Random game information
Random game information
Zaktualizowany 4 years ago przez EpicNeonNinjaMonkey

+++++++++++++++++++Fushigi no yume no Alice(Alice in wonderdream)++++++++++++++++++++

Alice health info -1 heart = 1 -2 heart = 3 -3 heart = 7 -4 heart = 15 -5 heart = 31

Bounces(found by Simillarian)

-running through enemies is the fastest -there are 4 Frames you can high bounce

-regular bounce -a regular bounce is 4 frames slower then running through enemies and the same speed as the 4th frame high bounce

-High bounce -Frame 1-fast(1 frame slower then running through) -jumping over the enemies is equal to frame 1 high bounce -Frame 2-slow(2 frame slower then running through) -Frame 3-slower(3 frame slower then running through) -frame 4-slowest(4 frames slower then running through)

====================================================================== BOSS HP

-Ghost- -forest 1- 18 HP -falls 1- 24 HP -veggie 1- 30 HP -bounce does = 6 dmg -tap shot/1arrow = 1 dmg -2 arrow = 2 dmg -3 arrow = 3 dmg -4 arrow = 4 dmg -5 arrow = 5 dmg -flashing arrows(239)/does no extra

-Lizard- -Forest 2- 3 HP -Falls 2- 4 HP -Veggie 2- 5 HP -Bounces only, 1 dmg at a time

-Puppet- 3HP -Bounces only, 1 dmg at a time

-Dog 32 HP -bounce does = 8 dmg -tap shot/1arrow = 1 dmg -2 arrow = 2 dmg -3 arrow = 3 dmg -4 arrow = 4 dmg -5 arrow = 5 dmg -flashing arrows(239)/does no extra

-wolf - 5HP -Bounces only, 1 dmg at a time

-King - 5HP -Bounces only, 1 dmg at a time

-gargon- 30 HP -bounce does = 6 dmg -tap shot/1arrow = 1 dmg -2 arrow = 2 dmg -3 arrow(89) = 3 dmg -4 arrow(119) = 4 dmg -5 arrow = 5 dmg -flashing arrows(239)/does no extra

-final - 90 HP -bounce does = 18 dmg -tap shot/1arrow = 1 dmg -2 arrow = 2 dmg -3 arrow = 3 dmg -4 arrow = 4 dmg -5 arrow = 5 dmg -flashing arrows(239)/does no extra

Extra notes

-on vertical stages the magic menu appears from top to bottom -vertical menu load
-10 frames to load fully -7 frames till it will accept input

-on horizontal stages it appears left to right -horizontal menu load -20 frames to load fully -17 frames till it will accept input

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