7 years ago
Ohio, USA

I've been looking for a controller display for a Gamecube controller for a while and i cant find one I've tried Padpyght but it doesn't work the R and L buttons move the C-Stick left and right. I was watching A+Starts video: at 4:26 there's the Gamecube controller I was wondering what that was I'm having a lot of trouble finding one that actually works I've used the website too and it glitches out the Gamecube controller in my stream! Anyway any help is appreciated.


If you want to do an input display from console, then you need to do a lot of things that include getting an extension cable for the controller, splitting the wires and soldering them to an adruino or a similar kinda board to read the inputs and then also sending them back out to the console. Then connecting that to your computer via USB and reading the inputs/putting them on a display with NintendoSpy software.

I probably butchered that explanation but basically, if you're not good with soldering, then you're probably gonna wanna find someone to commission to make you one (some people often make them and sell them). Otherwise, I think there are in depth guides out there on the exact process you need to go through to to fully build one from scratch.


For Gamecube specifically, there are 2 options.

You can either google for Nintendospy, and there is a thing for it. You need to be handy with soldering if you want to make it work.

Alternatively, my friend ZZattack creates an input display device called a Munia that he can sell. If you want one aswell, consider asking Powderedmilk (@srlmilk on twitter) towards buying one.

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