Glitched missions and maps
Glitched missions and maps
Zaktualizowany 3 years ago przez DevastatorOne

All runs with glitched missions will be put in "Glitched" category.

To fix this, check your save files which can be found in C:\Users\Your_username\Documents\streumon\eye\Save If you find any files with a name of your previous characters, which ends with ".HL1" and ".HL2", delete them.

Every map has some sort of checkpoints where you continue your playthrough after quitting the game. For example, if you have finished almost all missions on "Electric Sheep" and quit your game, you will respawn near console at your base, from that point you need to use bandits' console and plant bombs to proceed further. You can glitch your game through all your characters and saves to think (even on "fresh new character") that you have completed this mission already. It will require manipulations with "dead" savefiles and i don't have any clue how to make it work, but it is still an interesting thing to discover.

Cave (cc_tuto) - very useful What happens: you respawn in front of Dutch, whole cave segment is skipped. Also, in a very rare cases, you can recieve from 10k to 30k brouzoufs when you fall down in the sewers with bandits (more often in multiplayer for some reason), but i'm not sure if this is a part of glitching. Absence of window with starting information at the very first seconds after loading on this map can be a sign of this. Very useful but implementation is unknown.

All Temples - unknown or doesn't exist

Wurster Corp (cc_tuto2) - useful What happens: Cassius will not appear, console for deactivation will be shown, less bandits near ladder.

New Eden (cc_new_eden) - useless What happens: Culter will not block doorway

Forgotten Center (cc_forgotten) - useful What happens: all bandits are dead, escape is available

Electric Sheep (cc_sheep) - very useful What happens: bandits that must be eliminated are dead

Vindico factory (cc_monolith) - useless, i can describe it as soft-softlock What happens: you respawn in data center with Dutch trying to send information to Secreta, all doors are locked, all turrets are destroyed. You may ask: "I don't want to reset my whole run. What should i do?". Well, wait for Dutch to finish his job and kill him when waves of metastreums will begin to respawn. Doors will be unlocked at this moment (probably).

Mars aka Noctis Labyrinthus (cc_noctis) - useless (not sure about this one, need more information) What happens:

  1. you respawn in front of deactivated Gates of Truth
  2. you respawn in front of the King
  3. you respawn near armory on main base

Fed's ship (cc_shadow) - unknown or doesn't exist

Fed's mission (cc_falling) - unknown or doesn't exist

Temple in Mentor's ending (cc_severed) - very useful What happens: you respawn near cave, every Rimanah's pillar is dead

Temple in Rimanah's ending (cc_dreams) - unknown or doesn't exist Probably the same as in Mentor's ending

cc_minos - unknown or doesn't exist

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