3 years ago
United States

Post any questions you have in this thread.

United States

I actually have a question - if I want to request leaderboard moderation via the support hub, which category should I put?

Shiinyu to się podoba

You mean for a game with a inactive moderator? Request Type: "Game and Series Request" Category: "Report inactive Moderator and request to be Moderator"

Shiinyu, Sandstorm187 i 2 inne podobało się to
New York, USA

If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Shiinyu to się podoba

KEKW is math related to science? KEKW

United States

@Delekates - both subjects are meaningless


KEKW are cats descendants of gods KEKW

Shiinyu to się podoba

This isn't the talk thread. Could we maybe try to keep this to site-related questions?

Shiinyu, Quivico, i Pear podobało się to