Precision and Rule clarification
9 months ago

Hey there fellow speedromatics,

I ve got two suggestions for the 2k points category.

  1. Maybe we should start measuring in milliseconds as well.
  2. Change the Rule "Timer starts on First Tile Placed" to "Timer starts on First Point counted". This way we get more precision. Which would be nice, especially for the 2k point category.

At the moment im starting livesplit on the same time as i click, but that is rather hard to check with video. Since we got autosplitter now, which is starting to count on the first point, i think it would be good to change the rule as well.

Whats your opinion?

I hope you understand my broken english, i tried ^^.

Ellimist i Endunry podobało się to
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

I totally agree with the milioseconds part.

And for the First point counted i dont really see wheres the difference tho, i mean yeah technically if you place your first tile with two wrong edges you get zero points and its different but other than that its kind of the same (?)

I actually created a AutoSplitter so you dont have to manually start/stop/reset the timer, i currently actually use the points to determine the game state so i guess your 2nd suggestion makes sense aswell.


Well, the second point is basically the same. The difference is, if you go through the video frame by frame, you can pinpoint the exact frame.

But you re right, if you use autosplit, this is not necessary. But if, for whatever reason, you dont use it, this would.

Hawaii, USA

Both items are good ideas. I had planned to add MS when we got down to the real "one second difference" times, I just didnt expect it to happen this fast :).

Also going to add requirement to have LiveSplit up on screen during the run. And recommend people use the Auto Splitter (side note: Thank you Endunry for adding the Auto splitter!, you rock!)

Endunry to się podoba
Pennsylvania, USA

Also on a less serious speedrun note. I always enjoy a highscore category more for the fun of it.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

Same, or what i would really enjoy is something like a Puzzler Category: Highest Count of tiles without misplacing the edges. A Leaderboard already exists on steam (though i dont know if one can play Dorfromantik on another platform tbh)

Umikron to się podoba
Pennsylvania, USA

oooooooo a perfection category does sound fun. But I agree any highscores here are mostly just for friendly competition since Steam has em too.

Endunry to się podoba
Hawaii, USA

Sorry all but I think High Score categories are not allowed per SRC rules.

There is a little bit of consternation with the AutoSplit also, looking into what to do about it. Essentially the Auto Splitter stops the time when you reach 2000 points, however its when the points are Earned, rather than tallied over. So far Ive been counting the end time as when the 2000 point rolls over and is displayed in the top right. Depending on how many points the last tile is worth, this can actually be a substantial time difference.

Wanted to see what the community thought about matters. To me the 2k Points display was an additional verification against cheating, but that idea might just be silly.

Hawaii, USA

Also just so everyone is filled in on the current timing methodology I use to determine times:

I watch your YouTube video, and I use the period and comma buttons to advance to the exact frame that the number 1 and number 2000 appear in the top right. Then I right click the video, copy debug info, and look at the "cmt" value which is the current timestamp down to the MS. Then a little bit of math to see how much between them, and that determines final time.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

rather than tallied over

The "tailed over" is 'just' an animation. The Autosplitter uses the Point-State of the game and does not somehow "count" the points itself. The Game just displays the points in a delay.

Programmatically the moment you place the tile that gets you to e.g 2k, the points-variable ingame is set to the new point-count, but the displayed value (top right) has a little animation in it that probably lerps from the old to the new value. Now its the question do we count the displayed points as the actual "points" that should be reached, or the internal point-variable.

I think setting the last tile that gets you internally on 2k is a better trigger to determine the final time. it doesnt really change anything with cheating aswell i think. You can still validate that the last tile actually gave the correct amount of points and the video should include the counter at the top right reaching the correct amount of points. Maybe im biased tho because its way easier to write the autosplitter on the internally set point variable.

Ellimist to się podoba
Hawaii, USA

Those reasons make sense, the main reason I prefer the point count visible rollover is because its much easier to determine the exact frame when someone is not using the Autosplitter, and I dont want to make the Autosplitter mandatory. Otherwise (I think) I have to rely on the placement sound / best guess it when the tile has been placed if not autosplitting.

Endunry to się podoba
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

Ohhh yeah you have a point.

I mean if the last tile placed is having a matching edge you can determine the placement by looking at the indicator. When it "glows" white its not placed yet. Idk how sufficient this trigger is tho.


the exact frame that the number 1 and number 2000

Im with you on this Ellimist, for the same reason you described. Its much easier to determine when the exact frame is. Endurny, do you think it is somehow possible to change the autosplitter accordingly? despite the mismatch i will use the autosplitter for future runs. As you said, endurny, you dont have to worry about starting and stopping the timer and you still get an estimated time.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

I can look into it, if there is another pointer that holds the transitional value

Baden-Württemberg, Germany
He/Him, They/Them
9 months ago

Mh i looked for a while, but without getting too much into detail... I cant find a consistent pointer that holds the transitional value that i can use...

But i agree in general, its more consistent to time for the frame at the top right, but i might look deeper into it if i can somehow access that transition value aswell but i think for the near future the autosplitter will be inacurate in this regard, sorry :(

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