: Hold Dpad Up When leaving the shrine during the map loading. Run from fight.

ALUNZE: Sell Eagle Rock. Buy 11 Boomerangs, 2 Escapes,11 Antidotes, Mini shield

ALUNZE CASTLE: Some more precice movements.

ALUNZE DUNGEON: Big pain in the ass. All the rooms are linked so you cant make a single mistake in movement anywhere so take your time!. Horse fight before the bomb : M<>T, boomer, attack IMPORTANT: After getting the bomb and casting Reset, wait for the map to load before moving down the next room. Also important in the pot/warp room to let go of the Dpad for the pots.

ALUNZE CASTLE: A few frame window in the first room after using Escape so a missed step here wont mess up the rng. But the rest of the castle is perfect movement. Also perfect text skiping when returning the crown and taking the 1st option. If you are not perfect, you can use the menu after the next map encounter to set the rng back on track.

NW CAVE: Again remember to let go of Dpad when picking up/puting down bridge pieces.

Regal Goblin: Catfish IP, Drowsy Catfish IP, Boomerang ->repeat till dead. Defend with Tia on last round

After the fight, Equip Eagle rock on maxim and use escape. The shrine is like a town so start the conversation a soon as you enter and hold up until you exit to the map (but let go once you are out the door and map is loading)

TANBEL: The tanbel shopping ! Another pain in the ass moment. You need to start the conversion on the perfect frame. you also need to talk to the vendors on the perfect frame. and you need to skip the first 3 text boxes with guy frame perfect .. easy enough! Luckily with the addition of a map encounter before the tower, you can buffer using the menu after escaping the next battle.

Sell Catfish jwl Buy Tough hide, 2x Kukri Buy Droplet, 2x Flash, Strong Buy 11 of all the Potions, 2 warps, 3 escapes, 34? Big boomers Use Big Boomers on Camu’s lizards.

SOUTHEAST TOWER: Very important to take the pots extra slow throughout this tower and the revisite also. First fight: Big Boomer, Flash, Big Boomer 4 Sword swipe to move crab into position. Bomb + 5 sword swipe -> move on switch Reset when you enter the puzzle room for the Key. Quick step to the left in the doorway to move the scorpion out of the way. Stun the crab 1 step before going between both walls Before fighting Camu, change Guy and Tia. Equip Maxim Strongest, Guy Strongest. 1 step before engaging Camu (bottom row of yellow blocks) go right to left to right to left to right again (3 times total) and move up to engage the boss

Camu: Weapon IP, Big Boomer, Flash Weapon IP, Big Boomer, Flash Weapon IP, Big Boomer, Flash Big Boomer, Big Boomer, Flash (target Camu) Big Boomer, Weapon IP, Strong on Tia Attack, Attack, Strong all 3

TANBEL: The first few text boxes need to be skipped frame perfect. Run away from fight near mountain, menu skip near water, menu skip near mountain.

SOUTHEAST TOWER #2: Will only note the differences. First fight: Attack, Attack, Big Boomer. Need to stun lizard 1 step away. No sword swipes to move the crab. Step on Mana refill tile. Use Escape after getting the 3rd chest.

CLAMENTO: Got to move around the npc at the town entrance. The last NPC move move down as you leave town if everything is good so far.

Run away from the fight after crossing the bridge.

RUBY CAVE: Use escape 2x when you enter the Bee room. Fight the bee: G<>T, Big Boomerx3 Take it slow when cutting the grass, easy to go too fast and mess up so close to the end. After going down the stairs, open menu and use strong with Maxim on: Guy, Maximx2, Tia. Equip Camu Jwl on Maxim, Bee rock on Guy, Eagle rock on Tia, Guy Strongest. For the ice blocks, grab the bottom left one from the left side.

Tarantula: Camu Jwl, Weapon IP, BL on Guy Camu Jwl, Weapon IP, Strong on Guy Big Boomer, Attack, Strong on Maxim+Tia G<>M, Attack, Big Boomer, Big Boomer.

“Japanese buffer”

After the crown, move to bottom right before using escape

When going to the Tanbel Spell shop, move down even to the Inn [map buffer if needed after] @Camu Equip, remove Guy armor/helm

When leaving tanbel Inn after Camu, go up and loop below the npc [map buffer if needed] @Tarantula Equip, remove Guy armor/helm

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