Allow the ability to view games in a series as text
9 years ago
New York, USA

Currently, if you go to a series webpage, it lists all of the games using their box art. Then I went to the Final Fantasy series page and I actually got confused, due to the fact that some games are missing, as well as some of the box art lacking the actual title name. I feel that a good backup is just have the option to list the games as text. Another option is to have the name under each box art, which can be helpful as well for those who can't read Japanese for games that only came out in Japan(I'm not sure if this is currently an issue, but it can be).

United States

Yeah this should ideally be a thing in some form. I don't really think boxes are sufficient by themselves as a default. Option to only list text by default might be a good thing for user settings.


something to also consider is adding the title under the boxart for clarification

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