retime *8-4 SMBCE
7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Would someone care to time/validate my 10:44 run in this category at your convenience? thanks i really appreciate it -goofy


You're going to want to ask this in the forums of the game.

If the mods feel a need to frame count/retime in order to double check or in order to get the exact time, they will when they verify it, otherwise you'll be fine.

If you're talking about a mod verifying the run, just have patience. The mods will probably verify it once they get the chance to. There are a lot of active mods on that board so Im sure they'll get to it soon.

Oxknifer i goofychocobo podobało się to
Kentucky, USA

thanks Timmiluvs, makes sense. yeah I'm fine with waiting for the verification of the run. I just wanted to request a retime. im new to the forums so this was helpful. thanks again