Suggestions for the categories and names
3 years ago
  • categories with "%" sign next to arbitrary names is discouraged, because it doesn't convey the meaning of the category.
  • Usually, "Any%" means starting a new game from scratch, and finishing it as fast as you can, no matter the rating or upgrades bought along the way. So, what is right now called "New game%" should actually be "any%".
  • The current "Any%" category, which means doing levels 1 to 15 in an exist savefile with whatever progression, isn't really Any%. That is usually called "New Game+" or "NG+" for short.
  • "No abilities%" - restricting the use of spells can be applied to any% run or NG+ run; it is a constraint that doesn't depends on the game type. So, one option is to split the "no abilities" category into two categories - any% no abilities, or NG+ no abilities. Second option, is to make a sub-category into the other two main categories.

Same remarks for all the map pack categories as well.

Gaming_64 to się podoba
Hamburg, Germany

"Any%, or fastest completion, refers to completing the game as quickly as possible, and often involves sequence breaking." - Wikipedia This game here has no NG+ function, it safes your progress, which isn't the case for every game. That is the reason why I implemented a NewGame category. So I don't really see your point

But yeah putting the NoAbilities category into the Any% and NewGame makes sense.


What I meant, is that "any%" usually always refer to starting a new game from scratch.

I know this game doesn't have "New Game plus" mode or something similar. However, "new game plus" in general usually refer to an in-game play mode where stuff like money, upgrade, abilities, etc are saved from your previous playthrough, and are carried over to the next playthrough. Doing a run from level 1 to level 15 AFTER you bought all the available upgrades and abilities, can essentially be "new game plus" in that regard.

Edytowane przez autor 3 years ago
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