3 years ago
Seattle, WA, USA

Mousetronsetup.exe has Malware.Sandbox.1 inside of it so RUN YOUR ANTIVIRUS IF YOU HAVE MOUSETRON

Georgia, USA


Georgia, USA

and i have Trend Micro so i dont have to worry about it

Hamilton, ON, Canada

*mushroom hahahahhaahhaha


Ummmm, I can tell you don't know anything about how programs work, Antivirus softwares check for malicious dlls in the program which is not even their code, it's just the name, Mousotron has to use a Sandbox in order to track down your mouse clicks, Anti-virus softwares take this as a malware because most malicious softwares use sandboxes to mine crypto etc. It's just a false-positive. Mousotron is completetly safe.

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