Add Provinces for Ireland
4 years ago

Would it be possible that, in addition to the Counties, to add provinces too for those who dont want to specify their location as precisely?

Laika_the_Spacedog i SpeedyFolf podobało się to

Hmm, yeah I could do that. There are some other things I need to prioritise first though, so shoot me a message in a few weeks (when I'll be less busy) to remind me.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Gaming_64 i 6 inne podobało się to

Bumping this as its been a few weeks now :P @Pac

Osmosis_Jones to się podoba

Did you message him about it as mentioned? Bumping this won't help anything. You also didn't post this in the Feedback request thread so chances are he's not going to view this any time soon.