6 years ago
United States

The red hand flag is based on the Ulster flag. The St. Patrick's Cross was the flag for Ireland when it was part of the UK, and it's still part of the Union flag. So I guess if the flag is specifically meant to refer to the six counties, the red hand flag makes more sense?

Edytowane przez autor 6 years ago
Wiltshire, England

Just want to say that although I'm a Unionist, and support Northern Ireland remaining as a part of the UK, the Northern Ireland flag situation is complicated.

Officially, there is currently no distinct flag of Northern Ireland, though the Saint Patrick Saltire has been used in the past as a cultural representation of Northern Ireland. In 1986, the then Conservative Government of the UK officiated that Northern Ireland's flag is the Union Jack. The Ulster Banner that features the red hand was only official from 1953 to 1972 when the Northern Ireland Government was essentially dismantled and the Assembly created. In the Ulster Banner's defence, it is used by FIFA and the Commonwealth games for representing Northern Ireland.

Both options would be nice to keep things cordial between Republican and Unionist sides, but ultimately the NI flag is technically the UK flag.

Wiltshire, England

What the people of Northern Ireland fly as flags is a totally different thing to what the official flag is. Generally websites try to steer clear of sectarian disputes in regards to political, cultural and religious boundaries. I suspect someone at some point decided that the St Patrick flag is more neutral. In fact, Speedrun dot com might not actually have any influence over it if they use a standardised system used across many websites. As many of these standardised systems come from the United States, they will see the NI flag from a US not a UK perspective.

Hence, I'd support the ability to display both, but the site might not actually have any powers to change it anyway unless they switch to a new system or develop their own.