Saint Helenavalidgoblin7 months ago

So I have been watching speed runs for a long time, never done one. But I play LOTRO a lot...

So I though "hey I can try speed run lotro"

Obviously I can do the categories that are there but I started thinking about ESO veteran dungeon categories, and I thought, that would be fun.

But my issues is if you do a run and set a WR on something then a class is massively nerfed or buffed over different updates, is it really possible for people to compete?

Like in generally in a game that's always changing with updates is it actually possible to do most speed runs?

Obviously things like Pie running it can work, but for anything where different patches means different viability, not being able to use ab older version makes it unfair if the older version was better for the run.

I know all of this is probably obvious, just been thinking about it.

Over validgoblin
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The Lord of the Rings Online
The Lord of the Rings Online
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