Leaderboards moderation requests thread
9 years ago

I'm a series mod for Nitrome games https://speedrun.com/nitrome and some of the people that used to moderate games are no longer active (Qazedt, Emericus, Flapx100). A run has been pending for over a month in a game that they moderate and they haven't been online in 1-4 months. Can I be added as a moderator to the games they moderate (as I am already a series mod and a mod of many other games in the series)? These games are: Parasite Dirk Valentine and the Fortesss of Steam Frost Bite Ditto Toxic The Glassworks Final Ninja Fault Line

YUMmy_Bacon5 i Gaming_64 podobało się to
United States

Was looking for supermod for https://www.speedrun.com/lisa_the_painful_rpg. Main mod (Jeepitou) has been inactive for a while and has been unresponsive to requests to update the leaderboard. I wouldn't mind it so much if it weren't for no response given to my request for it via the forums https://www.speedrun.com/lisa_the_painful_rpg/thread/ucwy3 (this thread has been up for over a year) along with Jeepitou not being on our speedrunning Discord. Seeing as he is the only super mod, this seems to make things a bit of a hindrance.

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
Alberta, Canada

@scoot_ Hey! Can you add me as mod to Citizens of Earth?! I've been trying to contact you forever!

It needs an update and I seem to be the only one running the game.

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
Lorraine, France

Thank you!

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
European Union

Regarding the Switch Board, if this is something the community would rather not exist (and be merged platform wise with another of the games) contact me or another site mod. Since it appears this was a vocal point of your first post also, and I don't believe it can be manually removed by anyone but site mods now.

Thank you for the help.

EDIT: @Liv Looks like the supermods were mistaken after all, so we would like to have https://www.speedrun.com/aacplus removed since we're just gonna use the regular board.

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
Andalusia, Spain


YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba

Savage brick the super moderator on spore GA has been inactive for 3 weeks there's no point trying to contact savage brick on YouTube since they don't read there youtube comments I sent savage brick a friend request on discord a few months ago they did not notice it and I have a full game spore GA run I want approved as well as the it came from the sky individual mission run i tied the world record of in my full game run so can savage brick be removed as the spore GA moderator and I added in there place? https://www.speedrun.com/Spore_Galactic_Adventures

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba

Yea mod someone on CoD4. I have a run on there that's still pending. Lo1ts doesn't do anything im pretty sure, owoisop is in the army according to The_VK, and Surviv0r comes by maybe like once a month.

UPDATE: ok yea i talked to surviv0r and he added me. going to start going through the queue today when i have free time (and website cooperates xd)

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
São Paulo, Brazil

Hello, I've been approved with my Quickie World 2 run. But I think I've made a mistake about the information and I want to know if any moderator could adjust for me.

It's about the location of the game. I've played the EUA version, not the EUR version that was in the leaderboard.


Thanks in advance.


YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
New Jersey, USA

@PepeSama You can contact a moderator of the game to fix it for you, or resubmit the run with the correct information. The former is preferred. This is not the thread for that.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Seydie, i Otterstone_Gamer podobało się to
Minnesota, USA

@PepeSama I think you should you post that in the forms for that game not here. You could also resubmit the run too.

YUMmy_Bacon5 i MinecraftGaming podobało się to
United States

@Liv at the time I posted it, he was 3 months inactive. You might have some logs or something to look at that. Then, 3 days later, he comes online, my post not read. 3 more days after that, you saw my report and he was no longer inactive. Could I be a super mod with him or something? Edit: What do you mean or how do you whisper? He doesn't have discord, only has youtube and twitch.

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba

Hello, the moderator for https://www.speedrun.com/cocoron seems to have been inactive on this site for 9 months. I checked their other sites listed on their profile but they don't seem to be very active in other places either, so I was hoping I could be added as a mod.

EDIT: I should also mention that I sent a twitter DM a few days ago with no response yet, but given that their last post was on feb 14th I'm feeling like it'll take a while before I get a response

Double edit: Thanks Liv! I've been taken care of.

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba

I am just going to bump my request for moderator on “Aim Time Trial by uLLeticaL” under the Counter-Strike series.

I would also like to bump my request for moderator under the maps created by uLLeticaL for CS:GO.

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba

Space Channel 5 Part 2 seems a bit down so wondering if I could request Mod on it since I do plan on submitting a run myself

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba

I wanna be a super mod in Donald Duck: Goin' Qauckers leaderboard


Actually I'm a verifier and the only super mod has lost his access to his account and is retired from speedrunning. I talked with him and he told me I should talk with somebody from the site to be moved to super mod. The reason of this is because there has been new runners and the game is active again and there're some changes that runners wanna do and also there're some new categories both Scorpi (the other verifier) and I wanna add for the game

YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
New South Wales, Australia

Been checking my pending actions for days and i don't seem whens this Mod post to verified my two game runs of megaman. https://www.speedrun.com/Mega_Man_The_Power_Battle https://www.speedrun.com/Mega_Man_2_The_Power_Fighters I check on the moderator and his been out for 4 or 5 months which i don't know when will he come back or not.This may be a issue here..

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba
Valencia, Spain

@ShinkenX Do you think we're blind or stupid?

His last login was 1 month ago.


Have you asked him? Tried to contact him through his social media he has in his profile?

It's not your first time you're trying to lie telling a wrong last login or the date you've submitted a run.

I don't know what you pretend with those lies and behaviour (like here http://prntscr.com/mxsgsq ), people like you shouldn't be a moderator.

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba

@Liv Bokoblins the super moderator on spore GA Savage brick has been inactive for 3 weeks there's no point trying to contact savage brick on YouTube since they don't read there youtube comments if they do they don't reply to them I sent savage brick a friend request on discord a few months ago because i was trying to contact them for different reasons in the past they did not notice it and I have a full game spore GA run I want approved as well as the it came from the sky individual mission run i tied the world record of in my full game run so can savage brick be removed as the spore GA moderator and I added in there place? https://www.speedrun.com/Spore_Galactic_Adventures

Edytowane przez autor 5 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 to się podoba