Following game and notifications update
8 years ago
United States

It says: "Minimum # of followed runs Overrules maximum age"

Is this what you're seeing, or is there actually a bug here? Some of the pending action responses aren't working correctly right now, that is known.

Pennsylvania, USA

Oh, okay. I'm dumb and didn't read that part I guess. Changed it to 0 and it's fine now. :P

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

Did the notification system break completely or something? My last notification came in at 8/2/2015 11:51:15 PM and there should've been a lot more notifications since then. Other users don't get any notifications either.

United States

Same. I thought at first I just stopped getting emails but no notifications have come either.

French Southern Territories

It works fine now. Did you fixed the bug ? Thanks for the update :)

Virginia, USA

I got a notification that I was added as a mod but it was...quite weird.

I don't think I was added to a game of my own name ;)

Bavaria, Germany

As a lot of you already noticed, recently notifications and emails were no longer being sent due to a bug. I didn't have time to look at it before, but they should be working correctly again now.

The backlog of notifications/emails has been processed now as well. Some of those might have been sent twice, but that should no longer be occurring going forward.

FoxAndRavens: fixed, thanks.

MASH to się podoba
Czech Republic

Would it be possible to somehow differentiate the runs of my followed games on the main page from other new runs? Maybe a line or something.

If possible, could you add an option to receive notification for forum posts in moderated games?

French Southern Territories

You just have to follow the games you moderate

I could do that (and probably will), but it would be nice to have an option to do it automatically.


For Super Mario Sunshine I still get notifications for IL (in this case single star) WRs on the website, even though those notifications are disabled in my sms follow settings and the default settings.

I can't confirm if this issue exists with other leaderboards as well, as I don't follow other games with active level leaderboards.

Bavaria, Germany

[quote=Ewil] Would it be possible to somehow differentiate the runs of my followed games on the main page from other new runs? Maybe a line or something. [/quote] Yeah, that makes sense. Need to think about how exactly when I have time.

[quote=CrystalChaos] If possible, could you add an option to receive notification for forum posts in moderated games? [/quote] As PackSciences said, just follow the games. Adding a duplicate option doesn't seem like a good idea. What may be a better idea is (an option) to automatically follow games you moderate (i.e. when you become a mod, you automatically follow the game. Unfollowing is still possible ofc). That might still be too specific to be worth implementing though.

[quote=YTXZ] Yesterday I didn't receive email notification about a run on a game i moderate on. I did get a notification on the site tho. [/quote] Sorry I didn't respond earlier, looked into it before but couldn't find a cause. Right now I'm thinking the issue was the same as psychonauter had, so saving the settings again should fix it.

[quote=psychonauter] For Super Mario Sunshine I still get notifications for IL (in this case single star) WRs on the website, even though those notifications are disabled in my sms follow settings and the default settings. [/quote] Thanks, it was a bug causing the old settings to not be replaced but added to when saving game specific notification settings. It's been fixed now, but you'll have the save the settings again to cause the old settings to be properly replaced now. Note that in your case I already did that for SMS to check it was actually fixed, but you still need to re-save any other games you've followed and have customized the game specific settings of.

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