Valkyrie DLC speedrunning guide
Valkyrie DLC speedrunning guide
Zaktualizowany 3 years ago przez

Note before the run start: It is highly recommended to preemptively make a save for Valkyrie runs, which would have Razor 6 and 3+ energy cells in the store to not grind for this RNG during attempts.


• Unequip everything but the scanner • Sell Nirai charged pulse • Buy 3 energy cells • Sell Khador Drive, swipe to ships and touch one like you would do during duping • Switch to Ship Tab and equip Khador Drive back • Go back to shop and buy Razor 6 • Set destination to Kanado in the map • When exiting the station, don't do anything and wait for the message to come in • After the message fastforward Khador drive via asteroid field destination.

Swiping tutorial before K'suuk theft mission

There are three types of swiping used in the run distinguished by the swing made by the ship after a swipe. • Full swing is allowing the ship to fully restore its trajectory after the swipe • Half-swing is swiping again when the ship is near restoring its trajectory (about a second after the initial swing). Can be distinguished by the ship restoring its center position on the screen perpendicular to the lower border. • Spam swipe is, as the name suggests, swiping without pausing and rhythm, one right after another. Said techniques will later be referred in the guide by the names mentioned above

** K'suuk theft**

• Upon exiting B'akkram stop the engine, set destination to asteroid field and fast forward until you're unable to • Afterwards immediately turn to Makke S'ik and travel to it • First Jumpgate Fastforward, 8 spam swipes then half-swings until reaching jumpgate • Second Jumpgate 7 spam swipes, half-swings until jumpgate • Third Jumpgate Half-swings until jumpgate • Kanado Fastforward, 4 spam swipes, fastforward

(Note: all swipes must be made to the right)

After the theft

• After dialogue with Tenner reload savefile, enter shop and sell K'suuk for the cheapest ship available • Unequip everything • Exit hangar, skip dialogue with Tenner, enter hangar again and sell all Berger Flaks • Mount all the equipment • Travel to Zepar Note: on Zepar you don't need more than 52 energy cells for the rest of the run, if you get more, just buy 52, if you get less, keep the amount you're lacking in mind • Sell quickscan and buy energy cells, travel to Valkyrie • You can squeeze 6 spam swipes during Maxwell's dialogue when approaching Valkyrie

Turret calibration

• Highly recommended to full stop and adjust the turret's aim to ease the process and not let the pirates get past you and fly either too far away or outside your turret's effective zone (basically, "below" you). • On the last pirate when the turret fully picks up the target, start turning towards Valkyrie and pre-scan it before the escort commander's message

Preparations for freighters and the entire rest of the run

• Autocomplete and equip Liberators (10 is enough) • Check the store for EMP GL DX and buy 3-4 if there are, otherwise keep the need for them in mind. Stores which are convenient to check for them later on in the run are: Var Destro, Kothar, Valkyrie (before Scavac mission with Tenner), Inaru Oni • Travel to Quineros (pay the pirates off) • Buy Hiroto Ultrascan (if available), Repair Bot Ketar II, Polytron, Octopus • Mount everything but Octopus • Travel to Var Destro • Buy Icarus blueprint • Autocomplete 3 Icaruses, unequip one and dupe it • Return to shop, spawn in the dupe, buy it and equip • Unequip the scanner


Each of the three freighters follows roughly the same scheme of execution: • Upon arrival, set the destination to the marker and travel to reach the distance of roughly 4km between you and the freighter (sweetspot between Icarus' effective range and the guards not spotting you and thus not initiating dialogue, which otherwise would break the fastforward) • Start shooting and fastforwarding • After roughly 1.5s of fastforwarding, stop it and set the destination to the next freighter (or in the case of the last one — to Valkyrie) • Continue fastforwarding until the dialogue plays (which should ideally start playing when the Khador Drive is charged and the camera pan already started playing out)

Void Essence

• Unequip Ketar, equip Octopus and the scanner • Immediately upon exiting Valkyrie, travel to Void space, you're going to receive Carla's message there • Boost to asteroid field and start shooting the asteroids in hopes for the Essence to drop (Liberator use seems to not add much but is not discouraged) Note: if you have Hiroto Ultrascan equipped you will see if you got Void essence before it is dragged into your cargo hold, so you can start the Khador drive earlier. Don't start too early though, because cargo hold takes a very tiny period of time to register the cargo dragged in, so if the animation of Khador Drive jump starts too early, it won't be registered and you'll lose your Essence.


• On Kothar unequip Octopus and mount Ketar • Upon arrival to Coromesk immediately activate booster and start shooting, when red dots appear shoot Liberator and detonate, after that immediately turn to Nosdron • Upon arrival to Nosdron just scan Khador and let the cutscene play out • Activate booster; when in range of ~7km from Khador launch Liberator and detonate upon reaching the escort. Notes: • Be careful not to kill Khador, thus steer the Liberator at the maximum distance away from him possible. • Killing all the pirates is not necessary in both fights. On Coromesk you need to dispatch ~3 to trigger the dialogue window. On Nosdron you can leave 1 or 2 alive; the dialogue from pirates saying they're bailing will play out regardless of whether there are any left alive.

Scavac with Tenner

• Upon arriving immediately boost and fastforward until dialogue triggers, immediately boost again when it becomes available • Dispatch 2-3 pirates with Icarus • After the cutscene of Tenner flying in, more spawn: dispatch them; Liberator helps with speeding up the process — when targeting one pirate with Icarus, seek a group with Libearator if possible.

** Disruptor and Trot Lykkt**

• When exiting Inaru Oni, immediately turn to Lopat: this will both scan Trot Lykkt and initiate the cutscene and pre-scan the planet. • Upon arriving to Lopat immediately start shooting, boost and aim at Trot Lykkt to kill him before the cutscene starts.

Note: it's absolutely necessary to unequip Liberators and mount GL DX on Inaru Oni either before or after dispatching Trot Lykkt

Freighters 2.0

• Upon arriving to Valkyrie, stop your engine, set destination to Valkyrie station and fastforward until the dialogue window appears. • Afterwards set the destination to Teres in Khador drive and travel • Immediately boost, set destination to Teres Station and fastforward until the dialogue from Keith • Unlock destination and do double half-swings towards the convoy (adjust your trajectory manually between them) until triggering the first pirate spawn, dispatch them (no liberator needed) • Boost, when ~3.5 km away from the convoy launch 2 GL DX • While more dialogue is playing out, position your roughly in the middle of the convoy formation for the optimal position for the fight and stop your engine • Liberator not required for the 2nd group of pirates as well (small group and they're coming from different directions)

Finale • Buy Cronos, unequip DX, equip Liberator (in that exact order) • After the cutscene of Vaklyrie jumping activate Khador drive and immediately steer upwards and boost to avoid any unnecessary damage • In void space don't enter Khador drive menu until the voiceline from Keith starts • Upon arriving to Kothar immediately boost, watch cutscene, launch Liberator into the group of pirates and dispatch as many of them as you can with it. Kill off the remains with Icarus. • When reaching the effective distance of Icarus from Valkyrie, aim at the generators on the lower part of it; while shooting them, launch Liberator to one of the "wings" to destroy two turrets and a generator simultaneously (aim to the spot inside the station with equal distance from all three), then switch your aim to the turrets of the lower part and dispatch the red dots on the second wing. After that destroy the turrets on the upper part either with Icarus or Liberator.


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Opublikowano 1 year ago
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Opublikowano 4 years ago
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