BTS Lovers can't comment on this thread
2 years ago

What is this? Is it legal????


It's a bot account, and it's better to just report them instead of replying in those threads.

Gaming_64 i Merl_ podobało się to
French Southern Territories

Now the thread is here permanently, even though the first post has been deleted. Does anyone know what the original post said?


The post was just your regular bot text with a link, and wasn't related to the title whatsoever.

Gaming_64, Pear, i Merl_ podobało się to
French Southern Territories

The bot actually seems to have taken inspiration from other titles in the talk forum, all of the "only longcats reply here" "only banned users can reply here" "only 3 character usernames reply here" threads, etc.

MrMonsh, Pear, i Oreo321 podobało się to

well i dont see any BTS lovers, so I think it's working

MrMonsh, Pear i 2 inne podobało się to
United States

I love watching Behind the Scenes videos.

MinecraftGaming, Merl_, i Oreo321 podobało się to
United States


New York, USA

I like the song Dynamite but don't really care for any of their other stuff so I guess I don't count

European Union

What is a "BTS"

European Union

Ok but seriously what is a "BTS"? Is it an anime?

French Southern Territories


European Union

What's kpop? It sounds like an anime.

Pear i Merl_ podobało się to