is Elo near dead on SRC?
9 months ago

Act_ shows 10 staff names in his thread but it seems to me there are 2 low active (starsmiley, camcorder) and one high active (meta).

seems to me kawaiisocks is the newest member but already inactive, i thought there are only mod farmer out there but admin farmer seems to be possible too.

is Elo waiting for someone who could buy SRC?

Zanum to się podoba
Iowa, USA

You know that staff do other things to help the site besides help users right?

Also 3 of them listed say former staff

Zanum, ShikenNuggets, i grnts podobało się to

The staff are all paid employees working for Elo. There is no "admin farming". We can only speculate on what their individual responsibilities are, but yeah for obvious reasons there's a lot of work to do on/around the site that wouldn't involve directly interacting with users. Also worth noting that Elo is a very small company and runs four other websites, so a lot of the staff would also have responsibilities outside of SR.C entirely.

Klagarn, Walgrey i 3 inne podobało się to
Germany i found kawaiisocks on dotabuff active!

but no activity on SRC!

was SRC launched in 2013 or 2014? SRC has no "Elo Connect"!!!

Zanum to się podoba

Pac started working on it in late 2013 (his account was created Dec 9, 2013). Seems like it soft-launched for GoldenEye and Perfect Dark on March 13th, 2014, and fully launched on the 24th.

Klagarn, Gaming_64 i 3 inne podobało się to

dec 9... oha 10 years ago! i wonder what Pac is doing now?

Zanum to się podoba
North Carolina, USA

what is this thread lmfao

Zanum i grnts podobało się to

this thread confuses me

Zanum to się podoba
Indiana, USA

any thread started by a banned user confuses me. why are banned users allowed to make threads?

Zanum to się podoba

They're not. This thread is from over a month ago.

Zanum, Klagarn i 3 inne podobało się to


Zanum, SMOFan_5, i grnts podobało się to
North Carolina, USA

Zanum, SMOFan_5, i grnts podobało się to

KawaiiSocks CIS-region SRC site and discord mod if I'm not mistaken

Edytowane przez autor 7 months ago
Zanum to się podoba